Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 1 got off to a bad start

Chapter 1 got off to a bad start

The majestic Xianyang covers three hundred miles.

The capital of the Great Qin Empire, the most prosperous and powerful city in this era, is not one of them.

On this day, a young man woke up on the bed, his eyes full of confusion.

Qin Ge opened his eyes, he only felt his head, as if he had been drinking for a day and a night, was overly hangover, and was in excruciating pain.

Covering his head, Qin Ge sat up with difficulty.

He remembers!
He had just passed his 50th birthday, and after a night of joy and indulgence, he woke up to a vast black, simple and majestic palace.

"Qin Ge, Da Qin, Qin Wangzheng?"

At this moment, the awakened Qin Ge was completely incompetent.

In another world, he has achieved success and fame, and he can be said to be a high-ranking and powerful person, and his life is no different from that of an emperor.

After working hard for half a life, it was finally time to enjoy it, but after a night of hangover, when I woke up, things were different, and I came to Daqin 2000 years ago.

What's more, he's still a fucking son-in-law.

The married son-in-law!
Isn't this the biggest son-in-law in the world?

Qin Ge knew in his heart that he was not Shang Yang.

When Shang Yang married a princess, it was because the Qin government was rushing to pay back. It was not a son-in-law, but a princess married, and Shang Yang was the head of the family.

However, he is a married son-in-law.

Thoughts flickered in his mind, and Qin Ge knew his identity in an instant. His father was the confidant of the First Emperor. After he died in the battle, due to the early death of his parents, he was taken into the palace by the First Emperor to be raised.

So much later, just yesterday, she married Princess Liyang.

"Entering the genealogy of the surname Ying, becoming a member of the royal family, and the surname Qin, is this considered a favor?"

Getting up from the bed, Qin Ge's eyes flickered, but this identity was a kind of supreme favor, being included in the family tree of the surname Ying, which also meant that Qin Ge had the right to inherit in this majestic Qin Dynasty.

Although it is almost impossible to rank behind the first emperor's sons.

However, this is what the first emperor valued.

"A well-known tyrant in history actually did this for the sake of saving his life. It seems that this vast history really does not know whether it is true or not—!"

Giving Qin Ge the right to inherit, such an operation, in Qin Ge's view, is simply inconceivable.

At least, if he was the First Emperor, he would never leave any chance for others to shake the Ying surname.

After all, in Daqin, among the clans surnamed Ying, when necessary, the son-in-law surnamed Ying could also become the patriarch of the surnamed Ying and the emperor of Daqin.

What's more, at this moment, Qin Ge has entered the family tree of the surname Ying, which is equivalent to the son of the first emperor.

"Young master, it's time to eat!"

The servant came in, interrupted Qin Ge's contemplation, raised his head, smiled slightly, and said, "Where's the princess?"

Hearing this, the servant trembled, and hurriedly said: "My lord, I don't know where the princess has gone!"

The sharp gaze was filled with extreme coldness, and Qin Ge's aura of a former business boss rushed out, covering the servant: "Tell me, or you will know the consequences!"

"I don't want to kill people, and I don't want to see you die, but..."

At this moment, the servant's expression changed suddenly, and he couldn't help it, and said: "My lord, the princess went to Lefang early in the morning!"

"Le Fang?"

With a murmur, almost instantly, Qin Ge's face turned livid: "Lead the way, I'm going to the music workshop, anyone who spreads the news, die!"


At this moment, Han Tan was terrified.

He is naturally aware of the gossip and gossip in the palace, the flirting between Princess Liyang and the percussionist Gao Jianli, the topic of concubine love, and Qin Ge as the son-in-law.
Thinking of this, Han Tan bit his head and led the way, but felt uneasy in his heart.

Behind Han Tan, Qin Ge was holding Qin Jian, his eyes were full of murderous intent.

As a bigwig in the business world, when the original funds were accumulated, there was no one clean. Qin Ge was the same. He would not kill people, but he would not hurt others once.

As long as he thinks of the rumors about Gao Jianli and Princess Liyang in later generations, Qin Ge only feels green on the top of his head and can no longer lift his head.

The more you want to kill, the greater the chance!
At this moment, he is Qin Ge, so this kind of betrayal naturally empathizes with him.

"My lord, the former convenience is Lefang, and the status of the subordinates is limited, no."

The anger on Qin Ge's face disappeared at this moment, and he nodded to Han Tan: "Follow me in, I'll be with you, I'll keep you safe, and if you need anything in the palace, report my name."


Without the slightest hesitation, Han Tan agreed.

It is impossible for a servant with a low status like him to get ahead.

Unless, like Uncle Hei Zhao Gao, he becomes the servant of the next generation of kings, it is possible to stand out.

Among the princes of the First Emperor, the personal servants had already been selected. After Qin Ge spoke, Han Tan had no choice.

"Stop, this is an important place in the palace, no trespassing is allowed—!"

Glancing at the waiter, Qin Singer took Qin Jian out of its sheath and pointed at the waiter's neck: "Get out of the way, I don't want to embarrass you today, but this music workshop, I have settled down!"

"Young master, Princess Liyang"

"She is my son's wife. You want to stop me when I come to look for you?" On the long sword, blood flowed down, and Qin Ge's eyes were filled with extreme madness.

"Sir, please!"

The moment Qin Ge walked in with Han Tan, the servant hurriedly waved his hand and said, "Something has happened, hurry up and report to CRRC Mansion."


As the guards of Le Fang, they are naturally aware of the affair between Princess Liyang and Gao Jianli. Although this is the Qin Palace and there is no real relationship yet, Princess Liyang's behavior is equivalent to a slut.

At this moment, the son-in-law approached with a sword in hand, murderous intent abounded, as long as he was not a fool, he knew what would happen.

In the music hall, the sound of the piano is faint, the girl leans over the desk, her cheeks are blushing.

Above the door, Singer Qin raised his long sword, and his murderous intent became more intense.

"call out--!"

The long sword shot out, and the strings on the wooden buildings broke one after another. Gao Jianli suddenly raised his head, and a trace of hatred flashed in the depths of his eyes, crazy and restrained.

This move also woke up Liyang.

"Qin Ge, what are you doing? Are you looking for death?" The sharp angry reprimand resounded in the music hall, and Han Tan was trembling with fright, panicking.


The answer to Princess Liyang was a slap in the face. Qin Ge's long sword rested on Liyang's snow-white neck, and his tone was cold: "If you don't obey women's rules, after you get married, you will leave your husband to meet your lover privately. Liyang, tell me According to Qin law, how should we deal with it?"

"What are you? You're nothing more than a dog. How dare you mention Qin Fa!" Li Yang's eyes were red, and he was driven mad by Qin Ge's slap.


Another slap in the face, Qin Ge's expression was cold: "Don't be rude here, if you have anything to say, leave it to Tingwei Mansion and Zongzheng Mansion, I don't want to hear a word from you."

(End of this chapter)

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