Dragon wife and phoenix husband

Chapter 94 The Uncle in White

Chapter 94 The Uncle in White (2)
The uncle in white pointed to a painting in the middle hanging on the north wall of the room, and said, "What do you think of this painting, girl?"

Song Ling's eyes moved to that painting. Other paintings were painted with elegant landscapes, but this one was full of monsters, ghosts and snakes. They sat cross-legged as if they were discussing something. The one sitting at the front was a man with a snake tail But she looks even uglier than the pictures of ladies she saw in history books before.

However, the most special thing about this painting is that everything else is inlaid with gold and jade, but there is nothing on this painting. It looks a little shabby amidst the room full of gold and jade.

The uncle in white asked again: "What do you think of this painting, girl?"

Song Ling glanced at the bit of spider dust on the painting. The painting must be very important to the uncle in white because it was placed in such an obvious position, so she nodded repeatedly: "Well, it's very good, it's different, and it's easy to see when you see it. It has a long history and profound background, and there must be many stories in it. Good painting! Good painting!"

The uncle in white nodded with satisfaction: "Sure enough, there is a root of wisdom. If that's the case, then follow me in." He walked behind Song Ling and suddenly pushed her forward forcefully.

Song Ling felt that he was suddenly weightless, and before he could scream, he found himself falling on a pile of soft straw, but the surrounding was very dark.Song Ling got up from the straw, and the surrounding suddenly became brighter.It turned out that she was in a stone room, and there were several people sitting cross-legged around her. In front of her was a beautiful woman with a snake's tail. She sat there quietly, and her whole body was filled with a soft and loving atmosphere, which made people feel uncomfortable. Can't help but have a good impression of her.

"This is the head of the ancient gods... Empress Nuwa!" Song Ling was watching the woman in a daze when suddenly the voice of the uncle in white came to his ears.

Song Ling glanced at her in surprise, "Nuwa Empress? Is that the Nuwa Empress who made people to mend the sky? Is she still in this world?"

The uncle in white nodded slowly, with a serious expression on his face, "Empress Nuwa has already become a fairy, and this is the wax figure of Empress Nuwa. Girl, the Water Spirit Orb was originally owned by Nuwa. Now that you have obtained the Water Spirit Orb, hurry up and kowtow to her!"

Song Ling kowtowed quickly. The wax figure was very well made, just like a real person. At this moment, she felt that Empress Nuwa was really looking at her with compassion and love with those beautiful eyes.

Seeing that Song Ling had kowtowed to Nuwa, the uncle in white pointed to a tall man with fiery red hair and a majestic complexion and said, "This is Gong Gong, the God of Fire, and the owner of the Water Flame Bracelet. The girl kowtows to him too! "

Unexpectedly, she could see the rightful owner of those treasures on her body, and they were all ancient gods tens of thousands of years ago. Song Ling felt deep respect in her heart, and she kowtowed three times to Gong Gong's wax figure.There are five wax figures in the stone room, Song Ling pointed to the other three and said, "Do you want Xiaolong to kowtow to them?"

The uncle in white sighed: "The ancient gods, now I'm the only one left! Not only the girl wants to kowtow to them, but I also want to salute them!"

After the two saluted the other three wax figures of ancient gods, Song Ling finally couldn't help asking the uncle in white, "Why did God bring Xiaolong to see them? Is it just because Xiaolong has water spirit beads and water flame bracelets on him?"

The uncle in white didn't answer her, but said: "Nuwa Empress, Vulcan Gonggong, Hun Kun Patriarch, Lu Ya Taoist Lord, Hong Jun Patriarch, do you know what this girl of the five gods is?"

Nuwa made man and repaired the sky. As for Gonggong, uh, it seems to be a troublemaker who hit Buzhou Mountain and caused the sky to collapse. As for the other three, they have never heard of it, so Song Ling shook his head firmly.

The uncle in white said: "The five of them are the gods of creation, so the weapons used by the five of them together have the power of creation!"

Song Ling was stunned for a moment, no wonder the little devil was so keen on finding water spirit beads and water flame bracelets!The power of creation, Nima, what a vast power, creation and creation, this world is created by oneself, so what else can't be done?And two-fifths of this power of creation is on her body. Song Ling collected her mind and calmed down her thumping little heart. The perfect fate of madness.

"Then what are the magic weapons of the other three High Gods?"

"I can't say for now, if it appears in the future, the girl will definitely know."

Song Ling asked again: "Could the three artifacts also be obtained by Xiaolong?"

The uncle in white looked at Song Ling suddenly, only to see that Song Ling felt guilty and said: "Girl, you have a big heart! It's just that I really don't want the five artifacts to belong to one person, otherwise if this person has the power to create the world , and have an unruly heart, wouldn't the Three Realms be in danger!"

So he called himself here, besides telling her this, did he also want to take the water spirit pearl and the water flame bracelet away from her?It doesn't matter if there is no water flame bracelet, but the water spirit orb has been fused with the golden core in her body for so long, and it has long been indispensable. If someone took it away, wouldn't it mean that she would also be burned to death?
She hurriedly said: "God, Xiaolong will definitely not have any wrongdoing intentions, even if Xiaolong gets the Water Spirit Orb and the Water Flame Bracelet, it will definitely benefit the Three Realms!"

The uncle in white glanced at her again, and said: "That's good. It's just that the girl must protect the water spirit beads and the water flame bracelet, and don't let the devil snatch them away. The girl has seen the five ancient gods of creation. , or go up with me. It’s just that you can’t tell others about today’s affairs, not even Fenghuang, who is in love with you, otherwise, I will definitely not forgive you!”

Song Ling wiped the sweat from his forehead, this god had only seen her and Fenghuang a few times, how could he see that Fenghuang was her good friend?However, since the Great God had issued a warning and threat, she had no choice but to respond.

The uncle in white took Song Ling up, but actually got out of that painting. Song Ling looked at the painting again. She turned such a gentle and beautiful Empress Nuwa into a dominatrix.She couldn't help asking, "Who made this painting?"

"Of course it's me, how about it?"

Song Ling paused, and said with a smile: "Very good, every ancient god is drawn so lifelike, that Xiaolong can't help but feel deep admiration in his heart when he sees it!"

The uncle in white showed a smile at the corner of his mouth, "Girl really has vision. I'm in a good mood today, girl, go and invite those dolls in, after all, they are nobles from the God Realm, I want to give them some face!"

(End of this chapter)

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