Dragon wife and phoenix husband

Chapter 90 The Devil's Conspiracy

Chapter 90 The Devil's Conspiracy (1)
Seeing the black things rolling in, Song Ling's little heart still couldn't help shaking.There seemed to be at least tens of thousands of these ghost bats, and even if they were killed one by one, they would cause hand cramps.Moreover, when some bats were killed by her, they would often emit a strong stench. In the end, she felt that if she was not exhausted, she would be smoked to death.

Song Ling took a distressed look at the Yunjin Liuxian dress on her body, fearing that her rare good dress would be ruined after being fumed by these stinky bats.

Fenghuang flew over to her side, he has always been obsessed with cleanliness, so naturally he couldn't stand the blood around him.Song Ling lamented, "Mr. Feng, these ghostly bats seem to be unable to get rid of them no matter how hard they are beaten. Instead, the more they fight, the more courageous they become. Are we really going to kill them all like this?"

Fenghuang pondered and said: "Ghost bats are different from other bats. They are not afraid of fire or water, but it seems that you have no effect on them after raining. Could it be..." He suddenly closed his eyes and stopped attacking those ghost bats. attack.

Song Ling clapped his palms to split those ghostly bats that took the opportunity to attack like a phoenix, and at the same time, he couldn't understand what kind of philosopher and pensive this guy is at such a critical moment.

Fortunately, Fenghuang immediately opened his eyes again. He smiled brightly at Song Ling and said, "Little Longer, do you still keep the snow lotus I gave you in the snow mountain?"

Song Ling paused. Was the phoenix's brain fainted by the stench from these bats? Otherwise, how could he ask such a far-fetched question?
"Xiao Long'er, if you keep it, give me a few!"

How could there be any reason to take back what was sent out?This is the first time in her life that she has received flowers from others.Song Ling silently despised Phoenix in her heart, and then reluctantly took out the treasure chest.Because they were placed in the treasure chest, these snow lotuses still looked as bright as they had just been picked. Song Ling took out four in pain, but after thinking about it, she decided to take out two more and put them in front of Fenghuang, "Feng Sir, are these enough?"

Fenghuang glanced at her with a smile, "Four are enough. Xiao Longer, if you like it, I will plant snow lotus around your house in the future."

Song Ling snorted disapprovingly. Snow lotus is only found on snow-capped mountains, and Fenghuang's big talk is too much.

After Fenghuang took the four snow lotuses, he suddenly threw them in four directions, east, west, south, east, and north, and then said to Song Ling: "Little Longer, go down and protect those people first!"

Although Song Ling didn't know what kind of medicine the Phoenix Gourd was selling, he still fell to the ground and stood among the panic-stricken people.

However, after Phoenix threw the snow lotus in four directions, it suddenly turned into a jade flute and put it to his lips.Song Ling never knew that Phoenix could play the flute, but thought his flute sound was more mellow than Ying's cry, and more moving than Hualuo.He was alone with the sky, his moonlike figure had already overwhelmed everyone on the ground, they instantly forgot the fear brought to them by ghostly bats, and all their eyes were focused on him bewilderedly.

The most surprising thing is that with the sound of the flute, the four snow lotuses suddenly seemed to be magically cast invisibly, one turned into two, and the two became four. After a while, the sky became a piece of snow lotus In the sea of ​​flowers, Phoenix is ​​alone in this piece of snow lotus, and seems to have turned into a peerless flower fairy, drunk with hibiscus and drunk with the sky.

Those ghost bats seemed extremely ferocious, but when countless snow lotuses flocked towards them, they suddenly let out strange screams of terror, and after a while, they escaped one by one, and soon the sky regained peace, leaving only countless Snow lotus floats among them.

There was a burst of cheers from the crowd, Fenghuang's actions just now made everyone's hearts deeply surrendered, especially some girls couldn't help screaming again and again.

Fenghuang smiled slightly, put away the bamboo flute, and as soon as the sound of the flute stopped, those snow lotuses disappeared like shattered phantoms one by one.Song Ling heard Fenghuang say: "Little Long'er, we have already been exposed, and this good Qixi Festival has also been disturbed by those ghostly bats, let's leave soon!"

It was rare for this guy to keep a low profile, and Song Ling naturally cooperated with him.When she rushed to the river, Fenghuang was already there waiting for her.Looking at the jade-like back, Song Ling couldn't help but pause.But Fenghuang had heard her footsteps a long time ago, looked back and said with a smile: "Why didn't Xiao Longer come over, could it be that he was also fascinated by the demeanor of Mr. Feng just now?"

Such a narcissistic phoenix is ​​a normal phoenix.Song Ling quickened his steps and walked in front of him. Fenghuang frowned and glanced at Song Ling's cloud brocade skirt, "Those stinky things actually made Xiao Long'er's clothes like this?"

Song Ling looked at himself covered in blood, and at Fenghuang's clean and suave appearance, finally felt embarrassed and took a few steps back.But Fenghuang grabbed her hand and said softly: "Don't move."

As he spoke, he raised his hand, and as a ray of colorful light flashed across, the brocade fairy dress on Song Ling's body became as if the weaver girl had just knitted it for her.

Song Ling smiled happily, and sincerely praised: "Feng Jun is really omnipotent. Especially when I just defeated those ghost bats, I really saw it, but how could Feng Jun think of using snow lotus to deal with them?"

"Everything in this world has weaknesses. Although ghost bats are not afraid of water or fire, there must be something to be afraid of. They originally lived in the darkest and most humid place in the devil world. The darker and ugly things are, the more beautiful they are afraid of. So I used the sound of the flute to conjure snow lotuses, so that the fragrance of the snow lotus and the melodious sound of the flute would fill the entire space, and those ghostly bats would naturally be afraid to avoid them!"

"As expected of Lord Feng, even the method of eliminating demons is so elegant!" A pleasant laughter suddenly came from the other side of the stone bridge across the river.I saw a man in white walking slowly towards them from the other end of the stone bridge.

"Your Majesty the Dragon King!"

Song Ling couldn't help but blurted out.It seems that Qixi Festival is really an attractive festival. Not only did Night Breeze and Fairy Bilian come, but now even the Dragon King of the East China Sea came.

Fenghuang wasn't surprised to see Ao Moqing, but rather annoyed, "I'm still wondering why you didn't come this year's Qixi Festival? It turned out that you were hiding here, why didn't you come to help us resist so many ghostly bats just now?" withstand?"

(End of this chapter)

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