Rebirth campus female interstellar agent

Chapter 52 Xia Qing Ancient Temple, Hidden Mysteries

Chapter 52 Xia Qing Ancient Temple, Hidden Mysteries

She never told Chen Xi that she was codenamed Shuanghua.

And this girl just called her "Shuang Hua girl".

So, this girl is not Chen Xi, but just happens to have a face that is very similar to Chen Xi.

Suddenly, the old mechanical voice sounded again in the tower:

"Multiple threatening energy bodies are detected, and the destruction mode is automatically turned on. If it is successfully turned on, the energy body will be destroyed."

The sound seemed to be everywhere, and the source of the sound could not be found at all.

"Click click", it was still the sound of gears meshing and metal colliding, and then, many guns were pointed at everyone.

Seeing this, Wen Rourou was shocked, and she shouted eagerly: "The surveillance tower has been opened, anyone who doesn't want to die, get out!"

When everyone saw this situation, they were anxious to save their lives. Except for Chen Hanxi, no one noticed at all. What Ruan Rou said just now was not "Xia Qing Ancient Temple", but "Surveillance Tower".

Hearing the name "surveillance tower", Chen Hanxi's eyes darkened.

Rou Rou knows that this is the "surveillance tower", which shows that her identity is definitely not that simple.

"What's going on? Isn't this the ancient Xia Qing Temple? Who can tell me why there are these things in it?!"

"No one has ever gone in, who knows!? Run away!"


A group of people rushed to the hole Chen Hanxi made when he kicked the door.

Some people managed to run out, but some people seemed to hit an invisible wall and were bounced back a few steps.

"What's going on? Why can they get out, but we can't? Let us out!"

At this time, there happened to be the sound of "chug" when the bullet was fired.

The people who couldn't get out immediately panicked like ants on a hot pot, completely panicking.

Of course, there are also those with a slightly more optimistic attitude, who comfort themselves and say: "The situation is not too bad, at least I haven't encountered HX!"

However, Shuang Hua spoke again, completely crushing the person's last optimism: "You are not Chen Xi, you are the Hall Master! You are HX!"

"What? Shuanghua said that Chen Xi is HX!? Impossible?" They said it was impossible, but they believed it [-]% in their hearts.

After all, it was said by the senior executives of Blood Soul, so the credibility is relatively high.

Except for Ruan Rou, the other students in the class immediately took a few steps back, avoiding Chen Hanxi like a snake.

Who is Shuang Hua?Shuang Hua is a man of blood and soul!The palace master she mentioned is only HX!

But HX, the Palace Master of Blood Soul, how could he be so free, specially disguised as Chen Xi, and came to school to go to school with these little brats?
Hearing that person say "impossible", Shuanghua let out a "bah" and continued, "It's impossible that you are a big-headed ghost! My aunt can still mistake her own palace master!"

Her palace master is unparalleled in the world!No one can pretend!

The person who claimed to be "HX" and spread hatred for the Palace Master all over the world, Shuang Hua could tell at a glance that it was a fake.

Shuang Hua only hated herself for not being able to get past, so she grabbed the impostor by the collar, first made two big mouthfuls, and then educated her!

With a loud noise, everyone felt that the ground was trembling, and their ears were aching from the shock.

In the dark, there is bound to be fear in the heart.

At this time, everyone was terrified to the extreme.

"Shuanghua girl, take your people and protect them." Chen Hanxi pointed at the people in the class and said, "Follow me, if there is no door, then I will open another one!"

"Obey!" Shuang Hua looked at Chen Hanxi, little stars were about to fly out of her eyes, "As expected of the Palace Master! Domineering!"

Chen Hanxi has never been good at disguising, even if she suddenly changed her face, anyone who is familiar with her can basically recognize her.

She couldn't wear a vest.

However, she was almost invincible in her previous life, and she didn't need to pretend to protect herself.

Before everyone could take a step, the mechanical sound rang again.

It's just that this time the mechanical sound is more rapid, unlike before, it's dying.

"Alert! Alert! The system has been invaded, start emergency defense!"

"Emergency defense, activation...failed..."

 Thank you for your votes every day~
  Thank you [Xian three years old] for the reward of 100 book coins~
  ^3^mua~I love you all!

  (Calvin, there is only one update these days, so I don’t have the face to ask for votes QAQ
  But I heard that the poor data will cause the book to be put on the shelves in advance. I jio that this book is likely to be put on the shelves in advance, and the data is almost negative (cover face)
  Little cuties, first of all, the first condition for listing is to keep more than two updates a day, and you can't stop fewer updates.

  Think about Pigeon Dust again, hahahaha, when Pigeon Dust gets stuck, it can only guarantee continuous updates, not more than two updates)

(End of this chapter)

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