Rebirth campus female interstellar agent

Chapter 138 Cutting Flesh and Letting Blood

Chapter 138 Cutting Flesh and Letting Blood

These skeletons can't jump up to the second floor like Chen Hanxi, they can only walk up the stairs.

While they were climbing the stairs, Chen Hanxi had already entered Gu Fengsuo's room.

She is familiar with the layout of this room, especially the broken cylindrical glass container in the middle.

Not far away, the computer connected to the glass container by many tubes, and the big hole in the light energy display of the computer.

Chen Hanxi really knew this house very well.The pain of cutting flesh and bloodletting seems to have not faded away...

This is the laboratory that studied her body in her previous life. Looking at it now, it looks similar to what she saw when she returned to her body last time.

Chen Hanxi couldn't tell what mood she was in right now.

I'm afraid her death in the previous life was also related to Yun Youzi...

But now is not the time to worry about these things, Chen Hanxi scanned the laboratory and quickly found the main gate.

Pulling the switch, the room dimmed instantly.

The computer screen that was dying was completely extinguished this time.

Chen Hanxi didn't go out immediately. When she saw this laboratory, she wanted to see if her real body was here.

The last time she returned to her main body, because of Yun Yu, the power of her main body was restored. If she could switch back, she could directly use the Ice Soul Orb to locate Yun Youzi's position.

Chen Hanxi has the Ice Soul Orb, which allows her to see in the dark. She found the place where she hid last time. There was a corpse there, but it wasn't hers.

She quickly searched the rest of the place, but there was still nothing, so she had to give up.

As soon as Chen Hanxi walked out of the laboratory, several skeletons froze by the door, motionless, like skeleton models used in biology classes.

It seems that pulling the switch is useful.

Chen Hanxi bypassed the skeleton frame and jumped from the corridor to the first floor.Gu Feng carefully opened the skeleton around him, and walked to Chen Hanxi's side: "Thank you."

Without waiting for Chen Hanxi to respond, Gu Feng walked in front of her without looking back, only the voice came behind him: "Thank you for trusting me."

He knew that the master was very strong, and there was no need to turn off the switch to destroy all the skeletons on the scene.

He also knew that in the eyes of the master, these skeletons were a disaster and a threat. It was rumored that HX was ruthless and determined to do things.

Under such circumstances, Master was willing to trust him and leave behind these "troubles", he was really grateful.

For him, these skeletons are family.

When these skeletons were alive, they were all people who grew up with him. Although they were not blood relatives, they were closer than real blood relatives.

Chen Hanxi didn't know what was going on in Gu Feng's heart, let alone empathize with it, she just nodded her head lightly.

Next, the two split up, Gu Feng locked the skeletons back to their original places, and Chen Hanxi was in charge of searching.

In order to determine the location of Yun Youzi and Chen Yuhua, Chen Hanxi had no choice but to use the Ice Soul Orb to search in a large area.

Her mind power is now less than a quarter of her previous life, and this method consumes a lot of mind power, and she will not use this method unless it is absolutely necessary.

Chen Hanxi drives the Ice Soul Orb with her mental power, and her current mental power can only scan a few kilometers around.

But within a few kilometers, apart from Gu Feng, there was no sign of life, so it was certain that Yun Youzi was not here.

But if he wasn't here, where else could he be?Chen Hanxi clenched her fists and walked towards the door.

"Master, Master used to live here..." Gu Feng pursed his lips and followed behind Chen Hanxi, walking out of the empty house.

"The past does not represent the present." Chen Hanxi muttered to himself, "He was not like this before..."

Yun Youzi asked her to go to the Eternal Winter Continent, which is the Eternal Winter Continent.

The place of first acquaintance he said...

Could it be—

 Thank you for your votes~
  Thank you [too lazy to name—_—] for the reward of 100 book coins~
  Crabs, everyone endured this pigeon dust for so long (cover your face)

  It’s too difficult for me, the sky is fine, and I’m going to move firewood again QAQ
  Fortunately, the author can’t wield an axe, otherwise I would be chopping wood (unable to cry)
(End of this chapter)

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