Dragon wife and phoenix husband

Chapter 380 The Grand Finale

Chapter 380 The Grand Finale (14)
As soon as Prime Minister Turtle left, there was silence all around, only the mottled light and shadow of colorful coral swaying.After all, she hadn't seen him for three years.Ao Moqing hadn't seen each other for many years, she could still talk and laugh happily with him as if she was reunited with an old friend, but with Night Breeze, it seemed that she had a thousand words to say but didn't know how to say them.

After brewing for a long time, Song Ling smiled stiffly and said, "Why are you here?"

Night Breeze naturally sat down beside her, "You have become the Dragon King, and as an old friend, how can I not come?"

Song Ling said "Oh", his excuse was very good, but she felt a sense of loss for no reason.

Night Breeze held the water level map and said, "Is there anything else I can't understand?"

Song Ling came back to her senses, she pointed and said, "Only Xizhou is left."

"Then I'll read it, and you remember it."

Song Ling grabbed the pen, listening to his slightly deep but still extremely pleasant voice slowly coming out of her mouth. She never knew that Ye Feng, whom she had always regarded as an ice face before, could make such a soft voice. , He spoke even more carefully than Prime Minister Gui.

There are few waters in Xizhou, so he finished speaking quickly. He glanced at what Song Ling wrote down on the paper, "Have you written everything down?"

Song Ling nodded and said, "Of course I wrote it down. You should be clear, just because I don't understand the characters of your world, it doesn't mean I'm illiterate."

Night Breeze was silent for a while, and said again: "Actually, I like to be the one who takes away the five artifacts of creation in the end, but I know that it will never be me."

Song Ling didn't know how to answer him, so he could only say, "Night Breeze, I'm sorry, and thank you."

He smiled lightly and stood up, "I know all about it. By the way, has anyone from the Bird Clan come to see you recently?"

"Aunt Yunluo and Elder Shuijing brought Xiaofeng, sister Dieyi and Shangxian Dongxu also brought Xiaobao, but none of the awkward elders came. To be honest, Xiaobao called me for so long Mother, now that he is finally with his biological parents, although I am happy for them, I am still not used to it."

"In the future, someone will call you mother, the real mother." Night Breeze said suddenly.

Song Ling said "ah", and Night Breeze took a deep look at her, "I will be on duty at Nantian Gate tonight, and I have to go back quickly. If you have any difficulties in the future, just come to me!"

Seeing that his figure was about to disappear, Song Ling shouted suddenly, "Night Breeze, no matter what happens or becomes in the future, you are the one I will always remember in my heart!"

Night Breeze's back paused, but soon disappeared into the East China Sea Dragon Palace.

Song Ling was holding the water level map, still staring at the direction he left in a daze.Her heart is only a small piece, so it can't accommodate two people, but her feelings are like messed up threads, tangled and entangled, even she can't figure it out.Fenghuang was the person she loved the most in her life, but Night Breeze was the person she would never forget!

After thoroughly researching the water level map, Song Ling began to search for each water area. She first searched in Niaozu, Donghai, Xizhou, and every place they were familiar with and had been to, but she still found nothing.In the end Song Ling arrived in Luo City. It was the time when lotus flowers in Luoshui were in full bloom, and it would always attract many literati and poets, or wanderers with bad intentions.

Song Ling rented a boat and lay there alone. The lights were so bright tonight, she actually believed that no ghost would dare to come out at this time.She was just a little bored and wanted to come here to try her luck. Although ghosts are very timid, Fenghuang was a slut bird when he was alive, and he should be a slut ghost after death. bigger.

But the bored Song Ling didn't wait for the bold Phoenix, but a person whom he never expected to meet.

Song Ling first expected that if Phoenix was really on Luoshui, then he would definitely come to her on his own initiative.So she hid her boat deep in the lotus leaves, and found a better seat to sleep comfortably.

Just as her consciousness was gradually blurring, she suddenly felt that something was hitting her boat, which directly woke Song Ling up.Song Ling suddenly sat up from the boat, only to see that there was also a small boat beside her. There was a young man in plain clothes standing on the boat. It was his oar that hit her boat just now.

The boy looked at Song Ling and stared at him, thinking she was angry, and hurriedly apologized, "I'm sorry, I didn't know there were people in the depths of the lotus leaf."

However, Song Ling glared at him not because he woke him up, but because this young man was actually the Demon Lord Demon Voice who disappeared after the Demon Realm was destroyed.

"You..." Song Ling wanted to ask him, but now that he had lost his memory, there seemed to be nothing to ask.

"Ayin, have you picked any lotus seeds?" An old woman's voice came from the shore.

Song Ling looked over, she was a very ordinary human woman, not from the demon clan.

A Yin smiled and raised her hand, "Aniang, I got it."

He turned his head and handed an extremely plump lotus seed to Song Ling: "The lotus seeds here are very good. I use them to cure my mother's cough every time. Girl, I was the one who was sorry for you just now. Shall I give you a lotus seed as an apology?"

Song Ling took the lotus seeds and said, "Your name is A Yin? How are you doing now?"

A Yin was stunned for a while, probably not knowing why she asked him such a question, but she still smiled and said: "Of course I live well, this place is beautiful, and my mother and father love me very much. My mother is waiting for me on the shore. I want to go back."

Song Ling nodded, "You go."

Watching him rowing and disappearing among the dense lotus leaves, Song Ling lay on the boat again and looked at the full moon in the sky in a daze. Even the magic sound had a good ending, but in all the success, you are the only one missing.

She stared at the full moon in a daze for a long time, and finally fell asleep again, but she didn't know that when she fell asleep, a beam of colorful light was slowly coming out of the water and entering her sleeve, and in her sleeve was Pretending to be the round sky that Ao Moqing gave her.

On the second day, Song Ling opened her eyes and looked at the bright sun above her head. She first sighed rather sadly, then took out the round sky from her sleeve to take a look.It was something she had to do every day when she woke up, and it failed her every time.It's just that when she took out the round sky this time, she felt that it was much heavier than usual when she just picked it up, and when she looked again, there seemed to be a colorful halo inside the originally crystal-clear and nearly transparent eggshell.She couldn't believe it, so she stood up and held the sky circle to the sun to look carefully again, and there was indeed a colorful halo inside.

(End of this chapter)

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