Rebirth campus female interstellar agent

Chapter 137 One with meat and one without meat

Chapter 137 One with meat and one without meat

"Master!" Gu Feng gasped when he saw this, his heart froze violently.

Isn't this the experimental subject studied by Master? Why did it escape! ?
Looking inside again, there is a large group of human-shaped skeletons crowded behind, pushing and shoving!
Rough estimate, almost 20.

"Tsk." Chen Hanxi looked at the blood oozing from her sleeve, frowned displeasedly, and said coldly, "It seems that you have to die again."

As soon as the words fell, the teeth of the skeleton biting her arm fell to the ground.

Chen Hanxi removed the skeleton's leg bones, and used its leg bones to smash it into pieces.

Gu Feng, who was on the side, was stunned. The master is indeed a master, and these experimental subjects studied by the master cannot be broken up at all.

It doesn't matter if they can't be broken, their claws are still sharp.Just find one, go down with one paw, and it can grab the iron plate out of the gully.

And what about Master?Take them apart like building blocks...

It's just that he didn't understand why Chen Xi became HX, and why did he become his master?

Among the group of skeletons, a red-skulled skeleton raised its head, its upper and lower jaws opened and closed, probably trying to shout something, but unfortunately it has no vocal cords and cannot make a sound.

Just as the red-headed skull lowered its head, the surrounding white skulls got the command, and with their outstretched claws, frantically flocked towards the door.

"Gu Feng, close the door!"

Chen Hanxi waved the big bone stick in his hand, and the energy generated pushed the skeletons back a few steps.

The big bone stick she held in her hand was overwhelmed and broke into several sections. She threw it out and smashed a skeleton's skull.

Chen Hanxi quickly stepped into the room, followed by Gu Feng, closing the door and turning on the lighting in the room.

Chen Hanxi looked at the skeletons in the room that had been broken up by her. They were obviously broken up, but they put them back together again, her brows were involuntarily frowned.

These things look very similar to blood demons. The difference between them may be that blood demons have flesh, while skeletons have no flesh.

Gorefiend wants face, and the head will be scrapped. These skeletons are shameless. If the skull is knocked out, they can still be put back by themselves, so they have to be crushed by it.

How did Yun Youzi make these things?What is his purpose?
Chen Hanxi had a vague guess in his heart, but he couldn't confirm it: Yun Youzi did all this, could it be that he wanted to escape from prison and return to his home planet?
Or, Gu Feng is lying.This is not Yun Youzi's foothold at all.

But at this moment, she felt that the former was more likely.After all, Gu Feng turned on the light as soon as he came in.

"Master, be merciful! I know how to make them stop, don't smash them into pieces!" Gu Feng's expression was full of unbearable, as if Chen Hanxi was going to hit at this moment, not the red-headed skeleton, but his own mother.

"Why?" These things are a scourge, and if they are not destroyed, there will be endless troubles.

Now those mutated gorefiends are troublesome enough, plus these skeletons, are they going to destroy the world?

Chen Hanxi suddenly felt that as the blood soul founder HX, as the heinous devil in everyone's heart, he had never thought of this kind of thought before, is he really sorry for his notoriety...

"Master, I don't have time to explain now, the third door on the left side of the second floor, pull down the valve inside, and they will stop when the power is turned off."

Chen Hanxi let out a "hmm", and used her mind to transform into a shield, fending off the skeleton's minions, and jumped directly to the corridor on the second floor with her toes on the ground.

The red-headed skull noticed that Chen Hanxi had gone up to the second floor, raised his head again, and shouted something silently.

I saw those skeletons quickly divided into two groups, one group surrounded Gu Feng, and the other group came to arrest Chen Hanxi.

The strange thing is that the crowd surrounding Gu Feng didn't seem to be attacking him, but seemed to be protecting him.

Seeing this, Chen Hanxi was a little speechless.

Could it be that she hit them just now, but Gu Feng stopped her, so they protected Gu Feng and wanted to attack her?

I still hold a grudge...

 Today is still a day to miss Bianyun Youzi~
  Author: QAQ Yun Youzi, what did you do behind my back?
  Yun Youzi: I don't know, you arranged it.

  Author: Unable to refute...

(End of this chapter)

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