Rebirth campus female interstellar agent

Chapter 142 Miao Bai teleports into the coffin

Chapter 142 Miao Bai teleports into the coffin

"Xiao Ming" had just approached, and before he had time to say anything, the girl seemed to be facing a formidable enemy, like a mouse seeing a cat, and fled in the opposite direction to Xiao Ming.

Chen Hanxi originally wanted to ask "Xiao Ming" where it was, because of that traction, now she had no choice but to leave with that girl.

The girl herself can't run fast, but she can teleport, but she is not proficient.It takes a while to use a teleport before using the next one.

Moreover, the distance she teleports each time is only about 1000 meters, the teleportation location is random, and she almost hit "Xiao Ming"'s aircraft several times.

Regarding this, Chen Hanxi said that fortunately she is in the form of A Piao now, she can fly and can't touch anything.Otherwise, the sudden ups and downs would be too bumpy.

"Xiao Ming"'s aircraft is not slow, and he has a position tracking device in his hand.Even if the girl could teleport, he still didn't lose her.

Seeing that "Xiao Ming" was about to catch up, the girl teleported again in desperation. I wondered if the teleportation technique had to be against her. She teleported to the edge of the cliff, and without stopping for a moment, she fell straight down the cliff .

Chen Hanxi who was pulled off the cliff by the girl: "..."

Just when Chen Hanxi thought that the girl was bound to die, a pair of white bone wings spread out from behind the girl, and at the same time, her jet-black hair turned silver.

Chen Hanxi was shocked when he saw this bone wing, this is Miao Bai! ?
She's not sure yet.

The girl may be flying for the first time, and the flight is unstable and the speed is very slow, "Xiao Ming" behind caught up.

Maybe because she knew she couldn't run no matter what, or maybe because she wanted to see what "Xiao Ming" was going to do, the girl stopped.

"Xiao Ming" held an instrument in his hand that was used to detect something, walked around the girl a few times, and asked, "What's your name? Why are you in a no-man's land?"

"Xiao Ming" had a straight face, not vicious, but he looked stern.

Seeing this, the girl thought she had committed some terrible crime, and said in a panic, " name is Miao Bai. Did I get into some trouble? I really don't know why I'm here...don't arrest me ..."

Miao Bai, it really is her...

But didn’t Miao Bai die 500 years ago, why am I here?Chen Hanxi rubbed his temples, his eyes suddenly met "Xiao Ming".

She walked towards "Xiao Ming", and waved her hand in front of "Xiao Ming", "Can you see me?"

"Of course I can see it, and I'm not blind." After 'Xiao Ming' finished speaking, he lowered his head again and went to fiddle with the instrument in his hand.

The whole body of the instrument is black, resembling a watch. Chen Hanxi has seen it before. In school, Xiao Ming used this thing to crack the smart core of the surveillance tower.

Chen Hanxi watched "Xiao Ming" input Miao Bai's name into the instrument, and after a while, a mechanical voice prompted: "There is no such person."

"Xiao Ming" turned off the instrument that looked like a watch, took out a laser gun and pointed it at Miao Bai: "Although I don't know why you lied, according to the rules, anyone who trespasses into a no-man's land without authorization must go with me." One trip."

Miao Bai was originally submissive, but when she saw the laser gun in "Xiao Ming"'s hand, she seemed to be a different person.

She sneered at "Xiao Ming" and said: "I just joined the world and I haven't done anything bad, so why do you arrest me?" After she finished speaking, she raised her hand, using her palm as a blade, and swiped it down quickly.

A silver light flashed across the track that Miao's white hand had drawn, and then distorted into a vortex.

Miao Bai walked into the vortex, and Chen Hanxi knew that he couldn't stay too far away from Miao Bai, so he followed Miao Bai into the vortex.

When she walked out of the vortex and hit a ring of muzzles, she was speechless again.

Miao Bai actually teleported into someone else's coffin board this time...

 Thanks [too lazy to name] for rewarding 27 book coins~
  Thanks for the recommendation tickets, little cuties~
  Crabs, those who have not given up on pigeon dust until now~
  (灬ω灬) I love you guys!

(End of this chapter)

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