Zhong Nanshan: Guardian of Life

Chapter 16 Brilliant Step 1

Chapter 16 Brilliant First Step

The opportunity came like this.Although opportunities come, they don't always come with crowns and glory.It comes quietly, even disguising itself as unwelcome.

The hospital received instructions from the central government to call on the national medical system to carry out mass prevention and treatment of chronic bronchitis, and decided to set up a prevention and treatment team, but they didn't know who to send to take care of it.We all know that the treatment of chronic bronchitis is a nationwide problem. Research on chronic bronchitis is hard but thankless, and it is difficult to produce results. Moreover, facing patients with respiratory diseases every day, the risk of infection is also high.The leader thought of Zhong Nanshan, and thought that he would accept the task after some persuasion. Unexpectedly, Zhong Nanshan did not shirk, agreed, and joined the chronic bronchitis prevention and treatment team.

Zhong Nanshan took over the task of studying chronic bronchitis that others were unwilling to accept, entirely out of the doctor's sense of responsibility and party spirit.He is such a person, knowing that no one is willing to study chronic bronchitis at that time, and there are not many treatments, but he will not be negative wherever he goes, and he will try to find the direction and find his hope.He didn't expect that his behavior out of his heart and nature would quietly open the door to the road to glory for himself.

A few months after Zhong Nanshan joined the prevention and treatment team, he recommended doctors who had worked in the outpatient clinic to join. The chronic bronchitis prevention and treatment team has been working together with one heart and one mind since then.

Give Archimedes a fulcrum, and he has the confidence to move the entire earth.The same is true for Zhong Nanshan, who gave him a suitable platform, and he took the initiative to think of ways to advance the work and complete the task infinitely close to perfection.Zhong Nanshan is a man of great courage. In terms of the development pattern of the group, his vision is not limited to the current research. He also forward-looking conceived three "one-stop" plans for the development of the group to expand the organization and strengthen the strength : One-stop research on chronic bronchitis, emphysema, pulmonary heart disease, one-stop animal experiment research and clinical research, one-stop laboratory, ward, outpatient clinic and a designated chronic bronchitis medical base in the suburbs.Under the conditions of lack of manpower and material resources and unfavorable environment at that time, it was unimaginable to advance these plans.However, once Zhong Nanshan has identified the target, he will move forward persistently, without fear, and with perseverance.His good organizational and communication skills played a key role in promoting the work of the prevention and control team.Zhong Nanshan devoted himself wholeheartedly, tried his best to fight for it, told his superiors about his interests, and won an independent outpatient clinic and ward for the chronic bronchitis prevention and treatment team.Without ready-made research equipment, he is self-reliant, either rebuilding and reusing waste equipment, or modifying existing equipment.These works are the basis for establishing a respiratory laboratory.The chronic bronchitis prevention and treatment team is able to carry out clinical research. Although there is no new cutting-edge precision equipment, the team is still self-reliant, using existing equipment ingeniously to advance research work.At this time, Zhong Nanshan's relatively profound medical basic knowledge advantages also played an important role.

In the field of professional research, Zhong Nanshan gradually intervened in the field of treating respiratory diseases from the study of chronic bronchitis.Zhong Nanshan's keen observation and extraordinary thinking and judgment were immediately highlighted.He is good at discovering the advantages and strengths of others, and triggering his own inspiration to improve himself.Talent and diligence, coupled with external opportunities, are the necessary conditions for a successful person. With the combination of the right time and place, Zhong Nanshan has emerged in the medical career.Zhong Nanshan's first distinctive discovery in his research was the association between sputum smear status and respiratory diseases.Zhong Nanshan found that different patients, different diseases, and even the same patient at different stages of the disease, the color, consistency, and signs of coughing up sputum are different.Prior to this, Chinese medicine has also made distinctions on the state of phlegm traces such as clear, light, and thick, but the expressions are relatively abstract, and it is difficult for doctors to make a symptomatic judgment.Zhong Nanshan is sensitively aware that the analysis of sputum samples may be the key to finding a cure for chronic bronchitis.He reported his observations and thoughts to the group and got approval.The team decided to start with the analysis of sputum samples to carry out the prevention and research of respiratory diseases.Zhong Nanshan used his biochemical knowledge to analyze the components of white phlegm and yellow phlegm, and later began to study the prevention and treatment of integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine.

With the orderly development of clinical and scientific research, the chronic bronchitis prevention and treatment team has gradually grown.Although Zhong Nanshan has no administrative position, he is actually the soul of the prevention and control team.In addition to being responsible for communication, external liaison and laboratory business, he also participated in specific clinical work such as ward rounds, rescue of critically ill patients, night shifts, and consultations on difficult diseases.He is good at summing up laws from clinical phenomena, and has shown extraordinary acumen in the diagnosis of difficult and miscellaneous diseases.When performing bronchoscopy on a patient with a refractory cough suspected of lung cancer, Zhong Nanshan boldly made a diagnosis after careful observation. It is the first of its kind in China to take out foreign bodies in the trachea with fiberoptic bronchoscopic forceps.

In the choice of research direction, Zhong Nanshan has a relatively broad pattern and vision. He pays close attention to the frontier trends of international medicine and strives to move closer to the world's leading research and clinical treatment.In [-] and [-], the chronic bronchitis prevention and treatment group published two high-quality papers in the journals of "Chinese Medicine" and "Chinese Internal Medicine" respectively, filling the gap in Guangzhou area for many years without papers at the national level. Blanks published in medical journals.In [-], the whole country was brought out of chaos, and the prevention and control team focused on professional research, and the research progress was accelerated.In [-], the traditional medicine delegation of the United Nations World Health Organization visited Guangzhou, listened to the report of the prevention and treatment team, and spoke highly of it.In [-], the first National Science Conference was grandly opened in Beijing. Zhong Nanshan participated in this event as a representative of Guangdong Province. It was awarded the first prize of the National Science Conference Achievement Award by the State Science and Technology Commission.

The development and achievements of the chronic bronchitis prevention and treatment group attracted great attention from the Guangdong Provincial Health Department. The Guangdong Provincial Health Department decided to establish a respiratory disease research institute on the basis of the prevention and treatment group, and allocated 10 yuan as research funding. 10 yuan, which was a huge sum of money back then.In 1, the Guangzhou Institute of Respiratory Diseases[[-]] was established.Zhong Nanshan served as the deputy director.At the beginning of its establishment, the conditions of the Respiratory Research Institute were difficult. Due to lack of space, Zhong Nanshan and his colleagues could only set up a shed on the roof of the ward building to conduct scientific research experiments.The equipment in the Respiratory Research Institute is also insufficient, with only one electrocardiogram machine and eight domestic ventilators.

But Zhong Nanshan is not afraid, he seems to have returned to the previous arena, he has stepped over the barriers in front of him, the most difficult moment has passed, and the prospects are getting brighter and brighter.Zhong Nanshan knows that there are still obstacles ahead, perhaps higher and more difficult, but his heart is full of confidence and hope to overcome difficulties, and no difficulty can stop him from moving forward with determination.

[1] Affiliated to the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, referred to as Huyan Institute.

(End of this chapter)

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