Dragon wife and phoenix husband

Chapter 341 Sleeping with the Devil

Chapter 341 Sleeping with the Devil (5)
Ah San from India asked in surprise, "The antidote?"

Song Ling's expression immediately darkened, "A friend of mine was poisoned by the dragon mother's snake poison. If he doesn't get the antidote within seven days, he will die from the poison. So I must get it from the dragon mother. The antidote, but I can’t see right now, so it must be easy to pass me by as the Dragon King. Can you help me? As long as I get the antidote, I will definitely thank you very much.”

The Indian Ah San suddenly fell silent.Song Ling waited for him for a long time without waiting for him to reply, thinking that he had left quietly.She stretched out her hand and scratched randomly, but she touched something that was slightly fleshy, slightly hard, and slightly firm. Song Ling trembled, and quickly withdrew her hand.

"Dragon Girl, is my nose easy to touch?"

Song Ling's face turned red. She didn't expect to touch the nose of the Indian Ah San, and she also didn't expect that the nose of the Indian Ah San with a big beard and messy face was quite good.

As soon as this thought occurred to him, Song Ling's face turned even redder.She was a few minutes away from Ah San in India, and said, "How is it? Are you willing to help me?"

Indian Asan said casually: "If you can help Dragon Girl, I would naturally not be willing to do it. It's just that Dragon Girl overestimated me, and I don't know that kind of transformation spell."

There will be no ghosts!Song Ling said: "It doesn't matter if you don't know, stand still." She said silently, pointing her finger at the Indian Ah San.After a few seconds, she immediately said, "Okay, stand over and let me see."

India's San's tone was a little impatient, "Dragon girl can't see it? What do you want to see?"

"Turn around!" Seeing that he was unwilling to cooperate with her, Song Ling simply turned him around rudely and touched his back. Sure enough, the Indian Ah San was even more bent than a camel and his back was gone. .But when her fingers touched his back, she clearly felt his body temperature spreading across her palm through the material.Moreover, she didn't expect his back to be so broad, and she even couldn't help but have the idea of ​​leaning her head gently on this broad back.

"Dragon girl, have you touched enough?"

India Ah San's playful voice immediately woke Song Ling up. She let out an "ah" and retracted her hand as if it had been burned.She would feel ashamed herself. It seemed that in less than a minute, she "molested" the Indian Ah San twice intentionally or unintentionally.

Ah San of India also said: "Where is the mirror? I heard that Ao Moqing, the dragon king of the East China Sea, is a rare handsome man. I want to see what I look like now?"

"Beautiful!" Song Ling cursed softly, "It doesn't look like you at all! Let's go find Dragon Mother quickly. If I get the antidote, I will definitely thank you very much."

The Indian Ah San stopped in her tracks.Song Ling asked in surprise, "What's wrong? You won't help me?"

Indian Asan said: "Since it's a beauty trick, then it's fine to go alone, without any vassals. Dragon Girl can stay here and wait for my good news."

He was a little pushy just now, but now he dares to go to the meeting alone.Song Ling said, "Are you sure you can do it?"

Ah San of India laughed and said, "No way, Dragon Girl won't be here anymore."

Song Ling curled her lips and said nothing. We really had no choice but to find you.

Ah San from India yelled "Good donkey", and his old and ugly flying donkey was running towards him cheerfully carrying Hong'er on its back.

Indian Ah San took a deep look at Song Ling, "Actually, Tianmo Mountain and Kunlun Mountain are not completely separated. There is a rainbow bridge connecting the westernmost part of Tianmo Mountain. Appeared. So no matter if it’s from the Demon Realm or the God Realm, few people go there. Just take Hong’er and wait there, and wait for me to get the antidote before thinking of countermeasures.”

Although the voice was a rough middle-aged male voice, his tone full of advice was so familiar, Song Ling's heart trembled, and he said, "No, I'm still worried, I want to go with you. Or I can turn into a bug Put it in your sleeve. The Dragon Mother's Scarlet Flame Sea Serpent is extremely powerful, what if you can't deal with her after wearing it?"

Ah San from India smiled lightly: "Don't worry."

As soon as these three words were finished, there was no aura that belonged to him anymore.Song Ling knew that he was gone, she opened her palm slightly, although her eyes still couldn't see anything, that firm nose, that broad back, her palm was still warm, that wonderful touch, There will still be circles of throbbing in her heart.

"Sister." Hong'er, who was sitting on India Ah San's donkey, yelled softly when she saw that Song Ling seemed to be in a daze.Song Ling came back to his senses, jumped onto the donkey's back, stroked Hong'er's hair and said, "Let's go, let's go to Hongqiao and wait for him."

Ah San's donkey in India is also extremely humane. As soon as Song Ling sat on it, he flew straight to the west.Song Ling patted the donkey's head and said, "My dear donkey, where did you come from? I have ridden on a flying horse before, and now I have met a flying donkey. Back then, the horse had wings, but you didn't even have wings." , it seems to be even stronger than Tianma."

Song Ling babbled for a while, but the donkey listened and shook his body in displeasure, almost knocking Song Ling off.Song Ling was puzzled and said: "You are still angry when you praise you. No wonder others say that the donkey has a temper? This donkey really has a bad temper."

After a while, Song Ling heard Hong'er say, "Wow, is that a rainbow? It's so beautiful!"

Song Ling was taken aback, did they arrive at Hongqiao?Ah San in India said that the Hongqiao will only appear after the rain has cleared, but it was obviously not raining just now.

Judging from the name, Hongqiao should be an extremely beautiful place, but from the moment Song Ling landed, he felt a deep chill sweeping across the sky.Especially now that she can't see things with both eyes, that feeling is even stronger.

Sensing that Hong'er's small body was shaking from the cold, Song Ling hugged her a little tighter, and said softly, "My dear Hong'er, tell sister, what's going on around here?"

"Sister, we are standing on the cliff, but there are many clouds in front of us, and there is a rainbow above the clouds. But isn't the rainbow in the sky? Why is it under our feet?"

This rainbow is exactly that Hongqiao.Song Ling naturally couldn't hear anything from a little girl who was a few years old. She just wanted to tear off the white silk from her eyes.Just when she was upset, Hong'er exclaimed again: "Sister, why is there a person standing on the rainbow?"

(End of this chapter)

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