Chapter 49

Are you talking about frying?What if the explosion fails and the group of blood souls can't be stopped?
This pagoda in Xiaqing Ancient Temple is the only place that can weaken the power of Blood Soul!

If it blows up, they won't be able to find a second place like this.

Everyone in Chen Hanxi's class went up the mountain, so she went with them.Her current vest is the future "supernatural warrior", so she can't go without it.

"Captain, are you still unable to open it?" The man's voice sounded very anxious. If Pei Qian turned around, he would definitely find that the man was crying.

"Leader, hurry up! The aura of the blood soul group is getting closer and closer to us!"

"How about...let me try it?" A middle-aged man with glasses and a cropped head among the tourists asked cautiously,
"I'm a mechanism engineer at the grandmaster level of country X. I usually specialize in studying these weird mechanisms. Let me see if I can open them..."

"Yeah." Pei Gan signaled the mechanism engineer to go over with his chin.

After all, they don't specialize in this area, and they don't know as much about mechanisms as professional mechanism engineers.

After getting the answer, the man wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and walked to the door.

Time passed by every minute and every second, the master of the mechanism studied hard for a long time, but the door was still motionless, standing there, blocking their way to survive.

"What kind of broken door is this! Except that the material is different, it is almost the same as the wall next to it. How to open it! The designer's brain is probably flooded!?"

Pei Gan and his team tried everything they could, but they couldn't open the door. They couldn't help kicking it cursingly.

Suddenly, a mechanical sound sounded above them: "The strength is wrong, identification failed."

"What's wrong with the strength? Is this door going to be kicked? Let me try!" It was a big man who spoke, and he was the strongest person under Pei Qian.

After the big man finished speaking, he pushed away the person in front of him, walked straight to the door, and kicked it hard.

After waiting for three seconds, there was no movement.

Just when everyone thought that kicking the door would not work, the mechanical voice sounded again: "The strength is wrong, identification failed."

"Is this door really going to be kicked? It really doesn't matter! I'll try it too!"

"I'm coming, I'm coming too!"

So, this group of people started kicking you and kicking me, lining up to kick the door.

Almost everyone in the room kicked it, but unfortunately none of them were identified successfully.

"Student Chen Xi, why don't you hurry up and give it a try?" Teacher Zhong walked up to Chen Hanxi and grabbed Chen Hanxi's hands, with a pleading tone in her tone.

"Do you want to pay?" Chen Hanxi asked suddenly.

Teacher Zhong didn't understand what Chen Hanxi meant: "What?"

"It collapsed, do I need to pay for it?"

This ancient Xiaqing Temple has a long history, and the building materials must have been very old. She was afraid that she could not control her strength well and kick the tower down.

Losing money is a trivial matter, what she is afraid of is trouble.

"Student Chen Xi! Why are you caring so much about him at this time? I'll pay for the collapse, and I'll take care of everything for you, okay?
You are the last hope!This is related to whether we will die in the hands of HX or Blood Soul! Teacher Zhong continued.

Chen Hanxi nodded and said, "Okay."

"Cut, make it look like this little girl is so powerful. If she really opens this door, I will run around the ancient Xia Qing Temple ten times on my knees!"

Someone in the group of tourists laughed.

Chen Hanxi ignored the man's words, she walked to the door and kicked the door.

"Boom! Boom!!"

I saw that the door was kicked and flew to the opposite side of the tower, and it was forced on the wall opposite the tower, and a new "door" was opened.

Just when everyone was stunned, the mechanical voice rang again: "The force is too strong, the identification is lost...success!"

 Today's update has been delivered~
(End of this chapter)

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