Dragon wife and phoenix husband

Chapter 92 The Devil's Conspiracy

Chapter 92 The Devil's Conspiracy (3)
Even the little fox said hello, but Hong Guoguo just ignored the old lady, Song Ling curled her lips, we don't care about it!

This fellow Fenghuang usually smiles when he sees everyone, but when Fairy Bilian looks at him, he lowers his head and jokes with the little fox.Song Ling sniggered in her heart, you don't care about us, and some people don't care about you.Seeing this proud fairy's face turn blue, it was really a very refreshing thing.

Ao Moqing noticed the strangeness in it, and still smiled gently: "Why did Fairy Bilian and the God of War come here? Then who is fighting the God of War?"

Fairy Bilian sneered: "Naturally he is a person who doesn't know what is good or bad! Brother Feng and I were ordered by His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven and the Queen Mother to invite him, but who would have thought that not only did he not give us good looks, but he also satirized Brother Feng for being incompetent and unable to bear the God of War?" Such a name! It’s really unreasonable! Such a person, it’s worth noting that he can’t be invited, but it’s thanks to Brother Feng that he still fights patiently with him!”

As soon as she finished speaking, she suddenly saw a golden light striking in the direction of Fairy Bilian, Ao Moqing yelled "Be careful", and pulled Fairy Bilian over.

Although Fairy Bilian escaped unharmed, a big pit with a depth of one foot had already been formed on the ground. It can be seen that if this was Fairy Bilian's head, it would have turned into a pile of paste.

Fairy Bilian's face had turned white with fright, and she could hardly even stand still.Immediately, a strong reprimand came from the top of the bamboo forest, "The girl is so rude, if she dares to be presumptuous again next time, I will definitely not forgive her!"

The starlight was already bright, coupled with the light released by Night Breeze and the middle-aged man in white, the outside of the bamboo forest looked no different from daytime.Fenghuang took a closer look at the big hole made by that person on the ground, and suddenly his mind moved, "It's him!"

Song Ling also took a look, um, she really couldn't see anything special, so she asked humbly, "Who is he?"

Fenghuang looked at Fairy Bilian who was still in shock, "Heavenly Emperor and Queen Mother sent God of War and Fairy to invite one of the ancient gods...Bai Yan?"

Old God?Song Ling couldn't help looking up at the white-clothed uncle. She had been in this world for so long, and she finally understood the basics of this world.In ancient times, it was at least 10 years ago. It means that the elegant uncle in white is already hundreds of thousands of years old. This age is enough to experience many vicissitudes. I am afraid that when he was born, Mount Everest was still a piece of land. The vast ocean!

Fairy Bilian didn't dare to say another word because her head was almost exploded by the uncle in white.Ao Moqing said: "This king has also heard the legend about the Great God Bai Yan, but didn't he become an immortal when the Emperor of Heaven first ascended the throne? How could he appear in the world?"

Because they were constantly guessing the identity of the uncle in white, they were more interested in the relationship between him and Night Breeze.Although the uncle in white may be an ancient god, Night Breeze is no worse than him. They stand on the bamboo forest, and the bamboo forest is like a strong wind blowing through green waves, and countless bamboo leaves are flying in the sky. However, the two of them He was as motionless as an old monk in meditation, not even the corner of his clothes was blown.

One of them is dressed in black and the other is dressed in white. With the surging green waves under their feet and the hazy night, they look like a very eye-catching painting.But for fights, Song Ling still prefers to do it with real swords and guns, so that the audience will have more fun watching it.

Song Ling rubbed her eyes, "Feng Jun, they won't just keep fighting like this?"

Phoenix shook his head slowly, "It's almost there."

Sure enough, not long after, the light of gold and silver that was originally balanced suddenly continued to spread towards Night Breeze and the uncle in white, but the more it spread, the thinner the light became. After a while, there were only the two of them left on the bamboo forest Standing, if it wasn't for the fluttering bamboo leaves in the air, it would seem that they had nothing to do and ran up to chat and make appointments or something.

Seeing the uncle in white looking at Night Breeze for a moment, Song Ling suddenly laughed loudly and said, "That's right, the kid has a lot of skills, he can be considered worthy of the title of God of War!"

Their fighting style is really connotation first, so Song Ling, who is a formalist, naturally can't understand it.She asked in a low voice: "The two of them ended like this? Then who won?"

Before Fenghuang could answer her, suddenly a gust of wind blew by, and the uncle in white suddenly stood in front of her and stared at her for a moment.Coming closer, Song Ling found that the aura of the white-clothed uncle was very strong. Because of the lesson learned by Fairy Bilian, Song Ling stepped back a few steps, and respectfully said, "Good morning, God!"

The uncle in white looked at Song Ling for a while, his sharp eyes seemed to see through everything about her.Song Ling's heart trembled. Looking at her like this, did the uncle in white see Fairy Bilian, who had just disrespected him just now, as her?

Fortunately, the uncle in white didn't say a word to her, he looked away, turned to Fenghuang and Ao Moqing, and said in a nonchalant way: "Today, my little place is quite lively, so many people who are well-known in the God Realm came here all at once. figure!"

He calls himself "I", and he is indeed an ancient person who cannot be more ancient!Fenghuang stepped forward and saluted, and said with a slight smile: "Senior, is the Lord Bai Yan?"

The uncle in white snorted: "It's just a matter of the past life, why mention it?" He waved his long sleeves and walked straight into the depths of the bamboo forest.

Fairy Bilian's expression softened only after she was sure that he had gone far away. She walked up to Night Breeze and asked anxiously, "Brother Feng, that lunatic... Did God hurt you?"

Although Night Breeze has a cold look to everyone, he has a rare good temper when he meets someone who is colder than him, "If you are a god, why would you really care about me, a junior, it's just a few tricks to learn from?" It's a pity that his temperament is too weird, I'm afraid he won't go back to heaven with us."

Song Ling thought it was funny that this paralyzed God of War would also say that others were weird, so he ignored Fairy Bilian's frosty gaze, and said directly to Ye Feng, "Great Immortal, since God Baiyan is an ancient god, his status should be very noble, why not?" Will he come to the mortal world? Could it be that he was demoted to the mortal world?"

As soon as she finished speaking, she suddenly heard someone from the bamboo forest say: "Since the girl is curious about me, why don't you come in and let me explain the girl's doubts?" While speaking, Song Ling found a golden light coming towards her at high speed. Before he could react, Song Ling was suddenly swept into the bamboo forest out of thin air.

(End of this chapter)

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