Chapter 37

"Then you should pay me back!" Chen Xi's voice was filled with tears, "I miss my sister Yu Hua, my parents and friends, I want to stay..."

Perhaps Chen Xi's body was affected by the emotions of the original owner, and at this moment, Chen Hanxi couldn't stop crying.

She raised her hand to wipe her tears, and said helplessly, "Don't cry, I will return your body."

As she spoke, she raised her hand to cover the top of her head, endured the severe pain, and forcibly peeled off her soul.

Chen Xi couldn't wait, he drilled out the Ice Soul Bead, and before she could touch his body, he was sucked back by the Ice Soul Bead again.

And Chen Hanxi's soul was also out of control, returning to Chen Xi's body.

She staggered a few steps, then raised her hands to cover her head again, ready to do it again.

Seeing this, Xiao Ming rushed forward, pulled her hand down, and hugged her from behind.

His deep and magnetic voice sounded above Chen Hanxi's head: "Hanxi, don't waste your energy, it's useless. If she doesn't come back, you won't be able to leave either."

Chen Xi questioned: "Didn't you say give it back to me? Why did I go back into the bead again!?"

For some reason, when Chen Hanxi was in the soul state, no one could hear her voice.

And Chen Xi is also in the state of soul at this time, her voice can be heard by everyone.

"Your soul is incomplete, and you can't return to your body. Let's rest in the ice bead for a while."

"What's more, Han Xi's main soul is trapped in your body, you know, there can only be one main soul in a body." Xiao Ming said.

"I...I..." Chen Xi was silent for a moment, and then let go, "Okay..."

After a moment of silence, Gu Feng asked, "Chen Xi, are you still there? What happened, why are you in this bead?"

"I don't know, this bead appeared out of nowhere, and later, it stuffed a figure into my body..."

It turned out that after Chen Xi's death, he had been thinking about his elder brother Chen Yuhua all the time. His soul was gone, but a little bit of consciousness remained.

The Ice Soul Orb transferred Chen Hanxi's remnant soul to Chen Xi's body, and owed Chen Xi karma, so it took in a strand of Chen Xi's consciousness to help her condense her soul.

Chen Xi's consciousness can enter the Ice Soul Orb, so can Chen Hanxi's consciousness.She closed her eyes, recited the spell silently, and in the next second, she entered inside.

Inside the Ice Soul Orb, there is a vast expanse of whiteness, and the outside scene can be vaguely seen.The space inside is not very large, but it is not small either.

Chen Xi huddled into a ball and nestled in the middle. Her shoulders shrugged. It looked like she was sobbing.

It's just that she is a ray of remaining consciousness, so there are no tears.

"Chen Xi." Chen Hanxi called softly.

Chen Xi touched the non-existing tears on his face. She followed the prestige, her voice choked up, "Who are you? The person who took over my body?"

"Yes." Chen Hanxi floated in front of Chen Xi, "I will return your body, and I will never break my promise.

For now, it looks like I'll have to borrow it for a while.During this period, I will protect your body for you, so you can rest assured. "

Chen Hanxi made a promise, and it will be fulfilled.

Just like she promised back then that she would protect the twenty veterans of Blood Soul and prevent them from being taken back to the underground dungeon.

She did it, and the price was to be encircled and suppressed by all countries.

Because of this, she became famous in the first battle, and since then there has been a cold-blooded demon HX in the world.

Chen Xi didn't know Chen Hanxi well, but at this moment, she firmly believed that Chen Hanxi hadn't lied to her.

"What conditions do you have?" Chen Xi asked.

"No conditions, I just want to ask you to do me a favor, don't talk when there are people around. Erasing memories takes a lot of effort."

She just forcibly stripped her soul and lost a lot of mind power. Now, she can save a little bit.

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  From today onwards, two shifts are guaranteed every day, and three shifts are guaranteed as much as possible.

  (There may be a thunderstorm tonight, if it does not rain, it will be updated at three, and if it does, it will be reissued tomorrow morning)
(End of this chapter)

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