Dragon wife and phoenix husband

Chapter 60 The Shadow in the Night

Chapter 60 The Shadow in the Night (1)
Song Ling couldn't help straightening her back. After spending so long in the Three Realms, this place was one of the few places she could be proud of.

The little fox is playful, and when he came to the Dragon Palace, he saw novel scenes everywhere, and he had long been clamoring for some beautiful ladies to take him to play.The Dragon King brought Song Ling all the way to his dormitory, took out a book from the bookshelf and handed it to her, "Little Yu'er, didn't you say that your cultivation level is not high? This book tells about many dragon cultivation methods, you Practice according to the book first, if you don’t know how to do it, ask me again.”

Song Ling reluctantly took it, flipped it casually a few times, and it turned out to be another ghostly talisman that she couldn't understand. She sighed and said with a bitter face: "Your Majesty the Dragon King, Xiaolong can't read."

There was a hint of surprise on the Dragon King's face, but he still smiled gently, "It's okay, there is another book on it, which is full of pictures, and there are not many words. You can use that book to practice."

Only then did Song Ling smile happily, and flattered him: "His Majesty the Dragon King really cares about his subordinates, Xiaolong really can't thank you!"

The Dragon King smiled and said: "Since you have become a member of the East China Sea Dragon Clan, you naturally have to learn some skills. How can people look down upon you?"

Song Ling vowed: "Please rest assured, Your Majesty the Dragon King, Xiaolong will definitely practice hard and will not embarrass the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea!"

She raised her head high, almost patting her chest like a man, and her eyes were shining brightly.The smile on the corner of the Dragon King's lips grew wider, and he said softly: "This king definitely believes in you. You can follow Gong'e to retreat first, this king has already arranged a residence for you."

The Gong'e who brought Song Ling down was a clam spirit who looked only twelve or thirteen years old. Song Ling saw that she was innocent and cute, and laughed along the way. She expected that she must be easy to talk, so she said: "Sister, what is your name?" What name, but you have been working in this Dragon Palace?"

The little clam spirit covered her mouth and giggled: "The slave is just a small clam, how dare you call him a sister with the Dragon Lord? The slave is called Little Pearl, and she has been working as a maid in the Dragon Palace since she cultivated human form."

Little Pearl?Such a cute name!Song Ling showed a smile that she thought was very friendly: "Why is the Dragon Lord not the Dragon Lord? I feel destined to see you when I saw you, and I want you to call my sister in the future!" As she spoke, she had to glance at the Dragon King's bedroom behind her. With a glance, "Since little sister Pearl has been on duty in the Dragon Palace, she must be very familiar with His Majesty the Dragon King. You also know that I have just transformed into a dragon, and I don't know much about Dragon Palace. I wonder if little sister Pearl can tell my sister about Dragon Palace So that my sister will not be ashamed of her ignorance in front of His Majesty the Dragon King in the future?"

The little pearl didn't know Song Ling's reckless temper, and only said that she, a dignified dragon king, would put down her figure to be a sister with a little maid like herself, and she was a little touched and said: "Whatever sister wants to know, sister will tell sister .”

Song Ling tilted her head and thought about it. If she wanted to hang out in the Dragon Palace in the future, she would naturally have to get acquainted with the biggest leader in the Dragon Palace first. "Sister, do you know what the name of His Majesty the Dragon King is?"

"The dragons of the East China Sea all have the surname Ao, and His Majesty the Dragon King is single named Mo Qing."

Ao Moqing, Song Ling said it silently in his heart, but it was still a good name.She then asked: "His Majesty the Dragon King also looks very young, I wonder if he has a wife?"

"Naturally, she is married. Mother Long is gentle and charming, and she is deeply loved by everyone in the Dragon Palace."

Song Ling said "Oh", feeling a little regretful in his heart, thinking that he was another tall, rich and handsome golden bachelor.

Just like this, they walked and chatted with Little Pearl, and they came to a house.Little Pearl said: "This is the residence His Majesty the Dragon King has arranged for my sister. My sister should go in and rest first. If you need anything, please come and tell me."

This house feels completely different from the Crystal Palace. It is built like a mortal house. However, there are many colorful coral reefs growing in front of the house, which makes the house more dazzling in the antique style.In short, Song Ling fell in love with it as soon as he saw it.

After she bid farewell to Little Pearl, she entered the house. She also liked the interior decoration, which was simple but chic, and both the door curtain and the curtains were all made of pearls.Song Ling plopped down on an extremely soft big bed in the room.Ever since she came to this world, she felt that she was floating all the time, and now she finally had a house of her own.And it's such a good house, even Fenghuang will definitely envy it when he sees it.

Although it's only been less than a day since they parted with Fenghuang, Song Ling realizes that she misses him a little.She took out from her bosom the phoenix feather that Fenghuang had given her before to be able to communicate with him, but when she took it out, it looked like an ordinary feather, with no colorful halo, let alone the phoenix's appearance. A monstrous face that turns all sentient beings upside down.

"It's fine, what do I think that fluffy bird is doing?" Song Ling was so annoyed that she took Feng Yu out of her arms again, turned around and saw the book that the Dragon King had given her which she casually threw on the bed.

She opened the book and flipped through a few pages, and sure enough it was all about cultivation methods.Song Ling had nothing to do when he was idle, so he sat cross-legged on the bed and practiced facing the picture on the first page.The painting on this picture is obviously completely different from those martial arts cheats shown on TV. It mainly trains the circulation of Qi in the body, and then through the Qi to open up the eight extraordinary meridians in the body, so as to improve the cultivation level to a higher level.

Song Ling did it for about half an hour, and she really felt a lot more comfortable on her body, but compared to Fenghuang's direct help to open up the air flow, the effect was much worse.

She is a lazy person without much perseverance, and she just threw the book into the quilt to sleep after only one page of practice.She has always been a person who does not recognize the bed. When she is sleepy, she can fall asleep wherever she wants, but now she is lying in the soft quilt in her new residence, but she can't fall asleep. Congested.

After tossing and turning like this for most of the night, she finally fell asleep drowsily, but before falling asleep, she realized something was wrong.I don't know if it's because of her recent improvement in cultivation, her senses are much sharper than before.At this moment, she clearly felt that there was a person standing beside her bed.

Song Ling completely lost sleepiness, her hands hidden under the quilt were tightly pulled because of nervousness, but she didn't dare to open her eyes.The aura brought by this person was obviously dangerous, and Song Ling felt that "he" was looking at him, and it took a long time to look at him.

(End of this chapter)

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