Zhong Nanshan: Guardian of Life

Chapter 15 Frustration and Encouragement

Chapter 15 Frustration and Encouragement

Zhong Nanshan hopes to become a surgeon, especially a thoracic surgeon.A thoracic surgeon requires superb medical skills, abundant energy, and superhuman judgment and courage. For Zhong Nanshan, this is undoubtedly the most challenging position.However, the leader rejected him on the grounds that he was too old.Of course, old age is only a superficial reason. The deeper concern is that Zhong Nanshan has no clinical experience, and it is difficult for him to get started directly in any medical position.He was almost assigned to be an officer in the medical department, but he was finally assigned to the outpatient department of a hospital, starting with the most basic outpatient doctor of internal medicine.

Zhong Nanshan introduced himself frankly at the morning meeting with his colleagues for the first time: "I used to work in the basic department and had little contact with clinical practice. I came to the front line of the outpatient clinic all of a sudden. If you encounter difficulties, please feel free to help me." Teach me."

When the newcomer made his debut, Zhong Nanshan's frankness in self-reporting his insufficiency left a deep impression on his colleagues.And what Zhong Nanshan said was finally implemented in action.

Zhong Nanshan started his work in the outpatient clinic.After working as an outpatient doctor for a period of time, Zhong Nanshan found that the types of patients that the internal medicine outpatient doctors had contact with were limited, so he couldn't sit still, and asked to work in the emergency room, which was harder and more complicated.

The problems that the emergency room has to face are much more complicated than that of the outpatient clinic. Zhong Nanshan works very hard, but it is very difficult.His clinical foundation is too weak.During college, in order to prepare for the sports meeting, he only studied for three and a half years and missed important clinical studies.After joining the work, he did not work as a clinician.But Zhong Nanshan is not afraid, he believes that he can catch up.

Not long after he became an emergency doctor, he made a joke.The emergency room received a call from Luogang, Guangzhou, claiming that there was a tuberculosis patient with severe hemoptysis in the local area, and they should be sent to Guangzhou for consultation immediately.Zhong Nanshan volunteered to pick up the patient.The patient "coughed up" blood on the road, and the blood was darker, which seemed to be different from the blood coughed up by tuberculosis patients, but Zhong Nanshan didn't care.Since the doctor in Luogang said that the patient was a tuberculosis patient who coughed up blood, Zhong Nanshan had no doubt that the blood coming out of the patient's mouth was not caused by tuberculosis coughing up blood.The patient's bleeding can only show the severity of tuberculosis.Zhong Nanshan gave the patient rehydration and injected hemostatic drugs, thinking that since the patient was seriously ill with tuberculosis, he should be sent to a specialized tuberculosis hospital for treatment.So he hurriedly sent the patient to the Guangzhou Yuexiu District Tuberculosis Prevention Center.After placing the patient, Zhong Nanshan was very satisfied, as was the director of the emergency room.

But early the next morning, things developed unexpectedly.The director of the emergency room anxiously asked him to take the patient back from the tuberculosis control center.The patient vomited blood in the tuberculosis control center, and his life was hanging by a thread.The blood vomited up by the patient is bright red, unlike the black-red blood coughed up by tuberculosis patients. It is obviously gastrointestinal bleeding rather than tuberculosis coughing up blood.After the patient was picked up, thanks to the timely rescue by colleagues, the patient was pulled back from the death line.Zhong Nanshan let go of his hanging heart.

The whispers of his colleagues embarrassed him, but what made Zhong Nanshan even more uncomfortable came from himself.He felt very guilty.Back then when he was in the countryside, he easily diagnosed the boy who was urinating blood as kidney tuberculosis, and the matter of being questioned by his father came back to his mind.Back then, he was just talking nonsense, and did not cause actual casualties, but now, because of his carelessness, he almost killed someone.He remembered his father's teachings, whether it is seeing a doctor or doing research, one should observe carefully and draw conclusions cautiously, and not copy what others say.

He was almost switched back to outpatient work, but he thought he deserved it.He saw his own shortcomings. If the doctor is not cautious and skillful, the price will be the patient's life!He blamed himself deeply.He must be diligent, and the track with hurdles seemed to appear in front of him again.He had to overcome all the difficulties, move forward, move forward!Time waits for no one, he has wasted ten years, he must quicken his pace, run fast!

Zhong Nanshan will not admit defeat.From childhood to adulthood, after setbacks and blows again and again, he stood up tenaciously, becoming more and more courageous.To be strong and outstanding is his goal, and he never gave up.He is diligent and inquisitive, learns to see a doctor from his colleagues, and sees how fellow doctors examine patients, how to diagnose patients, how to formulate treatment plans, and how to analyze the results of patients' treatment... When he returns home at night, he will detail every case he sees during the day Record it, study hard, and study business hard.He often goes to the EKG room alone at night, locks the door, draws the curtain, picks up the EKG, reads it slowly, and studies it slowly.He spent all available time in the X-ray room, electrocardiogram room, and library, reading medical books alone, researching experimental instruments and experimental procedures, jotting down medical terminology, and self-studying professional English.Zhong Nanshan showed his enthusiasm for fighting for the National Games back then, and studied and studied desperately.

Half a year later, Zhong Nanshan recorded medical notes in four major volumes, and gradually figured out the rules of outpatient diagnosis, and handled outpatient patients with confidence and ease.Eight months later, his professional ability has improved by leaps and bounds, and his colleagues also believe that his level is already equivalent to that of the attending doctor.Zhong Nanshan gradually narrowed the gap in professional level with his colleagues.

After studying hard for eight months, Zhong Nanshan lost [-] pounds and lost his shape.The originally stout athlete's physique was thinned into a clothes rack, and the white coat that was tight on the body now looks loose and loose.The original face with wide forehead and full cheeks and well-defined contours has become thinner, showing high cheekbones and sunken eyes.The originally smiling expression was gone, and he became silent and serious, with deep and distant eyes, as if he was always thinking, and his thoughts were floating in a distance that others could not fathom.Outsiders inquired whether he was sick, but only he himself understood what the painstaking efforts were for.He was exhausted physically, but he regained his self-confidence. When he met a patient, he would never feel guilty again.His confidence is based on his knowledge of his field of expertise.He seems to have returned to the past, when he wrote a composition for the first time, he was scored [-] points by the teacher, and for the first time tasted the taste of being praised by the teacher and being a good student; student, was admitted to the High School Affiliated to Lingnan University, rode on the bicycle rewarded by his mother, and walked on the road like the wind, full of joy.From childhood to adulthood, his efforts have never been in vain.He was sure he would make a good doctor.

Zhong Nanshan made a request to the leader again, hoping to enter the ward and learn more things after entering the ward.But if he goes into the ward, another doctor in the internal medicine ward has to adjust out.Although he failed to achieve his wish, Zhong Nanshan believed in himself, just as he never gave up his confidence and hope when he encountered setbacks in the past.

(End of this chapter)

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