Dragon wife and phoenix husband

Chapter 347 The Memory of the Demon Monarch

Chapter 347 The Memory of the Demon Monarch (3)
According to past experience, the Demon Lord was irritated by the woman in the red dress and left in a huff. The place where Song Ling was standing should also be changed, but she still stood where she was.

The woman in the red skirt stood there all the time, with the blood-red sky above her head, the blood-red Tianhe water and manjusawa on both sides, plus the long skirt on her body, she stood there quietly, as if she wanted to be integrated with everything around her.Song Ling knew that although she had said so many unfeeling words to the devil, judging from her eyes, she still loved the devil.Song Ling was suddenly curious about the identity of this woman. What kind of woman could be entangled with the Demon Lord, but also allow the Emperor of Heaven to personally grant her a marriage?
She suddenly squatted down, the woman who was still resolute just now shrunk herself into a small ball, as if a gust of wind could blow her away.After a long time, she plucked a manjusawa from the nearby flowers.Song Ling was a little surprised, this manjushahua was magical, and anyone who touched it would forget all the past, but the woman in the red dress seemed to be admiring an ordinary flower, there was nothing unusual at all.

Song Ling became very curious. Since the Tianhe water in the demon world, which can melt steel and iron, would not have any effect on her, she would not have any bad results if she touched the Manzhu Shahua.

She bent down and wanted to pick a manjusawa and put it in her hand to study and study, but before her hand touched the petals of the manjusawa, a strong wind suddenly came, and then a scene changed around her.

There is a thick fairy fog all around, and there are pavilions and pavilions faintly seen in the fairy fog.Song Ling couldn't be more familiar with this place, it was the Nine Layers Hall.But how did she come here?
Song Ling walked for a while, and saw himself in front of a mansion in the God Realm, and at the other end, the woman in the red skirt was slowly walking over.

It turned out that she was really a fairy from the God Realm.A goddess was entangled with the demon king of the demon world, and Song Ling felt that this play was worth watching.Song Ling raised her head and glanced at the mansion in front of her. It looked majestic from the outside, although she also felt that it was a big grammatical error to describe the building as majestic.

When the woman in the red dress walked in front of the mansion, the door was automatically opened, and a person dressed like a fairy boy came out.As soon as the fairy boy saw the woman in the red dress, he said: "Fairy, you are back. The fairy has been worried for a long time. He was about to look for you, but you just came back."

The woman in the red dress slightly raised her head: "Brother Wan, is he in there?"

The fairy boy laughed and said: "It's strange for the fairy to ask this. This is the residence of the Shangxian, and it's not the time for the Lingxiao Palace to go up. If the Shangxian is not here, where else can he go?"

The woman in the red skirt gave a faint "oh".Song Ling looked aside with her chin resting on her chin. She felt that since the demon king left, the woman in the red skirt seemed to be out of focus.

The woman in the red skirt walked in slowly, and Song Ling had no choice but to follow her slowly.The fairy energy from the Nine Layers Palace is really a good thing, and she feels that her body is much better again.

When the woman in the red skirt was walking in front of a hut, there was a clear voice from inside, "Hongxiu, are you back?"

Song Ling was taken aback for a moment. Could this voice be the Emperor of Heaven?But the Emperor of Heaven has never married a wife, how could he make a marriage contract with this fairy named Hongxiu?And the fairy boy outside was still calling out to the Immortals and Immortals.

Song Ling suddenly had a flash of inspiration as he thought about it, could it be...

Hongxiu walked into the hut slowly, and a black-haired man in white was painting on the desk with his back facing her. Just looking at his back, it was like a very elegant landscape painting, but people couldn't move their eyes away.

Hearing footsteps behind him, the man in white turned his head.Song Ling's eyes widened, it really was him!She should have thought about it a long time ago, Wanshizhi, Wanxingyun, and Night Breeze had told her that Wanshizhi was actually the younger brother of the Emperor of Heaven, so Hongxiu's fiancé was the omniscient Wanshizhi hidden in Miaojiang.

His eyes are clear now, his legs and feet are intact, and his cheeks are not as skinny as Song Ling first saw. He still holds an ink-dropped brush in his hand, smiling slightly, and his eyebrows and eyes are indeed seven points like the Emperor of Heaven.

Hong Xiu looked at him and called out in a low voice, "Brother Wan."

Wan Xingyun sighed softly, "You are pregnant now, how can you run around? You don't love yourself, you should love the flesh and blood in your belly. Come here, I'll take your pulse. "

Song Ling was surprised to look at Hongxiu's flat belly over and over again, and there was actually a little life conceived here.Giving birth out of wedlock, this red-sleeved fairy is really fashionable.It's just whose seed is in her stomach?Song Ling suddenly understood, if Hongxiu was pregnant with Wan Xingyun's child, why would she have followed Hongxiu to the Nine Layers Hall?

Song Ling once again stared deeply at Wan Xingyun with admiring eyes. She has always regarded herself as a great and kind saint, but today she also met a holy father.His fiancée had already given him a cuckold, yet he could ask her about the condition of his fetus in her arms in such a calm manner.

Although Wan Xingyun is the Holy Father, Hongxiu does not regard him as the Holy Father.When Wan Xingyun's slender and cold fingers rested on her pulse, a blush appeared on her face, she didn't know whether it was shyness or embarrassment.When Wan Xingyun lowered her fingers, she still couldn't help asking: "How is it? My child, are you okay?"

"The fetal phase is very stable, and I can deduce that this will be an amazing new life."

There was a gratifying smile on the corner of Hongxiu's mouth, but the next second, her smile faded.Wan Xingyun sighed softly, and gently hugged her into his arms, "Hongxiu, don't worry, I will marry you, and from now on, I will be the father of this child."

The picture stops here.Song Ling came back to her senses again, it was already half a month later, Wan Xingyun and Hongxiu's wedding.

As the younger brother of the Emperor of Heaven, Wan Xingyun's wedding can be regarded as a grand event in the God Realm.The originally white Nine Layers Hall was covered with flowers from the Jade Pond Fairy Garden, and the celestial music had been playing since the third watch of the day before yesterday, and it was even more lively than the peach feast Song Ling had seen before.

Song Ling was standing in Hongxiu's room now.The Queen Mother invited the Seven Fairies to dress her up.Seven fairies have always been regarded as the most beautiful scenery in Yaochi, but in front of the red sleeves wearing phoenix crowns and xiapei, they immediately seem to be knocked out of the mundane world.

(End of this chapter)

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