Rebirth campus female interstellar agent

Chapter 38 Encounter on the Street, Her Stepmother

Chapter 38 Encounter on the Street, Her Stepmother

Occupying Chen Xi's body was not Chen Hanxi's original intention. She never even thought that she would be reborn.

Although she didn't think about it, it was a fact that she took something that didn't belong to her.

What Chen Yuhua cared about was Chen Xi, not her, Chen Hanxi.

It took a week to return to the Blood Soul, and the last time the school was bombed, the holiday was only one day.

It was time for her to go back. If she didn't go back, Chen Yuhua would definitely become suspicious.


on the street.

Chen Hanxi walked on the sidewalk unhurriedly.

Suddenly, behind her came the yelling and cursing of several elders.

"Brothers! Grab her! Don't let this old cousin get away!"

"Made! He even came to steal our jobs! Don't you know that life is not easy for us to support our family!"

"Exactly! When I catch her, I will fuck her to death!"


It was a woman who was chased by several elders.

It can be seen from the pace of the woman when she ran away that this woman was definitely a practicing family before.

"I'm sorry! Excuse me! Make way!" The woman pushed aside the pedestrians blocking the way as she ran.

"I'm sick! Are you in a hurry to reincarnate!"

The person who was pushed away cursed a few words, turned around and walked away, completely unaware of the missing wallet on his body.

"I'm sorry, let me go, let me go!"

The woman wanted to push Chen Hanxi, but was dodged.

"Aunt Lan..." Chen Hanxi grabbed the woman's wrist and couldn't help but speak.

"Wh...what Aunt Lan? have the wrong person! Let me go!"

Chen Hanxi grabbed Li Qiulan's hand, like a shackle, firmly imprisoning Li Qiulan in place.

Li Qiulan struggled a few times, but did not move. She frowned and looked at Chen Hanxi.Seeing this, Chen Hanxi let go.

She was sure she had identified the right person!
That was Aunt Lan, her adoptive mother, her adoptive father's only and most beloved wife, how could she admit her mistake?
It's just that Aunt Lan didn't dare to admit her identity for some reason.

"Aunt Lan, I'm Hanxi."

Hearing the name "Hanxi", Li Qiulan froze, and after a while, she recovered her voice: "You...don't try to lie to me! I don't know anyone named Hanxi!"

Li Qiulan's expression flustered, her eyes dodged, she was obviously lying, and Chen Hanxi could tell at a glance.

"Brothers! The sword woman is here! Come here! Don't let her get away!"

The one who spoke was the ragged old man who was almost naked among the group of people chasing Li Qiulan.

The voice that the old man yelled not only called his brothers, but also many passers-by, who stopped to watch the commotion.

"what happened?"

"Who knows? The chickens in the kiln must have escaped?"

Someone immediately retorted: "Don't talk nonsense, maybe they are being chased for debts?"

No matter which time and space, the most indispensable thing is the people who eat melons.

The old man's brothers formed a circle, surrounding Chen Hanxi, Li Qiulan, and the old man.

Chen Hanxi protected Li Qiulan behind her, and said softly, "Don't be afraid, Aunt Lan, I'm here for everything."

"Little girl, leave me alone, let's go." Li Qiulan couldn't believe that the girl in front of her was her adopted daughter Han Xi who had been dead for 16 years.

After all, such a thing as death and resurrection is too mysterious.

Just when Li Qiulan and everyone here thought that Chen Hanxi was about to leave, Chen Hanxi pointed at the old man and said in her clear and ethereal voice: "Code name Juesha, number 438, from now on, you will be expelled from the bloody soul!" gone."

The melon-eating crowd didn't know why, so they looked confused at first, and then laughed loudly: "What Juesha? Chasing out bloody souls? Who does this little girl think she is?"

At this time, the old man suddenly caught a glimpse of the Ice Soul Orb on Chen Hanxi's neck, and said in horror, "You you you you are..."

 There was a heavy thunderstorm last night, and the author was afraid of being struck by lightning, so he only wrote one chapter.

  Wait for the author to finish his work, come back and make up (つд)
(End of this chapter)

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