Dragon wife and phoenix husband

Chapter 61 The Shadow in the Night

Chapter 61 The Shadow in the Night (2)
Song Ling's heart beat faster and faster, and she felt that she could hardly hold on anymore.Just when she was struggling in her mind whether to open her eyes and fight this man desperately, the quilt on her body was thrown off suddenly, and the dangerous breath was pouring into her heart continuously.

Could this man be trying to poach her heart?The danger was imminent, Song Ling couldn't care about it anymore, she quietly took a ball of air in the palm of her hand, opened her eyes and grabbed the thing that was getting closer and closer to her heart.As soon as she opened her eyes, she realized that the house that was originally lit up with coral reefs and pearls suddenly became extremely dark, and the things she grabbed were also slippery.

Song Ling felt a chill in his heart, and subconsciously let go of his hand, and the thing slipped away, and there was no danger around him anymore.

Song Ling hurriedly chased it out, and there was still a piece of coral swaying in the sea outside, where could there be half a figure?
The comer was not kind, and the attack was aimed at Song Ling's heart, so it must be aimed at Shui Lingzhu again.

Song Ling lamented that the god of war with the paralyzed face was right, the Water Spirit Orb, which hadn't brought her any substantial benefits at all, would indeed turn her into cannon fodder.

The room that had suddenly become dark just now became bright again with the person's departure, but Song Ling dared not go back to the room immediately no matter what.I don't know if the people sent by the little Zhengtai Demon Lord have all come to the Dragon Palace!
The little fox is a typical bad boy who forgets about his mother when he has a beautiful sister. Ever since he went out to play with a few beautiful ladies, he hasn't come to her yet.Song Ling didn't want to go back to the house, so he could only hang out in this beautiful underwater dragon palace.

Since there are pearls and colorful coral reefs all over the place, the East China Sea Dragon Palace is shining everywhere.Coral reefs can only be seen but not touched, but pearls are different.

Song Ling secretly glanced around, but fortunately, he didn't see the patrolling shrimp soldiers and crab generals.With ecstasy in her heart, she hurriedly took out the treasure box given to her by Dongyang Shangxian, picked up the pearls and put them into the treasure box one by one.While picking her heart, she thought, Dongyang Shangxian is the richest fairy in the Three Realms, but he gave him his most precious treasure chest, doesn't that mean that the title of the richest fairy in the Three Realms will be given to her in the future? inherit?

Song Ling's eyes lit up as he thought about it, and suddenly those pearls were a little bit contemptuous.Pearls are everywhere in the East China Sea. Since they are everywhere, it means that these pearls must not be very valuable.Since she is the richest immortal in the Three Realms, she must be looking for pearls that are centuries or even thousand years old, so that she is worthy of her status.

The fluttering Song Ling immediately forgot her fear. She wandered around the Dragon Palace by herself, and finally found a remote place.This place looks like a shed made of coral from the outside, but silver light keeps coming out of it, and the coral reef around the shed looks more beautiful than elsewhere.

Song Ling moved over quietly, there must be precious pearls here.As soon as she got close to the coral shed, a long white tail popped out of it.At first she thought it was a python, and she couldn't help screaming in fright, but when she looked again, she realized it was a dragon's tail.

"Who's there?"

A warm and jade-like voice came from inside, and it was Dragon King Ao Moqing who was inside.It's just that she didn't expect that the Dragon King is actually a white dragon. In this magical world, it seems that the richer the color of the real body, the more noble the person is, such as the colorful colors of the phoenix.Even her real body, Song Ling, is a golden dragon, but Ao Moqing is the majestic Dragon King of the East Sea, how could she be just a white dragon?
Song Ling regained his composure, and walked lightly into the coral shed.Ao Moqing has turned into a human form and is sitting in the middle of the coral shed with her back facing her.My dear, the walls of this coral shed are actually embedded with night pearls the size of pigeon eggs. Could it be that they emit such a strong silver light?

Song Ling swallowed, and said softly, "Your Majesty the Dragon King, it's Xiaolong."

Ao Moqing turned her head slowly, there was no surprise on her face, and there was still a faint smile like a spring breeze. "Little Yu'er doesn't sleep in the middle of the night, what are you doing here?"

Song Ling was naturally embarrassed to say that she came here looking for pearls, "Xiaolong couldn't sleep, so he wanted to go out for a stroll, and came here by accident."

Ao Moqing smiled gently: "That's right, you are still not familiar with this Dragon Palace, so you will naturally be a little bit reluctant. But it's better to rest earlier, the three worlds have been a little unbalanced recently, and the demon monarch and demon voice have been around the corner. To cope with various situations, it is better to rest and nourish your energy."

Could it be that the person who attacked her just now was really a member of the demon clan?She tentatively asked: "Your Majesty the Dragon King, can people from the Demon Race come to the Dragon Palace?"

Ao Moqing was taken aback for a moment: "What? Could it be that something happened to you just now?"

Song Ling then told him everything about the sneak attack in the room just now.

Ao Moqing pondered for a moment, Fang said: "This king is negligent. Now that you have the three worlds most precious water spirit beads, you have naturally become the target of public criticism. You can go back and rest at ease. This king will send some shrimp soldiers and crab generals to guard in front of your house."

This is naturally the best.Song Ling quickly smiled and thanked the Dragon King.I don't know if it was because of the reflection of the silver light from the night pearls all around, but she found that the Dragon King's face seemed to be paler than usual.

"Is His Majesty the Dragon King practicing in this coral shed?"

Ao Moqing smiled and said: "Of course. You have to hurry up and practice. After all, to keep yourself comprehensive, the best way is not to ask others to protect you, but to make yourself really strong."

Song Ling nodded. Since Ao Moqing was practicing, she was too embarrassed to stay for a long time, so she could only reluctantly glance at those Ye Mingzhus and say goodbye to Ao Moqing.

Ao Moqing's efficiency is astonishingly high.As soon as she arrived at her room, she found two neat rows of shrimp soldiers and crab generals standing in front of her.

Song Ling felt a little relieved.After entering the room, she immediately saw the practice book that she threw away.

"The best way to keep yourself safe is not to be protected by others, but to make yourself really strong." Ao Moqing's words couldn't help echoing in her mind, yes, in the Three Realms, almost everyone Knowing that she got the Water Lingzhu, she didn't want to be cannon fodder, so she could only make herself a real strong man.

(End of this chapter)

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