Dragon wife and phoenix husband

Chapter 346 The Memory of the Demon Monarch

Chapter 346 The Memory of the Demon Monarch (2)
Song Ling first took out the Lingji lock and removed the big iceberg on her body. When the silver glow of the water spirit pearl gradually radiated from her body and spread to Moyin's body, the sign that hadn't happened for a long time reappeared.She was in a completely different place from where she was a second ago.

Every time she heals someone with water spirit beads, she can inadvertently intrude into the memory of the wounded, Dongxu Shangxian and Dieyi, Zier and Tiandi, Shuihua Fairy and Yuanzun Shangxian, Sun God Chibing With Empress Nuwa, Su Liang'an and Taoran, every memory is a song of true love that moves heaven and earth.Unexpectedly, after so long, she was going to pursue the memory of the magic sound.Song Ling paused for a moment. This time, wouldn't she have witnessed the sadomasochistic relationship between the little Zhengtai Demon Lord and some banshee fairy or woman?

Where she stopped was in front of a sea of ​​coquettish flowers that looked like they were about to bleed.This is Manjushahua from the demon world.At that time, she met Moyin for the first time, and it was also in front of Manzhushahuahuahai.At that time, with a weapon in his hand, he scolded her childishly not to touch these flowers.At that time, she only thought that he was a somewhat cute little gentleman, but she never thought that he would be the all-powerful demon king of the demon world.

Although it was in an illusion at this time, the manjusawa flower in front of him was the most gorgeous bloom Song Ling had ever seen.Moreover, she even smelled a faint fragrance filling the air.As the flower of the Demon Realm, Manjusawa is enchanting and beautiful, but it has no fragrance. How could she smell the fragrance of Manjusawa at this moment?And when her whole body was permeated by the fragrance of this flower, her injured body seemed to be less painful. More importantly, her eye mask was not covered with a layer of blood mist, but could see everything in front of her eyes. I can see clearly.Is this because she is in an illusion, or is she recovering without medicine?

Song Ling walked around the sea of ​​flowers and stood beside the Tianhe River. At this time, the Tianhe River in the Demon Realm was still blood-red, but compared to what she had seen in the Demon Realm before, it seemed much calmer.

Song Ling stood for a while, and suddenly heard footsteps not far away.With a heartbeat, she finally came.The sound of these footsteps was extremely heavy every time, and it didn't seem to be a magic sound.Song Ling turned his head and saw a face that was exactly the same as that of the magic voice, but Song Ling could be sure that he was not the magic voice.Although the facial features on that face are the same as those of the magic voice, but compared to the magic voice, it is still a bit immature. This face has been sculpted by the years and has a more mature charm.The magic sound has always given her the feeling of evil, but although this person walks heavily, every step reveals an intriguing aura, without anger and majesty, this is probably the real courage of the devil king of the devil world.

Song Ling walked into Moyin's memory, but did not expect to see his father, Lao Mojun.In line with the principle of nympho, Song Ling couldn't help but take a few more glances at this once all-powerful old devil.Sure enough, mature men are more attractive, Song Ling was watching with relish, when suddenly she saw the old devil's cold black eyes stop on her body.

Song Ling's heart skipped a beat, no way, did the old devil see her?But she is now in Moyin's memory, how could the old devil see her?

The old devil's black eyes stayed on her all the time, Song Ling forgot to move because of extreme shock, just watched the old devil walking towards her step by step, but the old devil was only one step away from her. At that moment, Song Ling finally came to his senses and subconsciously took a few steps back.Suddenly, the Old Demon Lord said leisurely: "Are you here?"

Song Ling said "ah", could it be that the old devil has been waiting for her in his son's memory?Countless thoughts ran through her mind, but suddenly a voice as touching as the fragrance of flowers sighed behind her: "Of course I want to come, if I don't come, why don't I watch you do stupid things?"

Song Ling paused, then turned around abruptly, and saw a woman in a fiery red dress standing less than five centimeters away from her.Such a bewitching and unrestrained color, when worn on this woman's body, it will give a feeling of calmness like water, and her face is as demure as Bitan, so beautiful that it makes people sigh.

It turned out that the old devil had been looking at the woman in the red skirt just now, and even though she was separated between them, she automatically turned into air sadly.

Although she was air in their eyes, Song Ling didn't think of herself as air, so she still walked aside.Surrounded by a gorgeous manjusawa, standing there are two people who seem to have stepped out of the painting. For such a beautiful thing, if there is no story, I am really sorry for the atmosphere.

The Demon Lord was still looking deeply at the woman in the red dress standing in front of him, and suddenly said: "I thought this piece of manjusawa was the last thing you left me. Didn't you say that you will never want to see it again in this life?" Have you seen Gu? Gu knows that you can't forget Gu, no matter what Gu has done? You can't do without Gu, right?"

Before Song Ling had time to feel the old devil's narcissism, the originally calm and sighing face of the woman in the red dress was suddenly shrouded in a faint annoyance.She snorted softly: "You're thinking wrong, if it wasn't to persuade you not to do stupid things, not to hurt my husband? Do you think I would still come to see you?"

The Demon Lord took a few steps back, with deep disbelief on his face, "What did you say? Husband? Who is your husband?"

The woman in the red dress sighed softly: "His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor has decreed to marry me and Brother Wan. I will marry him in half a month. I know that you have sent troops in the devil world to harm Brother Wan, so I came here on purpose. Looking for you, for the sake of our acquaintance, let Brother Wan go, let go God Realm!"

The Demon Lord sneered a few times, and suddenly grabbed the woman in the red dress's hand tightly, and said with a sneer, "You said everything that happened in the past, you can only use the words 'acquaintance' to describe it, since it was just an acquaintance, Then why do you still want to sell your face?"

The woman in the red dress opened her mouth, but before she could speak, the Demon Lord suddenly let go of her hand and strode away, but his voice was still in the air full of fragrance of flowers, "You go, Gu never forced A woman does what she doesn't want to do. It's just Wan Xingyun, your good brother Wan, his head is definitely decided!"

Seeing the demon lord go away decisively, Song Ling also sighed, why every time she enters other people's memory, what she sees are episodes of sadomasochism?It seems that it is better for her to make less progress in the future.It's just that what she doesn't understand is that what she entered is obviously the memory of Moyin, but why what she sees is the events of Moyin's father's generation?Even if the demon lord already has a wife and a baby named Moyin, what she sees should always revolve around Moyin. What about the sadomasochistic love history of the woman in the red dress?

(End of this chapter)

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