Rebirth campus female interstellar agent

Chapter 141 Mysterious Planet, Xiao Ming Burns His Head

Chapter 141 Mysterious Planet, Xiao Ming Burns His Head

Seeing that the Ice Soul Orb was shattered, Chen Hanxi was very calm.

With a wave of her hand, these powders formed a transparent shield on Chen Yuhua's body.

"Gu Feng, take care of him, I may have to leave for a while." She felt that she was going back to her original body.

Sure enough, as soon as the words fell, the familiar feeling of dizziness came, followed by the pain of being torn apart.

She was able to be reborn on Chen Xi's body because of the Ice Soul Orb, and at this time, the Ice Soul Orb was being used by her to renew Chen Yuhua's life, so she couldn't take care of her anymore.

Chen Hanxi's eyes went dark, and when she opened her eyes again, what she saw was not any place she had seen before.

Here is a cave in which many crystal clusters of different sizes grow.These crystal clusters are larger than a standing adult man, and the small ones are only as big as a finger.

Chen Hanxi took a few steps forward, staggering one step at a time, without feeling down-to-earth.She looked down and found that she was translucent and floating.

Chen Hanxi: "..."

As the founder of Blood Soul, Chen Hanxi has extraordinary adaptability, and soon she got used to floating in mid-air.

She couldn't explain why, this environment made her very uncomfortable, she was so depressed that she couldn't breathe, and she just wanted to leave quickly.

Chen Hanxi quickly walked between the illusionary crystal clusters, and floated towards the opposite crack.

When he got closer, Chen Hanxi found that it was not a crack, but a giant crystal pillar connecting the cave roof and the ground. There was a dazzling light in the crystal pillar, and it was this light that illuminated the entire cave.

When she got closer, she found a girl inside the crystal, and the beam of light just encased the girl in it.

The light was so dazzling that Chen Hanxi couldn't see the girl's appearance clearly, but could only see the girl's blurred outline and her palm stretched forward.

Perhaps it was a coincidence, Chen Hanxi stretched out his hand, and gently placed his palm on the crystal in front of the girl's palm.

Suddenly, a crack appeared in the crystal as if it touched porcelain, with her palm as the center, it meandered and cracked like a spider web, and shattered to the ground.

But the girl in the crystal still maintains the original movement, suspended in mid-air.She was wearing a long white dress, which seemed to be covered with light, and finally fell to the ground lightly.

The crystal shattered, the light disappeared, and the cave was plunged into darkness.

"Little sister, little sister?" Chen Hanxi softened her tone, "Are you awake? Can you hear me?"

What responded to Chen Hanxi was deathly silence.

When she couldn't get a response, Chen Hanxi didn't force it. The surroundings were pitch black and she couldn't see her fingers. She could only stay where she was and wait and see what happened.

After not staying for long, the light above suddenly appeared, and Chen Hanxi looked up, and it turned out that there was a crack in the roof of the cave.

With this light, Chen Hanxi could clearly see the girl who was close at hand. This girl was exactly like Chen Xi. If there was any difference between them, it might be their eyebrows.

Although the girl's eyebrows and eyes were as gentle as the spring breeze in March, they were not as pure as Chen Xi's.

There are more and more cracks, the cave collapsed, and the rocks on the top of the cave with crystals were all smashed down.

This girl is simply the combined version of Chen Xi and herself. She must have some relationship with Chen Xi, right?

Chen Hanxi wanted to take the girl to avoid the falling rock crystal, but at this moment, a ball of light emanated from the girl, the light dispersed, and the girl disappeared together.

Without time to think about it, Chen Hanxi felt extremely dizzy. When the fatal dizziness ended, Chen Hanxi realized that she had already left the cave.

Looking up, there is a pink sky, with misty purple clouds like silk, sparsely arranged in the sky, like a huge formation formed by the creator god using the sky as a curtain.

Looking at the pink and tender sky, Chen Hanxi suddenly realized that this place is not any planet he has been to.

Because of the twin curse, she was sent to the prisoner star by her father when she was very young. Before that, she had never left the red star.And after arriving at the prisoner star, she couldn't leave because of some kind of bondage.

At this time, the place Chen Hanxi was in was neither Scarlet nor Prisoner Star.

The reason why the red star is called "red" is precisely because its atmosphere is red, so the sky seen is also red.

Except for the red star, the atmospheres of other planets have no color. Because of the scattering of sunlight, the sky appears blue, but here, the entire sky is pink.

Looking at the unknown vegetation around him, Chen Hanxi has read countless documents, but none of them recorded the plants in front of him.

Feeling tripped, Chen Hanxi looked down and found the girl who had disappeared before was lying at his feet.

Chen Hanxi floated a little to the side calmly, bent down, and stared at this girl who looked a lot like Chen Xi.

The girl's sleeping face was very peaceful, peaceful like a dead person, Chen Hanxi thought so, and saw the girl's eyelashes quivering slightly, and opened her eyes.

The two looked at each other.

The girl didn't seem to notice Chen Hanxi, she stood up, looked around casually, patted the dust on the skirt, walked forward, and ran in the opposite direction from Chen Hanxi.

Chen Hanxi didn't intend to go with that girl, the girl couldn't see her, and she still didn't understand what was going on.

However, Chen Hanxi didn't float very far, and suddenly felt a strong attraction behind her, and this force was pulling her back, the speed wasn't too fast, it was about the same as walking.

Chen Hanxi didn't like this feeling, so she tried to fly into the sky to see if the force would disappear.

The result was disappointing. She floated high in the sky, pulled by this force, like a kite...

However, the view from the high place is wide, Chen Hanxi didn't want to come down so quickly, so he just let it go.

She floated in the sky for a long time, and finally found the "Kite Flyer", the girl who was exactly like Chen Xi.

Chen Hanxi found that when she got close to this girl, the pulling force would disappear, and when her distance from the girl exceeded a certain range, that force would pull her back.

Chen Hanxi thought: "Is she and I being forcibly tied together? Judging by her appearance, she doesn't know..."

Knowing where the gravitational force came from, Chen Hanxi simply walked side by side with the girl.She tried to communicate with the girl, but the girl didn't feel her presence at all.

After walking for a while, Chen Hanxi discovered that the girl was a road idiot.Take the tree with the black fruit in the back as an example, she has passed by it back and forth six times...

A shadow suddenly cast over them, and Chen Hanxi and the girl stopped at the same time.

The roar of the air being pierced sounded from above, and Chen Hanxi looked up, only to see a huge battleship spaceship parked in the sky.

A round hatch was opened at the bottom of the spaceship, and Chen Hanxi couldn't see clearly from the distance, so he probably knew that someone was coming down on the spaceship.

But she didn't expect that the person who came was Xiao Ming!

But when did Xiao Ming dye his hair and perm his head!Isn't the original look pretty good?
 104 book coins rewarded by Xie Xie [too lazy to name]~

  Crab Crab [誷节] 1 book coin as a reward~

  Thanks for the recommendation tickets, little cuties~

  I love you, yay!
  (Large-scale memory killing warning, the author strives to control it to end around 2w words, this plot is very important and must be followed, the relationship between the male and female protagonists, and many foreshadowings in the past rely on it~)
(End of this chapter)

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