Dragon wife and phoenix husband

Chapter 93 The Uncle in White

Chapter 93 The Uncle in White (1)
Although the golden light was powerful, it was soft and comfortable when it enveloped her, and there was no sign of danger, so Song Ling didn't resist, and followed the golden light into the depths of the bamboo forest with confidence.The bamboo forest stretched like a mountain. After a while, Song Ling saw a brightly lit water pavilion in front of him. A green pool flowed slowly under the water pavilion. There were several stone tables beside the pool. Facing her, she was sitting at the stone table and fiddled with the chess pieces on the table.

Once here, Song Ling finally fell from the sky to the ground.Although there were many lights hanging around, Song Ling still admired the white-clothed man playing chess in such a leisurely way in the middle of the night.She wanted to take the initiative to say hello to him, but she heard the uncle in white said calmly: "Since the girl is here, how about playing a game of chess with me?"

Song Ling walked a few steps, looked at the black and white chess pieces on the chessboard, one head and two big, so he could only sneer and say, "Xiaolong doesn't know how to play chess."

The uncle in white raised his eyes to look at her, frowned and said, "How can a person who has both the Water Spirit Orb and the Water Flame Bracelet not know how to play the simplest chess?"

The white-clothed uncle really has a pair of golden eyes, and the water spirit bead is nothing more than that, but no one except Fenghuang knows that she got it.Song Ling didn't dare to underestimate the person in front of him, nor did he want to be underestimated by him, "There is a specialization in art. Although Xiaolong can't play the chess that God puts on the board, he can't be sure about other chess."

The uncle in white finally showed a hint of interest, "Then what chess do you play? I'll just play with you."

Song Ling felt complacent immediately, since we have to set the rules, then we will not be polite. Although she doesn't know this advanced stuff, it is not necessarily simple.Song Ling divided the black and white pieces on the chessboard, and said to the uncle in white: "God, let's play backgammon. You just need to connect five pieces of the same color in a straight line on the chessboard. Whoever makes a point first wins." .”

It seems that backgammon did not exist in ancient times. She thought that the uncle in white would be very interested, but he said disdainfully: "It's so simple, I won't play it."

Uh, this uncle in white really doesn't give her face, Song Ling said: "It seems simple, but in fact it has infinite mysteries. Shangshen Bufan will try a game with Xiaolong first?"

The uncle in white just pinched the white ball, and Song Ling won soon.I think back when she played backgammon online, she was able to kill all directions.The uncle in white didn't expect that he would lose, and finally his fighting spirit and interest were aroused, "Again!"

This time the game took longer than the last game, but Song Ling won in the end.Song Ling felt more and more complacent. He knew that he should make a rule with him from the beginning, and whoever wins should give him a treasure.Song Ling, who was obsessed with money, bravely made this request to Uncle Bai Yi, but Uncle Bai Yi readily agreed.He raised his hand and there was an extra chess box in his hand, and said to Song Ling: "The chess pieces inside are all made of white jade, if you can beat me again, I will definitely give you this box of white jade chess pieces."

Although Song Ling was not interested in chess pieces, Bai Yu was another matter.When playing another game, she also had a little more insight. The rules of backgammon are simple, so the uncle in white gradually figured out the way after playing a few games.Song Ling also obviously underestimated the ability of this ancient god.Although she won the white jade chess piece, she soon paid the price of dozens of Donghai century-old pearls, a thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum, and three peerless copies.

Sure enough, the 10-year-old meal that the uncle in white had to eat for himself was not for nothing. Song Ling was so painful that he almost vomited blood. Seeing him pocket a coral bracelet from his treasure chest.Song Ling finally gave up his arms and surrendered, "God, didn't you call Xiaolong here just to play chess with Xiaolong?"

The uncle in white smiled triumphantly and said: "When I look at you girl, I know that you are full of treasures. It just so happens that I have lived in the mortal world for a long time, and I have inevitably become a lot of vulgar people, so I am more happy with treasures."

His words immediately shattered his unattainable and glorious image in Song Ling's mind. What kind of ancient god is this? He is clearly a bandit!Now she wondered if the uncle in white was pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger in the first few games he lost to her, and then lured her into the bait?
Song Ling finally became vigilant. Although this white-clothed uncle is an ancient god, there is no guarantee that he will not covet her water spirit beads and water flame bracelets, so he should be careful.

But the uncle in white stood up, and said quite seriously: "The girl gave me such a rich treasure, it is more sincere than those two people outside. Anyway, the girl will come with me!"

The uncle in white went to the water pavilion, but Song Ling secretly walked towards the bamboo forest alone.But obviously the uncle in white is the kind who is too shrewd to tolerate any little Jiujiu. He turned his head and said to Song Ling who had already stepped into the bamboo forest with one foot, "Why didn't you come with me, girl?"

Even the children in the kindergarten know not to go with strangers casually, let alone her, a fairy dragon with a high IQ.Song Ling sneered and said, "God, Xiaolong's friends are still outside, I'll call them in." As she spoke, she wondered, although the bamboo forest was big, but she played backgammon with the uncle in white for so long, Fenghuang and the others even Is climbing should also climb here.

The uncle in white waved his hand, "No one can come here without permission. You just need to come with me."

Well, this god spoke with an irresistible aura. Song Ling expected that a person of hundreds of thousands of years old would not bully a girl like herself who was only in her teens, so she bit the bullet and followed. The uncle in white went to the water pavilion.

The uncle in white is really a god with a very human atmosphere. After going to the water pavilion, Song Ling saw some pots and pans in the passage leading to the room. Could this god know how to cook?Song Ling couldn't help but cast a glance at the white-clothed, white-haired ancient god in front of him. If he wore a flowered apron, well, it would be the best of all, the essence of mix-and-match.

The uncle in white clothes obviously didn't invite Song Ling to his attic to treat her to tea or to cook a table of good wine and food for her. He took Song Ling into a relatively large room with many calligraphy and paintings hanging in the room. , although Song Ling did not have a high appreciation ability, he could tell that these calligraphy and paintings were of great value, because they were all inlaid with white jade.I don't know if these paintings were cheated by the uncle in white from some innocent people like he cheated himself.

(End of this chapter)

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