Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 4 Scholars, farmers, businessmen, what can you do?

Chapter 4 Scholars, farmers, businessmen, what can you do?
After saying this, Qin Ge was also quite emotional.

In the Qin Palace, from the princes of the first emperor to the servants in the palace, they all spoke ill of Qin Ge.

In the memory of the original owner, there was nothing but endurance.

Stay under the fence!

In the house of the most powerful king in the world again, only by obeying the rules can one survive.

In the previous life, there was a huge figure that sheltered Qin Ge from the wind and rain. When the thick atmosphere dissipated, the figure towering like a mountain gradually became clear.

That is the king of this country!

Ying Zheng.

Who would have thought that the most domineering and ruthless man would give him the only warmth in this world.

Thoughts flickered, and a warm current passed through Qin Ge's heart.

This is a kind of moving.

It made Qin Ge, who was unaccompanied in Daqin, feel that he belonged.

It was precisely because of Ying Zheng's move that the Great Qin Empire embarked on a different path. Although it was not eternal, it was no longer the second generation to perish.

Looking at Qin Ge with some surprise, Ying Zheng was also slightly surprised. The eloquent Qin Ge at the moment didn't look like a mediocre person at all, nor like a bookworm who only read books.

The surprise was only momentary. When that thought flashed by, Ying Zheng no longer pursued it. Instead, he took a deep look at Qin Ge and said, "How do you plan to deal with the Liyang matter?"

"Father, my son killed Gao Jianli, and now Qin Song has not been completed."

He glanced at Ying Zheng nervously. At this time, the music masters were all among the adherents of the Six Kingdoms. Those people were extremely resistant to the new court and the new government.

Claiming to be a survivor of the subjugated country!

Specifically against the imperial court!

With a chuckle, Ying Zheng shook his head: "Qin Song, it doesn't matter if there is Gao Jianli or not. The big deal is that I will order the whole country to offer a huge reward. Naturally, there will be an endless stream of musicians coming to Xianyang."

"Why, isn't it hard to say here?" Ying Zheng stared at Qin Ge with fixed eyes, and said, "Gu treats you like his own son, otherwise it's just like marrying Liyang, so you don't need to enter the family tree with the surname Ying. "

"Say what you have, don't need to worry about it, just treat it as a conversation between father and son"

Hearing this, Qin Ge was startled. He didn't understand the relationship between Ying Zheng and the biological father of this body. Ying Zheng's words shouldn't be too weird.

In the memory, this part of the memory is missing, but Qin Ge knows that Ying Zheng is not as good to the princes as he is to himself.

The more I think about it, the more abnormal I feel!

"Father, my son wants to move out of Qin Palace!"

Qin Ge hesitated for a moment, then said to Ying Zheng, "My minister has reached eighteen years of age and is about to be crowned. It will be very inconvenient for a male to enter the Qin Palace."

"Furthermore, my son thinks that in the Qin Palace, except for the father and the prince, if the rest of the people live in the Qin Palace permanently, they will be castrated so that they cannot have sex with men and women, so as to ensure the integrity of the palace. peaceful."

"Father has been alone through the ages, and cannot be humiliated!"


Nodding heavily, Ying Zheng took Qin Ge's words to heart.

The matter of Lai Ai was originally a pain in Ying Zheng's heart. At this moment, after Qin Ge mentioned it, he naturally had a decision in his heart.

And among the eunuchs of this era, only some were castrated, and a large part of them were normal people, which was tantamount to planting a bomb in the palace.

Although castration is more humiliating, sometimes when one is angry, killing is the best way to vent.

This is why Qin Ge killed Gao Jianli, he wanted to completely eliminate Li Yang's thoughts.

After all, this world is very perverted, there is more than one method, and eliminating the root cause is the kingly way.

"Qin Ge, what are your plans for moving away from Qin Palace?"

Ying Zheng's eyes flickered. Now that Qin Ge has not achieved an inch, and Qin's law is clear, even if he wants to do favoritism, he can't. After all, the Qin Dynasty has just been unified. As the king, he must be an example for the world.

At this moment, Ying Zheng's eyes were a little worried. It is not easy to survive in this era.

"Father and king ruled the world, and now the great world is coming, no matter what kind of line you are engaged in, you can earn a living!" Qin Ge smiled at Ying Zheng, and said: "My son intends to be a law-abiding and self-respecting person in Xianyang City." Great country and small people!"

Qin Ge didn't know what information appeared in his mind at the critical moment, but he had a natural resistance to officialdom. In his opinion, business was the only way to go.

With his many years of hard work experience, he will definitely be able to detonate the entire Daqin and become the richest person in this era.

Hearing this, Ying Zheng's face couldn't help showing a little haze. His original intention was to let Qin Ge inherit his father's will and become a general to shine in the world.

However, Qin Ge obviously gave up.

Thinking about it, Ying Zheng spoke earnestly to Qin Ge, and said, "Scholar, farmer, businessman, what can you do?"

Ying Zheng didn't believe that a young man who grew up in the hands of a woman in the deep palace could do heavy farm work and quite skilled work, as well as the most advanced business.

As for the soldiers!
Ying Zheng didn't even think about it!

In this era, taxis are truly great talents.

Only those who go out and enter the prime minister, rejuvenate the country with one word, and destroy the country with one word can be called great celebrities.

Just like the people of Guigumen, if they live in peace, the world will rest, and if they get angry, the princes will be afraid.Only those who are so powerful and mighty, who look down on the kings and marquises with the body of commoners, can be called scholars.

The scholars in the pre-Qin period are not equal to the gentry in later generations.

The difference between the two is like the sun and the fireflies.

Although Qin Ge had read a few books, he didn't have the capital to be a scholar.

"The farmers are too tired, the scholars start too late, and the workers need to work for many years. After thinking about it, I should go into business—!"

It's not that Qin Ge doesn't understand that the status of a businessman is lowly, being at the lowest of all classes, but as a later generation, he naturally knows that emphasizing the basics and suppressing the poor is actually a pathological development.

This has a huge impact on a society.

The reason why he proposed is that he just wants to engage in the industry within his ability to make his life more comfortable.

Qin Ge didn't think that although he had the knowledge of later generations, he would be able to do better than these old owls in the officialdom. Since ancient times, politics has been the dirtiest industry.

There is no one who is easy to roll among them.

Although he is a bigwig in the business world, he has experienced all kinds of intrigues, but compared to politics, compared to officialdom, business is much cleaner.

Qin Ge didn't want to be pressed and rubbed on the ground as soon as he came out, it would be too fucking embarrassing.

It was precisely because of this that Qin Ge had to choose to go into business.

"Qin Ge, the status of the merchants is low, so I disagree!"

At this moment, Ying Zheng's eyes flickered, and he rejected Qin Ge's decision. It was impossible for him to let a low-end businessman work with him after his meritorious service.

Hearing this, Qin Ge chuckled and explained to Ying Zheng, saying.

"Father, my son will not participate in it personally, just find a few agents, and my son is only responsible for coordinating the overall situation behind the scenes, just counting the money."

(End of this chapter)

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