Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 6 In this life, Daqin will prosper because of me!

Chapter 6 In this life, Daqin will prosper because of me!

"Out of the palace to live?"

With a murmur, Han Tan was overjoyed. As a servant, unless it was a great favor, it was impossible for him to go out of the Qin Palace. His fate had already been doomed all along.

However, Qin Ge's move changed his fate with one word.

At this moment, Han Tan's awe of Qin Ge deepened by three points.

The servants are not allowed to leave the palace, this is a customary agreement!

Leaving Han Tan behind, Qin Ge walked towards Liyang Palace.

"My maidservant, I have seen the son-in-law." The maid in Liyang Palace saluted Qin Ge and said.

People in this world have already been divided into three, six, and nine classes, and everyone's class is different. Although Qin Ge is the son-in-law, he is still above the palace maids of Qin.

"My son-in-law, the princess has been throwing things."


Nodding his head, Qin Ge's eyes turned cold: "I'll go and have a look, you guys clean up and talk to Han!"

"My son-in-law, I dare not leave without the order of the princess."

Liu Ye knew in her heart that the princess was the boss here, and the son-in-law was just a son-in-law, not worthy of anything at all, after all, the son-in-law didn't even dare to take care of the princess's affairs in the music workshop.

Hearing this, Qin Ge took a deep look at Liu Ye: "Forget it, don't go—!"

Qin Ge is not a saint, on the contrary, he is a person who will take revenge.

This world is fair.


When you meet it, it is yours if you grasp it.

If you don't meet, then you don't have a chance.

And once you meet it, but you don't grasp it, it also proves that the opportunity has nothing to do with you.

Given the chance, there is no certainty, even if Liu Ye knelt on the ground and begged, Qin Ge would not change in the slightest.

Pushing open the palace door, Qin Ge looked at Princess Liyang who looked like a shrew, with loose hair, disheveled clothes, and panting, shook his head helplessly, and said.

"Clean up, we will move out of Qin Palace from today on."

As he said that, Qin Ge glanced at the debris all over the floor, paused every word, and said, "Move out of the Qin Palace and become a small citizen of a big country. From then on, Princess Daqin's life has nothing to do with you."

"Father asked me to keep you, but from today onwards, if you want to live a better life, then learn how an old Qin person lived in a difficult life in this world."

After finishing speaking, Qin Ge turned around, and before leaving, he said quietly, "Also, let's leave it at that about Gao Jianli, I don't hope there will be a second time, don't force me to kill you—!"

"You also know that in my father's heart, your position may not be higher than mine!"


A sharp voice came, and because the sound was too loud, there was a broken sound.

Turning around leisurely, Qin Ge gave Princess Liyang a cold look, and said, "What's the matter with you, tell me quickly, I don't have time to entangle you!"

Qin Ge lost interest in Princess Liyang.

In his opinion, Princess Liyang's character and upbringing are not worthy of this great empire that is about to be born.

"Qin Ge, this is Liyang Palace, why did I move out, and you remember your identity, you are just a son-in-law, what qualifications do you have to order me!"

Princess Liyang has an arrogant personality, and she has never suffered any setbacks. At this moment, being scolded by Qin Ge, who had always looked down on her, made her furious.

"I'm just here to convey, if you don't leave, I have no objection!"

Qin Ge turned to leave, and a faint voice came: "To be honest, if it wasn't for my father, I wouldn't even want to see you, because as long as I see you, I feel dirty!"

As for Princess Liyang, since Qin Ge drew his sword and beheaded Gao Jianli, he knew that the relationship between the two of them was severed, and the only connection was King Qin's order.

"If you don't want to, you can go to your father and ask him to take it back—!"

"Young master, everything is ready!"

There was a trace of alarm in Han Tan's eyes, and he said in a deep voice: "The mansion is on the east side of the palace. It belongs to the military commander's side. The mansion is the six entrances. The king ordered the princesses of the six countries to enter the mansion to serve the young master."

"Cough cough."

Qin Ge smiled helplessly. At this moment, he remembered the meaningful smile on the corner of Ying Zheng's mouth when he said goodbye to Ying Zheng for the last time, and what the compensation in his words was.

Serving the princesses of the six countries, plus Liyang, is equivalent to Qin Ge getting the princesses of the seven countries by himself. This is something that the current Qin Wangzheng, the No. 1 in the world, cannot do.

"Young master, isn't the princess going?"

Han Tan was a little surprised, and couldn't help but said to Qin Ge.

"Don't worry about her, it's time for the young lady to change her temper. I'm not fit to make a move, but my father won't spoil her anymore!" Qin Ge glanced at Han Tan and said, "Let's go, except for things, alone None of them—!”


For the Qin Palace, Qin Ge didn't hang around too much, but outside the Qin Palace, the vast world had a lot to do.

After returning to the mansion, Qin Ge took a look around, and he found that the mansion was really good, almost as good as the mansion of Wang Jian and others who had made great military achievements.

Moreover, this mansion lacks the chill of generals, but has a touch of gentleness, which is just suitable for Qin Ge to settle down at this moment.

"The maidservant has seen the son-in-law—!"

All the people in the mansion came to see the ceremony, Qin Ge took a look and said: "In my mansion, you can call me son, you don't need the name of son-in-law."

"As for your names, I don't want to know. From today onwards, we will replace them with piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, plum, orchid, chrysanthemum and bamboo, among which chrysanthemum and bamboo are temporarily missing."


Nodding in agreement, the princesses of the Six Kingdoms had no choice but to bow their heads in agreement. They knew that compared to some people in the Qin Palace, their fate was better.

"Take other people and clean the mansion once, and everyone else retreats. Han Tan will follow me—!"


Qin Ge is interested in women, but he is not impatient. In his previous life, he had made extraordinary achievements and was used to a luxurious life, so he was able to take women's sex lightly.

So, at this moment, even though there were princesses from various countries in front of him, Qin Ge didn't care.

Qin Ge walked among the rockery and flowing water.

Qin Ge was thinking about what kind of products Hongshang Tianxia would produce. He knew in his heart that at this moment, he could only progress slowly, after all, he didn't have much capital.

If you want to pass through the Central Plains, you must have what the people of the country need most.

Qu Yuanli!
Almost instantly, Qin Ge had such an idea. After all, in Daqin, Qu Yuanli, who only appeared in the middle of the Tang Dynasty, would be an epoch-making good thing for Daqin.

It's just that Qin Ge was a little dumbfounded, he didn't know anything about Qu Yuanli's structure.

While Qin Ge was in a daze, a golden light flashed in his pupils, and the information about Qu Yuanli appeared in Qin Ge's mind, one by one.

In the middle, the pattern and proportion of Quyuanli are very clear.

When this scene happened, Qin Ge smiled unconsciously.

In this life, Great Qin will surely prosper.

Happy because of him!

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(End of this chapter)

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