Rebirth campus female interstellar agent

Chapter 101 The Maze of the Underground, Revealing the Mystery

Chapter 101 The Maze of the Underground, Revealing the Mystery (21)

I see……

No wonder she couldn't find it.

Everything has its pros and cons. After the death of the Divine Master, her soul origin also divided into pros and cons.

Now it seems that both the pros and cons of the Divine Lord, the divine soul, have already had their own independent consciousness, and have stepped into reincarnation, and both have been reincarnated.

This means that their God Lord cannot come back...

Even if you find it, a divine master who has no memories of his previous life is not a real divine master after all.

After the positive and negative sides of the divine master's soul are fused, he is the real divine master.

And her soul, the positive and negative sides have their own independent consciousness, and they can no longer merge.

From the beginning of the independent consciousness of the soul source, they have become two independent individuals.

They are gods, and they are not gods.

This is a small world created by the God Lord after exhausting the last of his divine power. When the God Lord is gone, everything here will cease to exist.

Just as the sorceress was thinking this, the ground shook again under her feet.

"Not good! It's starting to collapse again! Hurry up! Get together and reduce the footprint!" It was Ling Yu's father who shouted.

What it looked like for those few people to be swallowed by the void after the collapse was obvious to all.

At the beginning, Xu Manqing and the others were wary of the Hengli people and didn't dare to get too close to them, but now they don't care so much.

Everyone squeezed together, eager to hug into a ball and narrow the gap between people.

Of course there are some exceptions, such as Chen Hanxi, Xiao Ming, Goddess, Ling Yu, Huo Xin and Huo Cang.

They didn't seem to care if they fell through the crack and were torn to ashes.

"What... what's going on here? Isn't the bone wing exclusive to the God Lord? She... they all have bone wings, this..."

The man's doubts were unanswered, and there was another exclamation from the crowd: "My God! Why is there another divine master!"

The man pointed at Chen Hanxi and Chen Xi, and looked along his fingertips, only to see countless red fluorescent lights flowing out from the Ice Soul Bead around Chen Hanxi's neck.

These fluorescent lights surrounded them, circling for a few weeks, and a figure gathered, it was a girl, the girl in the wine red dress.

The girl in the red dress flew straight into the sky without saying a word. The movement of her hand should be some kind of seal gesture.

After she finished these gestures, the surrounding earth shook and gradually stopped.

In fact, it didn't stop. If you feel it carefully, you can still feel the ground trembling, but in comparison, the movement is not a little bit smaller.

At this moment, Chen Hanxi can be sure that this girl is the divine master in the mouth of the group, the real divine master, not her fake one.

I don't know if she read it wrong. When the girl made a gesture, it seemed that four very thin lines hung down from the sky.

The moment these threads penetrated the girl, the girl almost became transparent.

At this time, the movement on the ground became smaller.

At this time, the three of them looked at each other in blank dismay.To be precise, only Chen Xi was looking at the girl in the red dress and Chen Hanxi.

Suddenly, there were two strangers who were exactly like him standing in front of him. This scene was very strange...

Chen Hanxi also has a younger sister who is cursed by twins just like her, so she is not surprised by this situation.

"Don't look, we all look alike." Chen Hanxi folded her arms around her chest, and said to the two people in front of her,
"Some of you know the solution to this trouble." Not a question, but an affirmation.

She was wearing a red and black school uniform at this time, with a smile on her lips, coupled with the dark purple bone wings behind her, she really looked like a demon descending on the world.

The girl in the red dress, to be precise, should be called Miao Bai.

Miao Bai spoke first: "This is the small world we created. The power left here at that time has now returned to the original body. This place is about to collapse."

Chen Hanxi: "This place is about to collapse, I can see it. How to solve it, please explain the key points."

Miao Bai: "You and her, there must be one who voluntarily sacrifices his soul..."

(End of this chapter)

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