Dragon wife and phoenix husband

Chapter 331 Trapped in the Demon Town Tower

Chapter 331 Trapped in the Demon Town Tower (3)
He wanted to scratch her nose as punishment, but when his finger touched her white jade-like nose bridge, he still couldn't bear it, so he had to rub the pulp of his finger on her nose bridge and her face.However, in the next second, she held his hand tightly, and he took a tight breath, thinking that she had woken up.But she still closed her eyes tightly, but kept muttering in her mouth: "Feng Jun, Feng Jun, don't go, don't go."

Hearing her non-stop whispering, he only felt a sudden pain in his heart. "It seems that she misses you very much." A very indifferent voice suddenly came from outside the forest, but it was a red-eyed monk in white clothes walking towards them.

Ah San of India saw him and immediately stood up from the ground.

The white-clothed monk's strange red eyes lingered for a moment at Song Ling who was still lying among the flowers, and then looked at India's Ah San and said, "I didn't expect you to come here anyway, didn't you say that everything here will be handed over to you?" give it to me?"

India Ah San's four pupils were filled with annoyance, "But she was taken into the tower by the Zhenyao Tower just now, and none of you even knew about it."

The monk in white was a little surprised and said: "I really don't know. The Demon Suppressing Tower has always been useful only for demons. How could you take her in? Could it be that she is going to become a demon like you?"

Ah San's tone suddenly became tense: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

The white-clothed monk sighed softly, "You always have a playful smile on your face, why do you lose control when you meet her? I think even if she doesn't become a demon, she will become your demon." He walked towards Song Ling who was still asleep, bent down and picked her up from the ground.

Seeing Song Ling being held in another man's arms, India's Ah San immediately asked angrily, "What are you going to do?"

The monk in white said lightly: "Of course I took her back. You don't know that the god of war is looking for her now, and he looks crazy." There was still a smile, "The devil is still in Miaojiang. If he succeeds in winning over Wanshizhi and the great wizard of Miaojiang, then all our plans will be over. If you really want to be with her, don't do it now." Sentimental."

India Ah San suddenly laughed and said, "Of course I know this. But I also want to persuade you, you are a monk now, and a monk can't be emotional."

He was satisfied to see the white-clothed monk's complexion changed, and he laughed more freely.Then he yelled "Good donkey", and the donkey rattled over.Indian Ah San deftly jumped onto the donkey's back, and when the donkey had already taken off, he turned back to the monk in white and said, "Take good care of her for me."

The white-clothed monk nodded and said: "The poor monk will take care of himself. The poor monk will also watch over the god of war for you, so that you won't lose your wife and lose your army."

Ah San of India glared at him. When the donkey was flying into the sky, he suddenly heard another murmur from below, "Feng Jun, Feng Jun..." His breathing was stagnant, but he still closed it tightly. Eye.

When Song Ling woke up, she found that she was lying on the bed. As soon as she opened her eyes, she felt that her hand was being held tightly.Song Ling turned her head and saw that Night Breeze was holding her hand and sitting beside her bed, but he was already asleep.A black shadow hung down from the long eyelashes. It was the first time Song Ling noticed that his eyelashes were so long, like a fan.This was the first time she saw him sleeping. She used to think that he was the God of War in the God Realm, as if he was a mountain that would stand forever. The emotions and desires of mortals had almost nothing to do with him, so she would sleep when she saw him. It seems to be an extremely strange thing.

She looked at him for a while, and Night Breeze opened his eyes suddenly, seeing her looking at him, his face was a little embarrassed, he let go of her hand, "Are you awake?"

Song Ling sat up from the bed, looked around and said, "Did you save me? I was taken into the tower by the Demon Suppressing Tower, but why can't I get out?"

Night Breeze paused, and said again, "It was Taoist Master Lingqiu who handed over the Town Demon Pagoda to Feng Jun. Feng Jun found you and rescued you."

Song Ling was shocked, "He rescued me, so where is he now?"

"He said he was going to go to Kunlun Mountain with the Demon-Suppressing Pagoda, and personally went to plead guilty to the Emperor of Heaven. Now, he should be saying goodbye to Taoist Lingqiu."

As soon as he finished speaking, he realized that Song Ling had already rushed out like an arrow that had left the string.Night Breeze looked at his palm, which still had the warmth of her palm on it, but his heart was cold.

Song Ling ran over in a hurry, and sure enough, he saw a bald man in white surrounded by a group of Taoists.Song Ling rushed over and called out, "Feng Jun!"

However, he didn't even look at her. He just smiled slightly at Taoist Lingqiu and said, "Thank you, Taoist Lingqiu, for donating the demon-suppressing pagoda to help us in the God Realm to fight against demons. When the three worlds restore peace, the poor monk will definitely invite you to play her." His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven has sealed Luoyun Temple as the number one temple in the world."

Daoist Lingqiu touched his beard and said, "It is the incumbent duty of the Taoist school to eliminate demons and defend the Tao. How dare a poor Taoist still ask for credit? It's just that if the master needs help from Luoyun Temple in the future, Luoyun Temple will go through fire and water, and will not refuse."

The monk in white raised his right palm and said, "Amitabha, the poor monk once again thanked the Taoist priest. Farewell!"

There was a long stone step leading down the mountain from Lingyun Peak. After he bid farewell to the Taoist priests at Lingyun Peak, he walked down the stone step by step.But soon, he was stopped by a girl.

Song Ling looked up at him, she saw him as a monster, handsome, and even ruthless after becoming a demon, but she had never seen him so indifferent, so indifferent that he seemed to really abandon everything.

Seeing Song Ling stop him, the monk in white still smiled slightly and said, "The body of the benefactor is better?"

Song Ling still looked at him with fixed eyes, and it took a long time before she uttered three words, "Why?"

The monk in white smiled and asked, "Why?"

Song Ling took a deep breath: "I ask why you did this? Those three thousand red hairs, are you atoning for yourself, or are you trying to torture me? I'm not afraid even if you become a cold-blooded and ruthless devil, because sooner or later I will I will think of ways to get you back. But you are my husband, if you do this, what do you want me to do? What do you want me to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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