Dragon wife and phoenix husband

Chapter 91 The Devil's Conspiracy

Chapter 91 The Devil's Conspiracy (2)
Ao Moqing smiled faintly, "There are Xiao Yu'er and Feng Jun with two swords together, I just need to be an audience of appreciation and admiration like those ordinary people. It's just how come ghost bats come to the world to make trouble?"

Fenghuang said: "Maybe it's because the Demon Lord finally couldn't bear it anymore."

Ao Moqing sighed softly: "This king has also heard that the little demon Lord Moyin seems to be searching for the treasures of the Three Realms recently. I don't know what conspiracy he is brewing? 100 years ago, the battle between the demon world and the god world, the old demon king's war Death, although the Demon Realm has settled down for the time being, everyone knows that they will not stop there and will definitely revive. Could it be that there is another catastrophe in the Three Realms?"

Fenghuang's face was still calm, "Soldiers come to cover the water and earth, we were able to subdue the old devil 100 years ago, let alone this little devil who is fledgling, we just need to take more precautions!"

Look at what Fenghuang said like eating noodles, Ao Moqing is more of a leader, and he is prepared for danger in times of peace.Song Ling thought that the little fox was still in the bridge hole, so he hurriedly entered the bridge hole to fetch the little fox out.As soon as she came out, she found that Ao Moqing was squatting by the river to release the boat lantern.Others who set off the lanterns all looked happy or looking forward to it, but his face was filled with an indescribable sadness.

His lantern was larger than the others, but the candles on it were white.He was also very focused when stroking the boat lights, as if he was stroking his most beloved woman.

Fenghuang stood far away, as if he didn't want to disturb him.Song Ling took the little fox's hand and walked to him, "Feng Jun, doesn't His Majesty the Dragon King already have a dragon queen? Why does he still have to put the boat lights here?"

Fenghuang sighed: "The Dragon Queen is his wife, and the one in the lantern is his beloved."

Song Ling said "ah", "Could it be that they have separated, so His Majesty the Dragon King is here to light up the boat lanterns, hoping that they will be reunited one day?"

Fenghuang shook his head and said: "They will probably never be able to reunite, because that woman died a long time ago."

Song Ling was shocked, no wonder Ao Moqing wanted to light white candles on the boat lanterns, and no wonder Fenghuang said that he would come every year on Qixi Festival.It turns out that whether it is the Emperor of Heaven or the Dragon King, even if they are aloof and admired by thousands of people, there is an untold story behind them.

Ao Moqing had already stood up, and when he faced Fenghuang and Song Ling, the sadness just now had faded away, and the corner of his mouth still had a gentle smile like a spring breeze, "Unconsciously, this king has made so many boat lanterns. , I'm afraid that the skill of the owner who sells boat lights is not as good as this king!"

Ten years between life and death, what he said seems to be a light joke, but it also shows that he and his beloved woman have been apart for a long time.Song Ling followed with a smirk, and didn't know what to say to comfort him, so he had to change the subject and said, "By the way, although ghost bats have been driven away temporarily, will they come back again? If so, the world will suffer!"

Fenghuang said: "Ghost bats won't attack for no reason, there must be someone from the demon race behind the scenes manipulating them! To capture the thief, first capture the king, let's get that person out first!"

Ao Moqing said with a smile: "It is the duty of each of us to eliminate demons and defend the Tao. If this is the case, then the king will go with Feng Jun and Xiao Long'er to meet the demons who are mixed in the world."

The three of them drove up Xiangyun together with the little fox.Although Ao Moqing has a gentle temperament and never puts on airs, Song Ling is not as casual as Fenghuang when facing him, and is somewhat restrained.It was rare for her to sit quietly on the auspicious cloud, and Ao Moqing took the initiative to say: "Since Xiao Yu'er went to deal with the flood in Yunzhou, it seems that she hasn't returned to the Dragon Palace for three months. I don't know what you've been doing recently?"

Well, the leader finally came to check the value!That's right, although she is a dragon, she doesn't seem to have done anything serious.Song Ling sneered and said, "Didn't do anything? I just followed Feng Jun to catch monsters everywhere."

Fenghuang couldn't help but burst out laughing, Song Ling immediately glared at him, try to laugh at me!

The Dragon King said with great interest: "No wonder I just saw that Xiao Yu'er seems to have improved a lot in cultivation. It must be the result of experience. I am also very comforted in my heart. It's just that the cultivation base has increased and the responsibility is greater. Now the dragon clan is withered. Xiao Long'er has to go back to the Dragon Palace as soon as possible to take on the task of Shi Yunbu Yu."

Song Ling nodded with a bitter face. Sure enough, when the leader came, her good life would come to an end.

Seeing Song Ling's reluctance and reluctance, Fenghuang knew that she was playful, so he wanted to say something nice to her, but he heard the little fox exclaiming excitedly: "There's so much light down there!"

The three of them looked down, and there really was a large piece of light pouring up round and round and straight into the clouds.This piece of light, where gold and silver intersect, is balanced, and no one is weaker than the other.Ao Moqing said: "It turns out that someone is fighting below!"

Fenghuang also nodded and said: "Looks like he's still from the God Realm! This radiance is so strong, it must be that the fighting skills are extremely human!"

Song Ling felt that the silver light looked very familiar.When the auspicious clouds gradually descended, they saw two people standing on the top of a large bamboo forest.

One of them, dressed in black with black hair and holding a silver tomahawk, was Ye Feng.The other person was dressed in white and had white hair. If he didn't look carefully, Song Ling would have thought he was the Emperor of Heaven. However, when he got closer, he realized that the man in white was middle-aged, with a beautiful beard and fine wrinkles around his eyes, making him look like a Like a refined hermit.

Song Ling couldn't help but think carefully about the men he knew. It seemed that except for Fenghuang who kept changing his flirty clothes, the rest of them were either in black or white, maybe it was to show their coolness or elegant?
But what she has to admit is that these people have indeed successfully displayed their cool and elegant feelings respectively.For example, the old handsome guy below.

When Song Ling was thinking about these things again, Ao Moqing sighed: "No wonder the silver light is so powerful, it turned out to be the silver light of the battle ax! It's just who is the man in white, he doesn't look weaker than the God of War."

Fenghuang shook his head and said: "I don't know about this either, let's go down and have a look first."

Xiangyun landed beside the bamboo forest, and one of them shouted: "Who!" He rushed out with his sword in hand.Song Ling glanced at it lightly, it was really not that enemies did not get together.

The one who rushed out was naturally Fairy Bilian who had been with Night Breeze.When she saw the few of them, she felt cold at first, and then withdrew her sword way: "So it's Fengjun, His Majesty the Dragon King, and Xiaobao, Xiaoxian, you're being polite!"

(End of this chapter)

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