Chapter 47
Chen Hanxi raised his hand and snapped his fingers, then said the word "bang" lightly.

I saw the three bullets exploded in response.

"Is she not a supernatural warrior?" Someone in the crowd guessed.

Seeing this situation, most people took it for granted that Chen Hanxi was a supernatural warrior. After all, it was impossible for ordinary people to do so.

And the man who shot him knew she wasn't.

Because he used to be the head of all the "supernatural fighters", and every supernatural fighter had to report to him before joining, and he had never seen this little girl.

To be able to do like this little girl, at least ten years of training in his hands.

And it's only been three years since he left the team of "Supernatural Warriors", so this little girl can't be a supernatural warrior.On the contrary, this little girl is more like that person.

The figure in memory overlapped with the little girl in front of him, and the man couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat. Everything that happened back then seemed as close as yesterday.

He remembered that night, there was a bright red full moon in the sky, and there was such a girl.

But what that girl was facing was a real hail of bullets, not comparable to the three bullets in front of her.

At that time, the girl seemed to have the same expression, right?

Facing hundreds of people who wanted to take her life, there was only a lazy smile on her face, as if she didn't care about anything.

She snapped her fingers in the same way and said "bang".

In an instant, the bullets flying all over the sky freeze and explode.The flames from countless bullets turned the night into day.

The firelight and the blood-colored moonlight complement each other, and sprinkled on the girl's shallow smiling face. The girl said: "You lose."

Then, the girl turned around and left without taking their lives.

That girl back then was exactly HX, the old enemy of all their supernatural fighters.

Before, they couldn't figure out why HX would let them go.Just three years ago, when he left the "Supernatural Warriors", he figured out everything.

From beginning to end, HX never planned to let them go!
They survived that night, but when they returned to the team, what they saw was the alienation of other people in the team.

It is true that the "Supernatural Warrior Group" is very powerful, but in fact, they are also in disarray.

After all, the members come from all walks of life, and they are all outstanding individuals with special abilities, so they are somewhat arrogant.

The rest of the team agreed that if they were able to come back from HX alive, they must have reached some ulterior agreement with her.

In fact, Chen Hanxi simply let them go for the sake of the same clan.


Chen Hanxi looked at the man's unpredictable expression, and she smiled unabated: "You lost."

When the man heard it, he felt his heart skip a beat, his hands trembled, and the gun in his hand fell to the ground.

"Pei Gan, haven't you learned enough from the past?"

Pei Qian was the man's name.He bent down to pick up his gun, and when he heard Chen Hanxi's cold voice, the gun he had just picked up fell to the ground again.

Everyone in the audience didn't know why, and they all looked blank.They don't know what the name "Pei Gan" stands for.

This name was once the belief of many people.

Hearing Chen Hanxi mention the events of that year, Pei Gan and the people he brought with him all looked hopeless.

After all, Pei Gan is someone who can be the head of the regiment, and he immediately heard something else from Chen Hanxi's words.

He took a deep breath, calmed down, and said with a forced calm: "What's your relationship with HX? Did she take Lord Lu away?"

As soon as Pei Gan said this, Wen Rourou immediately answered: "What does this have to do with HX? Why are you blaming her for everything!"

Before Pei Qian could answer, someone among the group who came with Pei Qian suddenly exclaimed: "Leader! Let's quickly enter the ancient Xia Qing Temple! They, they are here again!"

 Thank you little cuties for your votes every day!
  ()Be careful~
  Thanks to [Scum Girl???? Scum Boy] cutie for the 300 book coins!

  ヽ(love you' love you) ノ Look what I see in my eyes~
  (It’s on the recommendation list, my brain hurts QAQ
  Other authors are looking forward to the recommendation list, I hope not to give me the list, because I am slow in typing, and I can't meet the requirements at all...

  Today's dust is still only one update, the Mid-Autumn Festival is on holiday, let's make up QAQ together
  Currently owed 2000 words)
(End of this chapter)

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