Dragon wife and phoenix husband

Chapter 379 The Grand Finale

Chapter 379 The Grand Finale (13)
Song Ling took a deep breath, "Your Majesty the Dragon King, since the imperial decree has not yet come down, please go to the Nine Layers Hall to convey the message to Xiaolong. Xiaolong is not qualified for the position of Dragon King of the East China Sea and does not want to do it."

Ao Moqing still said: "I thought you wanted to do it very much. After all, you are so eager to find Feng Jun."

When she heard the first half of the sentence, Song Ling was very angry, because Ao Moqing's words were obviously unrealistic and described her as a person who was greedy for power, but the latter sentence immediately made Song Ling take back her rebuttal, and she Surprised: "What did you say?"

Ao Moqing said indifferently: "All dragons are responsible for the distribution of clouds and rain in the world, and the Dragon King of the East China Sea, who is in charge of this responsibility, must have a clear understanding of every water in the world in order to collect water vapor and rain. Legend has it that those Yin spirits who are attached to the human world and refuse to reincarnate like to float on the water all year round, because only the cold air of the water can keep them away from the heat of the earth."

Song Ling's tears suddenly fell straight down, she said: "You mean, Feng Jun really died and turned into a ghost?"

Ao Moqing sighed: "As powerful as the five artifacts of creation are, they are as destructive, which is why he insists on taking the five artifacts from you. But the phoenix was born from the ashes, and their regeneration level It is unmatched by any kind of creature in the world. As long as you find Feng Jun's soul, he will definitely come back."

Song Ling said angrily: "Then why didn't you tell me earlier? If you told me, I must have searched every piece of water in the Three Realms in the past three years, maybe Feng Jun has already been resurrected."

Ao Moqing took out a white crystal-colored object and put it in front of Song Ling. Song Ling said in a daze, "Is this an egg?"

Ao Moqing said: "It took me three years to make this with the most precious pearl in the East China Sea, and I gave it a name called Tianyuandi. It is said that when the world was in chaos, the shape of the whole world was It looks like this. It is a symbol of rebirth. If you find the soul of the phoenix, put it into the soul of the round sky. The aura of the round sky will restore Lord Feng's soul and give him a new life."

Song Ling took Ao Moqing's round sky, she looked at it for a while and frowned, "The name is nice, but it still looks like an egg. His Majesty the Dragon King means that if I find Feng Jun's soul, Put it inside, and Feng Jun will hatch like a chick?" Although the phoenix is ​​also a bird, it is also a bird with aura after all, and Song Ling can't accept that he will become an oviparous animal all at once.

The corners of Ao Moqing's mouth twitched a few times before he said quietly, "If you want to understand this way, you can." He took out another scroll and put it in front of Song Ling, "This is the water level map of the Three Realms."

Song Ling paused and said, "Can I not be the Dragon King of the East China Sea as long as I want the water level map?"

Ao Moqing said firmly, "No."

Song Ling's dejected water level map, said dejectedly: "You can do it if you want, I only have one condition, that is, if I fail to do my job in the future, you are not allowed to tie me to a sky pillar and make me suffer the punishment of thunder."

Ao Moqing smiled and said: "Of course not. Let me tell you a secret. Since the last time the Tianzhu was destroyed and repaired, the surrounding area of ​​Kunlun has become the most peaceful area. There is not even a cloud, so how can it attract thunder?" ?”

Song Ling laughed loudly: "Really? That's really great!"

I don't know how long it has been since the last time she smiled from the bottom of her heart.Ao Moqing followed her and kept laughing until both of them were tired from laughing and the atmosphere suddenly became heavy again.Ao Moqing sighed leisurely: "Little Yuer, Lord Feng will definitely come back."

Song Ling said: "Of course, he will definitely come back, and I will definitely find him. Whether it is ten years, or a hundred years, or the year before last, I will definitely find him."

Although Song Ling really wanted to go to Fenghuang immediately with the water level map that Ao Moqing gave her, but His Majesty the great Emperor of Heaven gave her such a heavyweight position, which brought heavy red tape.

Ao Moqing gloated before leaving to become his carefree Sanxian: "Aren't you ready to spend thousands of years looking for Feng Jun? It shouldn't matter if you waste three or five days."

But the celebration of the new dragon king's appointment to her by the East China Sea Dragon Palace lasted for half a month.Song Ling finally understood deeply why he had to describe those leaders in terms of daily affairs. In addition to the East China Sea, people from the other three seas of the West Sea, the South Sea, and the North Sea also came to congratulate them. Being a god and a half fairy, Song Ling felt that the threshold of the Crystal Palace was about to be stepped down.

And she was clearly anxious, and she had to deal with all kinds of people with a stiff smile. When the celebration finally ended, Song Ling could finally breathe a sigh of relief. She sat under the coral tree and carefully studied the water level map that Ao Moqing gave her.One advantage of being the Dragon King is that there is a large group of people waiting to serve you for free with great enthusiasm.Song Ling invited Prime Minister Gui, who was the most knowledgeable in the Dragon Palace, to sit next to her and study the water level map. After Prime Minister Turtle's narration, she re-remembered his words in modern Chinese characters she was familiar with.

After a busy night, Song Ling's back was sore from sitting. Prime Minister Gui said very considerately, "Do you want to go to bed first, Your Majesty?"

Song Ling yawned, "No need, only Xizhou is left. Xizhou is a land at the edge of the desert, and the water source is scarce. It should be soon."

Holding the teacup in front of her, she wanted to take a sip of tea to refresh herself, but found that the teacup was already empty.Song Ling breathed out annoyed, and suddenly saw that a cup of hot tea had been handed to him.

Song Ling was overjoyed, she was about to turn around and reward this considerate little lady.But when she turned her head, she was stunned. The person who handed her tea was not the little maid from the Dragon Palace, but a person she was very familiar with.

Song Ling was startled, and immediately recovered and smiled, "Yefeng, why are you here?"

Ye Feng's black eyes moved to Prime Minister Gui and the water level chart on the table, "Prime Minister Turtle is getting old and not suitable for staying up late. Let me explain this last point, Prime Minister can go back and rest first."

Prime Minister Gui has been prime minister in the East China Sea Dragon Palace for tens of thousands of years, and he has an exquisite and transparent heart. He has already seen the unusual relationship between the God of War and Song Ling, and he has already smiled and said: "The old minister will retire first. .”

(End of this chapter)

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