Zhong Nanshan: Guardian of Life

Chapter 17 The Difficult Journey

Chapter 17 The Difficult Journey

When the Institute of Respiratory Research was first established, Zhong Nanshan was a very cohesive person. He could always use his enthusiasm to mobilize the vitality of researchers.Because of him, the atmosphere of Huyan Institute is happy and harmonious, and the staff are united and harmonious.Zhong Nanshan was waiting wholeheartedly, and when he accepted the new challenge of the work of the Institute of Respiratory Research, a very important opportunity fell on his head.The Ministry of Education will organize examinations for studying abroad at public expense, and select talents to go abroad and study abroad.This is a great opportunity to broaden your horizons and directly enter the world's academic halls to learn advanced foreign technologies.Zhong Nanshan signed up for the exam.However, he was too busy with work, so he only took ten days off to study English. He felt that he did not do well in the exam, so he didn't have much hope.But the god of luck favored him again. In September 1, Zhong Nanshan received a notice and was selected into the list of persons going abroad at public expense, and got the opportunity to study at the University of Edinburgh in the United Kingdom.Immediately afterwards, these selected candidates went to the China Institute of Mining and Technology[[-]] to intensively train English for one month to prepare for the upcoming two-year study abroad.

Zhong Nanshan had to leave home again.The scene of returning to Guangzhou to reunite with my family eight years ago is still in front of my eyes, and eight years have passed in a blink of an eye.Li Shaofen is a good wife. There are three elderly people and two children in her family. The big and small family affairs and the burden of her own work make her work hard all day long, but she has no complaints and silently undertakes it, so that Zhong Nanshan will not be free from family affairs. Don't be dragged down, concentrate on overcoming difficulties in your career.Zhong Nanshan saw his wife's hard work and kept it in his heart.When he was at home, he hadn't fulfilled his responsibilities as a father and husband; now that he was leaving home again, Zhong Nanshan couldn't help but feel guilty.But this parting is not like before.In the past, the return date of parting and return was uncertain, and the prospect was unclear, but this time Zhong Nanshan went to study in the UK, which is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.Although his wife Li Shaofen was reluctant, she was still sincerely happy for Zhong Nanshan.

Before Zhong Nanshan went abroad, he went to Xiamen and went back to his hometown on Gulangyu Island to visit his father who lived there for a while.He only stayed for less than four days and left in a hurry.Before Zhong Nanshan left Xiamen, he heard that his cousin, who was majoring in English, was going to travel, so he changed to the same bus as his cousin and asked his cousin for English lessons along the way.Going to study in the UK soon, Zhong Nanshan showed his usual hard work to overcome difficulties and seized every opportunity to practice English hard.

October 43, [-] was Zhong Nanshan's [-]rd birthday, and [-] students including him boarded the international train bound for the UK. Zhong Nanshan was the team leader, and everyone was in high spirits.After everyone knew that it was Zhong Nanshan's birthday that day, they held a special and warm birthday celebration for Zhong Nanshan on the international train.Zhong Nanshan happily spent an unforgettable birthday.

They will spend nine days on an international train.Zhong Nanshan has never experienced such a long-distance journey. He listened to the sound of the train moving forward, and looked out the window at the grasslands, forests, lakes... the areas whose names he had only seen in books. , so clearly appeared in front of his eyes - he saw the vast grassland in late autumn, without brilliant wild flowers, and the ground was covered with withered yellow grass; he saw endless hills, beautiful birch forests, flowing clouds, rushing After driving through the grassland, he arrived at Mohe, the northernmost part of the motherland. After leaving Mohe, he also crossed the national border. He saw Lake Baikal—the Soviet Union had arrived.The temperature outside the car window is very low, snowflakes are falling, and the large and small lake areas are covered with snow.Although Zhong Nanshan could only watch the scenery change through the car window, it really opened his eyes.The train arrived in Moscow and stayed for half a day. Zhong Nanshan and his companions also visited Lenin's Mausoleum, which was very exciting.The train continued on, entered Poland, then reached the East German Democratic Republic, then crossed the Berlin Wall, and was about to reach the Federal Republic of Germany.Before entering the Federal Republic of Germany, everyone on the train was notified to get off for inspection.

Before that, the journey went smoothly, and Zhong Nanshan thought that the immigration inspection would also pass smoothly, but something unexpected happened.Chinese students studying abroad have a lot of luggage, and the bags are full of daily necessities.When going abroad for the first time, Chinese international students know that the consumption abroad is high. In order to reduce the cost as much as possible, they bring all the things they can bring with them. Everyone packs a lot.Zhong Nanshan was the team leader, and it took a lot of effort to help stuff the luggage of the whole team into the luggage racks of the carriage and all the space under the bunks to put things.

Bags of white powder in the luggage of the Chinese aroused the alarm of the Germans.There was so much white powder that it filled a suitcase half the height of a person.German police dogs sniffed around these suspicious objects.The Germans immediately detained sixteen Chinese students.

"This is washing powder..." Zhong Nanshan groaned secretly, he brought the most washing powder.

The suitcases that were almost bursting were opened one by one, and the laundry powder was torn apart one by one. The Germans asked a series of questions in German, but they couldn't understand a word.And the Chinese they replied was not understood by the Germans.Facing the cold and suspicious eyes of the Germans, the sixteen Chinese students froze in place in panic and helplessness, not knowing what to do, and the train would leave in a few minutes.If their trip was blocked, Zhong Nanshan didn't know how to deal with such an unbearable situation.

In desperation, Zhong Nanshan had a flash of inspiration and choked out a sentence in English: "Washing powder!"

Washing powder?The German looked suspiciously at the bags of white powder spread on the ground, squatted down, dipped his fingers into his mouth, frowned, and looked at the group of Chinese in puzzlement.These white powders are indeed washing powder, but why do these Chinese people bring so much washing powder?Yes, they cannot understand that studying abroad is so difficult for these poor but ambitious Chinese elites.They are so self-denying and frugal, overcoming all material difficulties, just to realize their ambitions and serve the country after learning.

Sixteen Chinese students were finally let go when the train was about to leave.Zhong Nanshan was shocked into a cold sweat, and in a hurry, he exerted great strength again. Together with his companions, he rewrapped the scattered washing powder, stuffed it into the luggage bag, and quickly buckled the luggage bag and suitcase. Drag onto the train.

The train started to move forward, and Zhong Nanshan almost collapsed.As the team leader, he has the heaviest responsibility and the heaviest psychological burden. Tired and frightened, he is exhausted.Fortunately, after a false alarm, the Chinese students did not encounter any more troubles, and arrived at the destination safely, and then arrived in the UK by boat.

Zhong Nanshan, who has always been physically strong, fell ill when he arrived in England.Zhong Nanshan is the team leader of the overseas students, and he does his best to take care of everyone. He is like a tight string. He has endured too much pressure and fatigue during the journey, coupled with the language barrier, and has never been abroad. After completing the task, he relaxes and feels better. Immediately couldn't hold it anymore.

[1] It was renamed China University of Mining and Technology in 1988.

(End of this chapter)

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