Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 5 This is a brand new era, and capital will grow wildly.

Chapter 5 This is a brand new era, and capital will grow wildly.

As far as Qin Ge was concerned, he didn't know the current people's conditions, but he had heard about the ancient trends.

Farmers and businessmen!

A businessman is the most statusless existence.

Perhaps the once mysterious Shang Dynasty had achieved something and was at the peak of its time.

Together with the peerless bronze civilization, it is even more brilliant.

In the majestic Great Qin Dynasty, Qin Ge wanted to be rich in the world and hold the world's gold in his hands, but he didn't want his status to be low.

After all, in Da Qin, the status of the son-in-law is not high.

Even in the former state of Wei, it was forbidden to grant land and homesteads to the son-in-law and stepfather (Xi became the father), and even sent the son-in-law and stepfather to join the army, asking the general not to show mercy.

What's more, other soldiers can eat beef and mutton, but the son-in-law can only eat one-third of a bucket of rice, let alone meat, which is simply not enough to fill his stomach.

The siege there needs to fill in the trenches, and as a son-in-law, you need to go there. Basically, you are from the bottom of all people and serve as cannon fodder on the battlefield.

It was precisely because of this that Qin Ge was scheming. He knew in his heart that in Daqin, he was the son-in-law. Although Yingzheng bestowed the surname on him, entering the family tree of the surname Ying raised his status.

But among the Daqin royal family, his position is very embarrassing, which is why Princess Liyang dared to be blatant.

Qin Ge knew that his status was inherently embarrassing. If he entered a merchant with his own body, he would have no chance of becoming famous in his life.Lu Buwei's rare goods can be lived in, and the success is too accidental to be replicable.

However, Qin Ge, who has danced in the later generations, knows that no matter what industry you are in, when you reach the end and reach the peak, you will naturally become powerful.

If Qin Ge is the richest man in the world at this moment, even the Great Qin Sangong would not dare to underestimate him too much.

Thinking of this, Qin Ge thought of an agent.

This concept does not come from the real agent, but the agent war of later generations, hiding behind the body, controlling the situation, such a life is considered chic.

At this time, it is far more clever for an agent to take action than for Qin Ge to end in person.

After all, once you leave, it means the end.

People with real status and status will never get off easily. Once they get off, it means victory.

Seeing Qin Ge's firm gaze, Ying Zheng sighed, and said, "Gu still hopes to join the army, or take an official career, so as to glorify the family and comfort your father's spirit in heaven."

Hearing this, Qin Ge's eyes flashed, and he sensed hope from Ying Zheng's tone, so he chuckled lightly and said, "Father, above the court, there are young masters who can share your father's worries."

"Even if my son is at the top of the court, he is just dawdling. Now that the world has just been unified, everything needs to be restored. My son wants to do business in the world, take the wealth of the aristocratic family, and relieve the worries of the father. "

"There is a lot of waste in the world waiting to be prosperous, and there is a lot of money needed. My son has endured the kindness of my father for many years, and I hope that I can contribute a little bit to this great Qin."

In fact, Qin Ge knew that if he wanted to change Daqin, he had to be in a high position, but his status was special, and he was too young, without meritorious service, and the position of Sangong Jiuqing was too far away from him.

If it weren't for the position of the Sangong and Jiuqing, it would be impossible to stop the shocking torrent of history.


Taking a deep breath, Ying Zheng was moved at this moment.

He didn't expect that Qin Ge's entry into the merchant was for him, for Da Qin. At this moment, a long-heard warmth appeared in Ying Zheng's heart.

Thoughts flickered in his mind, Ying Zheng said to Qin Ge, "Since that's the case, Gu can agree to you, but you also know that Daqin puts the emphasis on the bottom line, and you can't end it yourself."

"Otherwise, above the court, the princes of Gungun will definitely use the Qin law to talk about things!"


Slightly nodding his head, Qin Ge smiled confidently, and said, "Father, don't worry, I will build a commercial empire to protect my father's country, and let me be the king of Qin forever."

Yingzheng is an emperor through the ages. Although he is restricted by tradition, he knows in his heart that it is the need of the times to focus on the basics and suppress the end, and the merchants are the foundation of the country and cannot be cut off at all.

As for the merchants, Daqin had the weakest control. Now that Qin Ge's end, there might be a different result.

Thinking of this, Ying Zheng took a deep look at Qin Ge, and said, "I have agreed to your request. As for moving out of the Qin Palace, I will give you a surprise to make up for Liyang's mistakes."

"Liyang is the princess of the Great Qin Dynasty. Let the matter of Lihun be put aside from now on. Even if it is shelved, it cannot be mentioned. The matter of the mansion will be handled by Zhao Gao!"

"My son understands!"

From the very beginning, Qin Ge knew that it was impossible to leave the faint. The reason why he said it was just to negotiate conditions in the future, and it was also an attitude towards Liyang.

Great Qin unified the world, and now Yingzheng is at his busiest time. Being able to spare time to solve such trivial matters as Qin Ge is enough to show that he attaches great importance to Qin Ge.

Walking in the Qin Palace, Qin Ge's eyes were deep and deep. At this moment, all troubles were gone, and he had time to think about what appeared in his mind.

In the process just now, news came out twice successively, and lines of words appeared in his heart, which made him turn danger into good luck, and obtained some things that he had never known before.

As a later generation, he is naturally aware of the existence of coercion.

Among them, "Ding!" is the most powerful, you only need to ding, and you will immediately reach the pinnacle of your life.

"what exactly is it?"

Whispering in his heart, Qin Ge's expression was calm. At this moment, a touch of gold flashed in the depths of his eyes, and then disappeared in a flash.

"The Complete Book of the Way of Heaven, records astronomy, geography, and encyclopedias"

The words that appeared in his heart made Qin Ge's eyes twitch. This is not the world of cultivation. The Complete Book of Heaven and Dao is like an encyclopedia. It will be unpredictable for him to help him in this era.

With this mysterious book, Qin Ge felt that his future would be extraordinary.

After all, anyone with a golden finger can be called a hooker.

An open life never needs an explanation.

Thoughts flickered in his mind. At this moment, a smile appeared on the corner of Qin Ge's mouth. At this moment, even if he left the Qin Palace, he could rise against the sky even without Ying Zheng's care.

After all, as a hooker, cheating is the norm.

As for Daqin, this is a brand new era, everything is thriving, and everything is open to Qin Ge.

"My lord, Princess Liyang looks ugly, she is throwing a tantrum in the Liyang Palace"

Han Tan's expression was a little apprehensive. After all, he knew that Liyang was not only ruthless to Qin Ge this time, but also brought him along.

"I gonna go see!"

Nodding his head, Qin Ge smiled slightly at Han Tan, and said, "Clean up, after a while, hand over to Zhao Gao, and then leave the palace to live in—!"

(End of this chapter)

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