Rebirth campus female interstellar agent

Chapter 48 Those People Are Blood Soul People

Chapter 48 Those People Are Blood Soul People

Pei Qian's face showed embarrassment. For a moment, he didn't know whether to look for Lu Zhufeng first, or to avoid those people first.

After all, both are vital.

After all, it was all his fault.

If he hadn't been impulsive at that time, it was unpleasant to go to the group of blood souls, and they were looking for someone in the territory of blood souls, and those people would probably turn a blind eye and turn a blind eye, and would ignore them.

They must find the land lord "Feng" of Qiufeng Continent. This is their mission for coming to Xiaqing Continent this time.

Not long ago, they were about to enter Xiaqing Ancient Temple to hide from the group of blood souls, but they suddenly detected that Feng used his special ability to look for energy fluctuations left by something, and it was nearby.

Feng has been avoiding them all the time, if they don't rush there in the shortest possible time, it will not be so easy to find Feng again.

So, they came down from the mountain to see if they could find any clues about Feng.

In the end, before they found Feng, they met a girl who looked exactly like HX, and before they could figure out the identity of that girl, the Blood Soul's people chased after her.

Pei Ganquan weighed the pros and cons, and decided to take refuge in the ancient Xia Qing Temple first.

Life is gone, what to find Feng?The top priority is to save your life!

"Let's go, follow me to Xiaqing Ancient Temple! The blood soul man is here, put Feng's matter aside for now!"

Pei Gan quickly picked up the gun that was on the ground, not caring about Chen Hanxi's reaction, and hurriedly led the group of people up the mountain.

When Chen Hanxi heard the name "Blood Soul", she frowned slightly, feeling puzzled.

What does this have to do with Blood Soul?Didn't she say back then that this matter was overturned?
People with blood souls should not take the initiative to trouble these people.

Unless... these people went to Blood Soul to pick things up first.

If this is the case, then she will not interfere in this matter.

She gave it a chance, and Pei Gan went to the pole to seek death, no wonder she.

When the tourists heard what Pei Gan and the others said, they all lost their composure.

"What! The blood soul man is here!"

"These people look so powerful, the reason they want to hide in the Ancient Xia Qing Temple must be because the Ancient Xia Qing Temple can stop the Blood Soul people!
Let's hurry into Xiaqing Ancient Temple too! "

Ever since the reputation of Blood Soul spread on the planet, everyone has an inexplicable sense of fear. Hearing the name Blood Soul is like a student who is doing bad things and sees the teacher passing by.

"But those people are not easy to mess with. What if they won't let us in together?" Someone among the group of tourists surrounded by Pei Qian worriedly asked.

"Aren't you stupid! Those people are terrifying or blood soul terrifying!
The head of Blood Soul, HX, is back. There has been a lot of rumors recently, haven't you heard?
Maybe the female devil is nearby, who knows if the female devil will suddenly go crazy and come to kill us! "

Standing directly opposite that person, a certain female devil Chen Hanxi who was less than five meters away from him: "..."

The world's evaluation of her is becoming more and more like a lunatic, is she that lunatic?
She has never indiscriminately hurt innocent people at will, right?

If there was no grievance or enmity with her, would she go up and chop people up casually if she had nothing to do?She can't even panic when she's full!

But that's right, after all, her reputation has always been bad in the eyes of those 'good people'.

She is not a good person, her hands are covered with blood, she does not deny it.

But she didn't want to, the coalition forces from all over the world had killed her before her eyes, if she didn't do it, she would be the one who died.

Everyone will have some selfishness more or less, and she is no exception.

And her selfishness is very simple, her selfishness is to be able to protect the people she wants to protect, to be able to live a simple and carefree life.


"Students, let's also hide in the ancient Xia Qing Temple! Although there is Chen Xi in our class, the one who came was a blood soul.

If HX is really there, Chen Xi may not be able to protect us! Teacher Zhong shouted.

The students in the class originally wanted to follow the crowd and go to Xiaqing Ancient Temple to take refuge together, but Teacher Zhong kept silent, and they dared not act without authorization.

Now that Mr. Zhong has spoken, who would stand there stupidly?They hurriedly followed the crowd and arrived at the gate of Xia Qing Ancient Temple.

As soon as they went up the mountain, what they saw was Pei Qian and the tourists. They were all gathered at the gate of Xiaqing Ancient Temple, looking at the gate with frowns.

Why not go in?Because there is nothing on that door, no lock, no handle, except that it can be seen that it is a door, the rest is similar to the wall.

They couldn't open that door, and they didn't dare to blow it up rashly, so they stood at the door and studied that door.

 Thank you for the recommendation tickets, little cuties~
  mua~ love you guys!

  (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

(End of this chapter)

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