Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 3 I'm a son-in-law, but I can't hold back my father-in-law!

Chapter 3 I'm a son-in-law, but I can't hold back my father-in-law!

"Gao Jianli used the body of a slave to seduce the princess of the dynasty, my son, please kill her!"

Qin Ge's words were firm, with the momentum of no turning back. At this moment, he had the heart to kill Gao Jianli.

After all, he is not a person of this era, and he is extremely disgusted with cheating. If he is not inferior, he will divorce his wife today.

It's true that he's a son-in-law, but it's not that the green hat is about to fall from the sky, and he doesn't care.

At this moment, Ying Zheng's gaze was fixed on Gao Jianli, he did not expect that today's disaster would happen in a moment of softening his heart and cherishing talents for a moment.

"Liyang, Gao Jianli, what do you have to say?"

For Gao Jianli, Yingzheng already has murderous intentions, but Liyang is his daughter after all, Yingzheng thinks that he can save one or two, but now it is unreasonable to let go.

"Father, my son just loves the rhythm and is bored in the palace, so he came to the music workshop, but unexpectedly, when Qin Ge opened his mouth, it was my son who seduced the architect, and my son was wronged!"

Tears hung on Liyang's pretty face, and he started to bite Qin Ge back as if he had been wronged.

In the end, he fell to his knees, hugged Ying Zheng's thigh, and cried, "I have been wronged. I ask my father to be the master. Now that the news has spread, my reputation has been ruined and I have no face to face others."

"The relationship between the minister and the princess is pure and innocent, and the sky can learn from it. I hope the king will uphold justice for the princess and the minister. In this way, the minister can also write Qin Song with all his heart!"

Gao Jian left his mouth, and while emphasizing his own role, he even stabbed Qin Ge.

Hearing this, Ying Zheng sneered, and looked at Qin Ge. He is a king of a generation, how can ordinary people hide it from him, but, some things cannot be put on the table after all.

After thinking about it, he turned his gaze to Qin Ge. Ying Zheng's eyes sparkled. He was interested enough in Qin Ge. If Qin Ge could not be trained well, it would be good to be a carefree son-in-law from now on.

He no longer had any hope for Qin Ge.

After all, in Daqin, the son-in-law and the son are the same to a certain extent.

They all have the right to inherit. Moreover, Qin Ge has lived in the Qin Palace since he was a child. He spent more time with Qin Ge than any other son.

Even Fusu is far from enough to compare.

"Qin Ge, what do you have to say about Li Yang and Gao Jianli's words, if there is any truth, say it, I'll make the decision for you alone—!"

Looking up, Qin Ge's heart skipped a beat. After the test just now, he naturally noticed the difference between Ying Zheng and him. He was a son-in-law, but not a son-in-law in the true sense.

In the Qin palace, many people sneered at him, but Ying Zheng was not among them.

Even this marriage is to give Yu Qin Ge a safe and happy life.

After all, in the Qin Palace, right under his nose, he can guarantee Qin Ge's life.

This is also why a person who is married will change his surname and enter the genealogy of the surname Ying.

Ying surname, this is the national surname of Daqin.At this time, changing your surname is no longer a shame, but an honor.

At this moment, a touch of gold flashed across Qin Ge's eyes, and the speed was as fast as an afterimage. In an instant, a piece of information surged up, and things about Gao Jianli appeared in his mind one by one.

As soon as his eyes moved, Qin Ge's tone was firm, and he said: "Father, my son heard that Gao Jianli is Jing Ke's good friend. When Jing Ke went to Qin to assassinate his father, he saw him off in Yishui. Gao Jianli once saw Jing Ke off on Yishui, and sang after hitting the building. .”

"My minister thought that Gao Jianli was involved in the case of Jing Ke's assassination of the king. He came to the Qin Palace to avenge his friend Jing Ke and intended to kill the king's assassin. My son asked my father to investigate this matter strictly by the Tingwei Mansion."

As Qin Ge continued to speak, Ying Zheng's face became ashen. The assassination back then was a pain that Ying Zheng would never forget in his life. It was the first time he felt death since he assumed the kingship.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the music hall was solemn, Gao Jianli was trembling with fright, Liyang also knelt on the ground, uneasy.

She knew in her heart that once Ying Zheng was furious, there would be bloodshed in today's music hall.

"Your Majesty, Qin Song is not yet finished, guilty minister." Seeing Ying Zheng's cold eyes, Gao Jianli hastily shouted. He knew in his heart that there was only one chance, and if he missed it, he would be a dead body.

"Father, except for Gao Jianli, no one can complete the Song of Qin, and I hope that the father will spare his life. What happened back then is already a long time ago." Although Liyang was trembling with fright, he was afraid that Ying Zheng would kill Gao Jianli, and took him with him. Crying, said.

"Qin Song?"

Seeing Ying Zheng's hesitant expression, Qin Ge sneered, and said, "Looking at the vast land of the state, is there only one Gao Jianli who is proficient in melody, not to mention Qin Song, how could it be done by a slave, this is not a humiliation to the father What!"

Qin Ge's idea is very clear, that is to kill Gao Jianli, he can not touch Liyang, but it is impossible to kill Liyang today, even for the children of ordinary people.

Not to mention that Liyang is Ying Zheng's daughter!
Unless he committed a capital crime, it would be impossible for Qin Ge to move Liyang.

Because of this, Qin Ge decided to take the next best thing and kill Gao Jianli today to calm down his anger.

"Qin Ge, I'll leave Gao Jianli to you. You can deal with it however you want. After you deal with it, come to Gu's study!" Taking a deep look at Qin Ge, Ying Zheng made a decision.

For Ying Zheng, Gao Jianli is just a slave, life and death are just a thought, and he doesn't even need the Ting Wei Mansion to intervene.

This is also a quick knife to cut the mess!
Gao Jianli got too close to Liyang, which touched Yingzheng's bottom line.


With a flash of Qin Jian, blood spurted out, and the big head rolled to the ground, and the smell of blood spread instantly.

The rest of the people were still calm, but Liyang was terrified.

Ying Zheng's expression remained unchanged, and he said to Zhao Gao, "Clean it up, Qin Ge will go with him alone, you, send Princess Liyang back to Liyang Palace, without the order of the son-in-law, you must not take a step."


At this moment, everyone was surprised.

Qin Ge's sword kill was too decisive, which was quite different from his previous image of being a wimp.

Qin Wangzheng's study.

The monarch and his ministers sat opposite each other, their eyes fixed, which made Qin Ge uneasy.

Yingzheng's aura is too strong, and, this is ancient times, the king of a country is the greatest law in the world, with golden words, life and death are all in his hands.

"Qin Ge, you suddenly changed, don't you plan to tell your father?"

Looking at the majestic and loving Ying Zheng, Qin Ge gave a wry smile. He naturally knew what Ying Zheng wanted to ask, but it was that he had changed too much and was unacceptable.

Thoughts welled up in Qin Ge's mind, Qin Ge: "Father, my son has never changed, it has always been like this, but, before this, the people who bullied my son were all sons of my father."

"Whether it's because of status or because of the father, I don't want to care about it."

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(End of this chapter)

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