Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 2 Gao Jianli used the body of a slave to seduce the princess of the dynasty, please kill her

Chapter 2 Gao Jianli used the body of a slave to seduce the princess of the dynasty, please kill her!
Qin Ge had a murderous intention towards Liyang.

With Qin Jian in his hand, his blood surged up. At this moment, Qin Ge's evil spirit continued to rise, and his eyes turned red.

For a man, it is a great disgrace for his wife to have a secret lover.

Even if you haven't cheated physically, but mental cheating is the most unbearable.

Going to bed every night with your arms around a walking dead is no different than a piece of pork.

Regardless of past and present lives, what Qin Ge hated most were women who did not obey women's morals, and men who disregarded their families and messed with women.

However, when he woke up today, he met him in a single thought.

If you really hate something, you will meet something, as if in the dark, everything has been predetermined and cannot be changed.

"Qin Ge, what do you want to do?"

At this moment, Gao Jianli naturally knew that something happened.

However, Gao Jianli was not worried in his heart, Qin Song hadn't been completed yet, the King of Qin would not kill him, he had no fear of his life, on the contrary, Qin Ge entered the music workshop with a sword, it was the heinous crime.

"kill you!"

There was endless murderous intent in Qin Ge's eyes. He looked at Gao Jianli as if he was looking at a dead person.

"I was ordered by the king to compose Qin Song, do you dare to kill it?" Gao Jianli chuckled lightly, his eyes full of sarcasm.

Suddenly, Qin Ge lowered his body, looked at Gao Jianli, and said, "Jing Ke is dead, how long do you think you can live? Do you think the king will keep you?"

"And if the king knows what happened here, you will die, and no one in your family, among the nine clans, will be able to live!"

Qin Ge turned around and glanced at Liyang: "You are a disgrace to this majestic Qin Dynasty, and you are also a disgrace to the Ying surname. I really don't know what face you have to live in this world?"

"Han Tan, go and invite Wei Ting and Zong Zheng over here!"

Hearing this, Han Tan was shocked. He knew that this was a scandal for the Qin royal family, and it was also a scandal for Qin Ge: "My lord, it's better to deal with this matter privately and make it public. For my lord."

"I do not care!"

At this moment, Qin Ge sneered: "I want them to be ruined and become the object of the world's ridicule, even if they ridicule me, it doesn't matter."

"In this world, if you do something, you have to pay the price—!"


Nodding in agreement, Han Tan left. He had already taken refuge in Qin Ge, so naturally he couldn't go against Qin Ge's wishes.

"Qin Ge, are you dead or dead?" At this moment, Liyang was also panicked. She knew what it would mean if this matter got out.

Moreover, she is more aware of her father's dominance. When the time comes, Gao Jianli will undoubtedly die, and she will not be able to recover.With this in mind, he glanced at Gao Jianli worriedly.

"I don't know if the fish will die or not, but the net must be broken today!"

Qin Ge was as cold as a sword, not retreating at all, and his aura was even stronger.

"My son-in-law, is this the end of this matter? It's not good for the king, the son-in-law, or the princess if it spreads." At this time, Zhao Gao also arrived.

Because of the fusion of memories, Qin Ge also knew Zhao Gao.

Hearing this, Qin Ge chuckled lightly: "Zhao Gao, are you planning to take this muddy water?"

"Let's not talk about you, even if the king came personally, today's affairs can't be good. I remember King Zhaoxiang once said: Great Qin: Qin Fa Zhaozhao hangs above the gate of the country and engraves it in the Taimiao."

"The king does not break the law, the law is not noble, that is to say, the king of Qin is guilty of the same crime as the common people, let alone a princess?"

Speaking of this, Qin Ge stared at Zhao Gao closely and said, "Could it be that Zhao Gao is planning to violate the Qin law?"

The continuous questioning made Zhao Gao's scalp tingle. He didn't expect that this guy who was not good at talking and hardworking would become a blockbuster today.

At this moment, Qin Fa was brought out to suppress others, and he had no choice.

"That's right, in the Great Qin Dynasty, the king does not break the law, the law does not belong to a noble, he breaks the law alone, and commits the same crime as the common people!" At this moment, the handsome and unparalleled Ying Zheng walked in.

Qin Ge said what he said just now on purpose when he saw Ying Zheng's figure.

Even the arrival of Yingzheng was originally planned by Qin Ge. This is the Qin Palace, Yingzheng's headquarters, and it is impossible to bypass Yingzheng if there is any disturbance.

"I have seen the king!"

"My son pays homage to my father, my father is ten thousand years old, and my father is ten thousand years old——!"

Qin Ge looked at Ying Zheng in front of him, and the pictures in his memory continued to pile up, becoming clearer and clearer.To the original owner, Ying Zheng fulfilled his duty as a "father".

"Get up!"

Waving his hand, Ying Zheng said, "What are you gathering here for? Qin Ge, tell me!"

At this moment, everyone's eyes fell on Qin Ge's body, because at this moment, Qin Ge was holding Qin Jian, and there was a cold murderous intent hidden deep in his eyes.


Nodding in agreement, Qin Ge said, "Father, my son has a question. I wonder if Father can explain it?"

Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

They all thought that when Qin Ge made a move, he was bluntly speaking about the princess and Gao Jianli, but Qin Ge didn't do that.

It's just that at this moment, only Ying Zheng and Zhao Gao's expressions froze. They all knew that Qin Ge's actions meant that they didn't want to let this matter go.

However, the words had already been spoken, and Ying Zheng could only bite the bullet and said, "Ask, as long as Gu can answer, Gu will tell you—!"

At this moment, Qin Ge felt blessed in his heart, suddenly a golden light flashed in his eyes, and a line of words appeared in his heart, Qin Ge was slightly taken aback, and said to Ying Zheng.

"Father, if a woman is unfaithful to her husband, she is not allowed to touch her on the wedding night, and she doesn't sleep in the same bed, but goes to meet her lover privately, how does the father think it should be punished?"

From the golden light, Qin Ge got the message that in this era, there are three obediences and four virtues, only four virtues, no three obediences, and it is normal for women to remarry.

So, he changed his rhetoric.

Even if it is not the later Song Cheng Neo Confucianism, but in any era in China, mutual loyalty between husband and wife is advocated by the court and the law.

Ying Zheng naturally knew who Qin Ge was referring to. Due to the bad things Zhao Ji and Lu Buwei had done, he didn't even have a queen, so he naturally hated such behavior.

What Liyang did, killing him is not an exaggeration.

However, Liyang is his daughter after all.

Thoughts flickered in his mind, Ying Zheng glanced at Qin Ge who seemed to be a different person, and said, "How should we deal with it between you?"

"Father, my son thinks that Li is fainted. Although I am married into the royal family, this kind of shame and humiliation is unbearable to my son!"

Qin Ge bowed solemnly to Ying Zheng, and said: "I hope that my father is still in the face of my dead father, and I promise that my son and Liyang will be separated, and I can accept my husband!"

"But Erchen has an extra request!"

Yingzheng's eyes flashed, and he was a little curious: "Let's talk about the request first. As for the matter between you and Liyang, let's think about it for a while."

"Gao Jianli used the body of a slave to seduce the princess of the dynasty, my son, please kill her!"

(End of this chapter)

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