Rebirth campus female interstellar agent

Chapter 53 Be Teleported to, Chunhua Continent

Chapter 53 Be Teleported to, Chunhua Continent

"There's something wrong with this broken tower, shouldn't we be safe?" Someone in the crowd said.

Although they were afraid of HX, they were unwilling to give up that last hope of being alive.

Therefore, they also followed behind Chen Hanxi and walked towards the wall of the tower.

Among the group of people, only the fat young man ran in the opposite direction from them.

"Open the portal!"

Almost at the moment when the fat young man finished speaking, many large and small light clusters suddenly appeared at the bottom of the tower.

Obviously, he was the one who hacked into the tower's system.

The light group lit up, and then, the scene before everyone's eyes became clearer, and it was no longer a piece of darkness.

They were teleported to a square in a certain city.

They are sure that they are not in the ancient temple city, or even in the Xia Qing mainland.

Because, in the square, there are many strange flowers with brown and black skin and green tops.

Obviously, the surrounding high-rise buildings towered into the clouds, looking prosperous.

And those strange creatures don't even wear clothes, but run around in the streets in leaves and vines!
A group of them appeared out of thin air. If they were normal people, they would at least be surprised, right?That group of weirdos didn't seem surprised at all.

I don't know if they read it wrong, but when the group of weirdos saw them, they all showed disgusted expressions.

They deliberately bypassed where they were and left quickly.In less than 1 minute, there was no longer a person with green hair around his head.

"Students, don't panic, we are safe.

These people should come from a hidden tribe called "Senwei Tribe"! "

In the crowd, a gentle-looking man pushed his glasses, then said,

"In the Senwei tribe, green symbolizes peace, and this tribe values ​​peace the most.

You can see that they have green heads, so they must be from the Senwei tribe! "

This man is a professor of archeology. Because he has studied many ancient relics, he has a good understanding of some strange hidden tribes, customs and characteristics.

This time, he brought his students to visit the ancient Xiaqing temple, in order to study how old the ancient Xiaqing temple was.

As soon as the professor finished speaking, someone immediately questioned: "Senwei Tribe? Are you making it up? Why have I never heard of this name?"

"Nonsense! Our professors have already said that the Senwei tribe is a hermit tribe.

Since they are all called Hidden World Tribes, you, a layman, would be surprised if you have heard of them! "

The professor's student said this with a sense of arrogance, as if he knew the Senwei tribe, so he was superior to others.

Suddenly, a shout came from a distance: "Outsiders are there! Come quickly!"

The owner of the voice spoke a language they had never heard.

To them, the man spoke like a duck quacking, "quack quack", and they couldn't understand what the man was saying at all.

Before everyone could react, they saw the group of green hairs surrounding them.

Some of them carried extremely advanced machine guns, while others carried primitive broadswords and spears.

If they were not wearing the same tree vines, everyone would have thought that they were people from two different ages.

"Professor, didn't you say that they are from the Senwei tribe?
The Senwei tribe loves peace. They don't look like peace-loving people at all! "

"That's right! Could it be that the professor made a mistake? The Senwei tribe is warlike, not peace-loving?"

Everyone panicked, and they didn't know where the leisurely mood came from, and they were suspicious there.

At this time, Chen Hanxi's ethereal voice sounded and spread throughout the audience:

"They are not from the Senwei tribe. This is the Chunhua Continent. They are the aborigines of the Chunhua Continent, tree-planting people."

 Thank you for your votes~
  Thank you [scum girl???? Scum man] for the 200 book coins~
  Thank you so much, it can't be better than adding more, tomorrow the author will not be surprised, and the 8000 words will be updated!
  If something unexpected happens...

  I took advantage of the accident and didn't pay attention, put a sack on it, and threw it back!
  Hahahaha hiccup, nothing can stop the author from bursting out!

(End of this chapter)

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