Rebirth campus female interstellar agent

Chapter 114 The Ice Soul Orb is Xu's Thing

Chapter 114 The Ice Soul Orb is Xu's Thing (Part [-])

There was no one around, so Chen Hanxi took out the smart core of the monitoring tower.

The smart core broke free suddenly, cut her finger, and fell to the ground.The green light flickers, and the projected image gradually becomes clearer.

Only this time, the smart core imitated her.

"What are you! You can use the beauty of the Palace Master!" If it wasn't for being dragged by Chen Hanxi, Shuang Hua would have rushed forward, trampling the smart core to pieces.

The holographic image projected by the smart core this time does not have the ability to think like before. At this time, it is like a puppet, stunned.

"Scanning... Scanning complete."

"The identity of the other party has been verified, and it is not the administrator Xu."

It turned out that the smart core was not imitating Chen Hanxi, but was scanning her body data to determine whether she was the administrator "Xu".

After the scan was completed, the smart core changed back to Chen Xu's appearance. Its eyes wandered around, looking for an escape route.

However, Chen Hanxi didn't give it this chance.She used her thoughts to transform the shield and cover the smart core inside.

"You're not Xu, you're a bad guy! Let me go! I'm going to find the real administrator, Xu!"

The body of the smart core hit the invisible cage that Chen Hanxi condensed with his mind, making a ping-pong sound.

"It's useless, you can't break it." Chen Hanxi looked at it with a smile on his lips, "Do you want me to let you go?"

The smart core nodded: "I want to."

"Well, go ahead and think about it."

The smart core originally thought that Chen Hanxi was going to let it go, but when Chen Hanxi said that, it choked hard.

"It's not impossible to let you go." Chen Hanxi suddenly changed the subject, stepped forward, and tried to persuade, "As long as you tell me how the administrator Xu disappeared, and where he last appeared."

The more Chen Hanxi thought about it, the more she felt that her adoptive father was the administrator "Xu".

Before, she thought that the timelines were not aligned, but after thinking about it carefully, she found that the timelines could be aligned.

Because she remembered that her adoptive father was Chen Yuhua's father—that is, Chen Guoliang's great-grandfather.

This shows that his adoptive father had lived here for a long time before she came to Prisoner Planet.

In fact, she has never understood her adoptive father, and she can't say why, she just wants to believe in her adoptive father, and will automatically ignore all doubts about her adoptive father.

"Why are you asking this?" The smart core suddenly calmed down, and its tone was rarely vigilant.

"He is my relative, and I want to find him."

"You're lying! Xu only has his brother as a relative, and Xu's brother died long ago!
And I tested your blood just now, and you are clearly not related by blood!
If it weren't for the Ice Soul Orb being with you, I would have killed you in the surveillance tower before!I won't mistake you for Cheng Xu! "

The smart core started to go 'crazy' again while talking.

This time, it desperately hit the cage created by the mind force with all its might.

Its body fell apart every time it was hit, but it was very persistent. After falling apart, it gathered together again and again in a daze, and then bumped into it again, smashing itself to pieces.

"Bad guy! Bring the Ice Soul Orb! It belongs to Xu!"

After the smart core said this, Chen Hanxi was a little surprised.

The Ice Soul Orb represents the kingship of the blood clan.

The smart core said: This is something from the administrator "Xu".

If her adoptive father is the administrator "Xu", does this mean that her adoptive father was once a high-ranking person in the blood clan?
(End of this chapter)

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