Rebirth campus female interstellar agent

Chapter 102 The Maze of the Underground, Revealing the Mystery

Chapter 102 The Maze of the Underground, Revealing the Mystery (22)

Miao Bai: "You and her, there must be one who is willing to sacrifice his soul."

Miao Bai's voice was very soft, obviously light and airy, but it reached the ears of everyone present.

The audience was silent, but only for a moment, and soon became noisy again.

"Chen Xi! Did you hear that? As long as you sacrifice your soul, we'll be fine!" Xu Manqing shouted to Chen Hanxi.

Chen Hanxi just glanced at Xu Manqing indifferently, without any unnecessary reaction.He didn't say that he wanted to be saved, nor did he say that he didn't want to be saved.

And Ling Yu's reaction was much more intense than hers, as if Xu Manqing just wanted him to die:

"Do you know the fate of using the soul as a sacrifice? They are one body, if they are sacrificed, one of them will be wiped out!

The real ashes are wiped out, never to be found again, there is no reincarnation, it is more serious than death! "

If it wasn't for the blocking of the human shield, Ling Yu might have rushed forward to beat Xu Manqing violently, "Do you know that with the sacrifice of the soul, there will be no more gods in this world..."

At this time, in the group of Hengli people, someone shouted, it was the 'child':
"God Lord, don't listen to that woman's nonsense! We have received God's favor and lived for more than 700 years, this life is enough!"

As soon as the 'children' finished speaking, there were people around who responded immediately, like a tide of high tide, echoing every call.

"Yes, this life is enough!"

"This life is enough!"


Among the group of Hengli people, some shouted loudly to let Chen Hanxi leave them alone and take care of themselves, and some kept silent.

These silent people are all people who want to live, but they have lived for hundreds of years thanks to the grace of the Lord God, and now it is a little difficult to open their mouths.

First, because the price this time is the sacrifice of the soul.There is another reason, they are jealous, afraid that the last thing left is Chen Hanxi, the dark side of the God Lord.

To use the soul as a sacrifice must be willing, and the dark side of the divine master has no good intentions, so he must not be willing.

If the light side of the divine lord was wiped out in order to save them, then the rest must be the demons of the dark side.

No matter what, the last thing left is the dark side. Who knows if the dark side of the God Lord is not suppressed by the light side, will he become a bloodthirsty demon?

They dare not gamble.

Xu Manqing and his group didn't know why, the tall and thin boy among them threw down Wenrou who was supporting him, pointed at Chen Hanxi angrily, and said angrily:

"Isn't there three? If one dies, we can all live. If we die, we will die. What's the big deal!"

Liu Jie rubbed his index finger, his eyes flickered with unknown meaning, but he didn't speak.When Lu Maoxia encountered such a situation, he always kept silent.

And the rest of their class felt that what the boy said was reasonable, and they all agreed.

"That's right! If you die, you die! Three people die and one dies. If it can change everyone's life, then let her die!"

"Yes! Let Chen Xi die! If she dies, we'll be fine!"

"Chen Xi, I beg you! You go to die, okay? If you die, we can all live!"

The reactions of these people, compared with the group of Hengli people next to them, seemed a little bit harsh. Sure enough, the Hengli people were blown up:

"Are you fucking speaking human words? If you want to live, why do you have to ask God to pay the price!"

"The God Lord doesn't owe you anything, what right do you have to ask her to sacrifice half of her soul for you!"

"You, too?"


The atmosphere between the two groups of people was very unpleasant, and swords were on the verge of breaking out, giving people the feeling that a fight was about to start after a few words.

On the other side, Miao Bai was facing Chen Xi with a smile on her lips, her meaning was self-evident.

Chen Xi frowned, thinking about something, while Chen Hanxi took a step forward, separating Miao Bai and Chen Xi.

"In other words, one of us must die, right?" Chen Hanxi's face continued to smile.

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(End of this chapter)

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