Dragon wife and phoenix husband

Chapter 342 Sleeping with the Devil

Chapter 342 Sleeping with the Devil (6)
Song Ling subconsciously looked forward, but had no choice but to make more intimate contact with the white silk on the eyes.She suddenly felt the cold air getting closer and closer to her, and she immediately understood, she hugged Hong'er tightly in her arms first, and said: "Hong'er, don't look at this person's face later. eyes, you know?"

Speaking of which, Song Ling raised her head and said in the direction of the person, "I always thought that even if you were a bit weird, you were at least a good person. It seems that I was wrong."

This person is the great wizard of Miaojiang.After listening to Song Ling's words, he still said word by word in extremely non-standard Chinese: "I, now, am, yes, a good person. I, didn't, thought that you, would, would, come, here You, yes, know that tomorrow, the Tengu, the eclipse of the moon, yes, the devil, is specially preparing for you."

His voice sounded like bursts of cold smoke.Song Ling thought that when he was closest to her, her mouth was the coldest.But she didn't expect that when he walked to her side, she felt a faint coolness spreading from her body to her skin.

She knew that this was the effect of the water spirit orb, but why did the water spirit orb resonate with the great wizard of Miaojiang who she still thinks is very mysterious?
Song Ling suppressed the strange feeling that came up suddenly, and said, "What did you say? Didn't the Demon Lord want to knock down Kunlun Mountain and release the demonic energy suppressed by Tianzhu? What does this have to do with me? Is he still alive?" The power to fight the five creation artifacts?"

The great wizard said: "Creation, power, who, no, heart-moving, not to mention, yes, ambition, vigorous, yes, the devil. The devil, for you, designed, good, everything, and, I, yes, for you , come to save you."

"Save me?" Just now, she still felt that the traitor claimed to be her savior in the blink of an eye. Song Ling laughed secretly, "Why did you save me, and how did you save me?"

The great wizard said: "Because, you are, the saint."

This reason is really far-fetched.Song Ling lowered her head and said to Hong'er: "Hong'er, see if that bearded man is here, why has he been gone for so long?"

"Hongqiao, opposite, is God Realm. You, as long as you stay in Kunlun Mountain, tomorrow night, you will be safe."

If she had been the timid woman before, Song Ling would have escaped immediately without hesitation.But now, she still has a lot of responsibilities on her shoulders, and she will never walk away just because of a few words from others.

"Since the devil is planning to target me, even if I go to Kunlun Mountain, he will definitely try his best to go to Kunlun Mountain to force me out, so what difference does it make if I go or not?"

The great wizard looked down at the Rainbow Bridge in the clouds, "The Rainbow Bridge can only appear when it rains and the sky is clear. And here, it is the most dry place of the demon, the mountain, the four seasons, almost, No rain. This, under the cliff, is, for ten thousand years, the ice pool, if there is no Hongqiao, anyone, can’t pass. So, you, don’t worry.”

Song Ling asked curiously: "You said that there is no rain all year round, so how could Hongqiao appear? Could it be that you also have the function of rain?"

"I heard that the great wizard of Miaojiang has the most peculiar pair of eyes in the world. Not only are there icy cold eyes in the eyes, but also whenever he shed tears, it will rain cats and dogs from the sky. Even the members of my dragon clan may not have such eyes. It’s a skill. The appearance of Hongqiao, which is rare this year, is probably due to the great wizard.”

It was Dragon Mother who suddenly appeared here.I don't know how the Indian Asan did things. He said that he was asked to pretend to be the dragon king and use the beauty trick to seduce the dragon mother and get the antidote. Why did the dragon mother come, but he has not disappeared yet?
"However, there won't be a dog eclipsing the moon today, and the great wizard's tears are still there. When he successfully knocks down Kunlun Mountain tomorrow night, maybe the little devil will be happy to teach the great wizard's Hanyin the Three Realms." The first teaching."

It turned out that Moyin personally went to Miaojiang to invite the great wizard Hanyin to teach for this reason.Tears can turn rain, she had only heard it in stories before.She suddenly wanted to take a closer look and see what was in the great wizard's eyes.

After Dragon Mother appeared, Song Ling felt that the treasure chest in his arms was restless.Last time, she was too careless to let Dragon Mother hurt her.Now, although she still doesn't know how to use the full power of the five creation artifacts, she has the absolute confidence to subdue Dragon Mother because of the powerful instinct of the artifacts.

After making up his mind, Song Ling went straight to the point and said, "I was looking for you, so you took the initiative to send me to the door. You want to bump into Kunlun Mountain, have you asked my opinion?"

Mother Long said disdainfully: "Young girl, you speak very loudly, don't your eyes hurt now?"

Song Ling immediately remembered Ye Feng who had turned into an ice sculpture at this time, and she couldn't help feeling a little hatred in her heart. She directly put Hong'er on the back of Ah San's donkey in India, and then walked to Mother Long step by step. before.

Every time she took a step, the power radiating from her body seemed to grow stronger.Mother Long seemed to be intimidated by her, she was worried secretly, the little devil knew that this girl is not what she used to be, and he wanted her to come here alone to see her, and he didn't know what his plan was.

Fortunately... a sly light flashed across her eyes.However, compared to the arrogance just now, her whole body suddenly exudes a completely different aura.

Song Ling also felt her aura, so she stopped in her tracks, wanting to see how cunning this cunning Dragon Mother could be.

"Do you know that we have no grievances and no enmity, except for His Majesty's promise to that little devil to do some things I don't want to do, I have nothing to do with you, but I still hate you, you know why ?"

Song Ling's lips twitched: "You won't tell me it's because of jealousy, right? But if I remember correctly, His Majesty the Dragon King doesn't like me."

Mother of Dragon raised her voice a little bit, "He doesn't like you, but do you know why he has been so nice to you since the first day you came to Dragon Palace? Because the feeling on your body is too similar to that person's." Like."

Song Ling paused, not knowing whether to be ashamed or ashamed.The person Long Mu mentioned was naturally the Dragon King's first love, Ruoyu, a girl who was as pure and flawless as the clear water in the south of the Yangtze River.Although she has always been narcissistic, she doesn't seem to be narcissistic to this extent. Although she would like to have the feeling exuded by Ruoyu, she really doesn't have it.

(End of this chapter)

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