Rebirth campus female interstellar agent

Chapter 115 Last Appearance, Autumn Maple Continent

Chapter 115 Last Appearance, Autumn Maple Continent ([-]rd)
However, these are just her guesses at present.

As for whether the adoptive father is "Xu", this will not be confirmed until she finds the adoptive father.

"The lord is asking you something! Do you want to say it or not!" Shuang Hua took off the two guns pinned to her waist, aimed at the smart core,
"Don't think that I won't dare to beat you, auntie, because of Elder Xu's face!" The Elder Xu she was talking about was Chen Xu, Chen Hanxi's adoptive father.

Behind Chen Hanxi came a "puchi" laugh, the owner of the voice was Xiao Ming who had just chased after him.

"It's not feasible for you to do this." Xiao Ming went around in front of Shuanghua, leaned over to pick up the body chip of the smart core.

I don't know how he did it, but through Chen Hanxi's mind, he got the body chip of the smart core.

The smart core wanted to escape, but Xiao Ming didn't give it a chance at all.

With quick eyes and quick hands, he put the body chip of the smart core into the black gun bracelet on his wrist.

"Ding—the core is being deciphered." Xiao Ming's bracelet sounded a notification.

At the same time as the bracelet sounded, a light screen was projected, and the codes on the light screen kept shuttling up and down, making people dazzled.

Xiao Ming is a high-level mecha equipment engineer. After his modification, his bracelet can quickly decipher the core code.

It didn't take long before the bracelet issued a prompt sound of successful deciphering:

"Ding—the core core was successfully deciphered."

"Reading, finished reading."

When the notification sound fell, the code on the light screen also dissipated, replaced by the projected image of the smart core.

But now it is no longer a holographic projection, and it is still imprisoned on the small light screen projected by the bracelet, with nowhere to escape.

Fortunately, the scene of the successful deciphering of the smart core was not seen by other mecha technicians on Interstellar. If they saw it, the entire Interstellar would definitely panic.

You know, the smart core is so far the only thing that cannot be deciphered without a password.

Therefore, it is very safe to archive important secrets with smart cores, and many planets in the interstellar are archived with smart cores.

Now suddenly someone has mastered the technology to decipher the smart core, their secrets are no longer safe, can they not panic?

"Xixi, what do you want to ask it? You can ask, it can't hide anything." Xiao Ming took off the bracelet and handed it to Chen Hanxi.

Chen Hanxi didn't regard Xiao Ming as an outsider, and asked directly: "Where did the administrator Xu last appear?"

"The location where Administrator Xu last appeared was in Qiufeng Continent."

Sure enough, after the smart core was deciphered, there was nothing to hide.

What Chen Hanxi asked and what it answered, he told them all truthfully, and he almost confessed the eighteen generations of the administrator Xu's ancestors.

Because Xu's ancestors have eighteen generations, there is no record in the smart core, so it doesn't know.

According to the information given by the smart core, Xu, the administrator, is her adoptive father.

Or her ancestors...

 Hey, I forgot to turn on the socket when I was charging my phone yesterday. As a result, when I was writing the next chapter, the phone ran out of power and turned off, unable to turn on.

  I didn't mean not to post it(つд)
  Today, I left my mobile phone at home and charged it for a whole day. I just got home and pressed it for a long time before turning it on. As soon as I turned it on, I sent yesterday's saved manuscript.

  There is another chapter. I shut down after writing more than 100 words yesterday. I will send it after writing~
(End of this chapter)

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