Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 7 Meet with Zheng Guo, Qin Ge casts the first stone into this vast world.

Chapter 7 Meet with Zheng Guo, Qin Ge casts the first stone into this vast world.

Production tool is an important factor of productivity, and a certain type of production tool marks a certain level of development of productivity.

The improvement and widespread adoption of agricultural tools will inevitably play an important role in the development of agricultural production in Daqin.

In particular, Daqin is a typical agricultural country, and it is mainly based on farming and warfare. Quyuanli is the best choice.

If Qin Ge handles it properly, he can not only make money, reap the first pot of gold, but also improve his social status.

At this moment, Qin Ge smiled.

He suddenly found that in his memory, there was nothing more valuable than Quyuanli. After all, this was the basis for the rise of a large agricultural country.

Moreover, benefiting the country and the people is the best way to improve a person's social status.

After thinking up to this point, Qin Ge turned to Han and said, "Go to the study—!"


Walking all the way, Qin Ge walked into the study, sat down after the long case, faced Han Tan, and said, "Help me make an appointment with Zhi Li Nei Shi Zheng Guo, and at the same time make an appointment with Shang Fang's Gong Shuchou."

"My lord, whether it's public defeat or internal history, I'm afraid you won't see us"

At this moment, Han Tan was a little apprehensive, and couldn't help but said to Qin Ge.

He knew in his heart that Qin Ge was not only a son-in-law, but also entered the family tree of the surname Ying, and his position was very embarrassing. Although these ministers of Great Qin didn't say anything publicly, they must despise Qin Ge in their hearts.

Daqin was originally a pragmatic dynasty, and everyone despised the son-in-law and stepfather.

"Tell them, if my son doesn't come with the artifact that benefits the country and the people, then forget it—!" Qin Ge smiled frankly, holding the sharp weapon in his hand. In the whole of Daqin, he was not afraid of anyone except Yingzheng.


Nodding his head in agreement, Han Tan turned around and was about to leave. At this moment, Qin Ge was silent for a moment, and said, "Go and invite Gong Shuchou, and let him go directly to Zhi Li Neishi's residence."

"As for Ji Liu Naishi, I will go there personally—!"


Qin Ge knew in his heart that he was no longer a successful and famous business tycoon in later generations, but just Da Qin's son-in-law, and he could not meet Zheng Guo and others with his name.

However, Qin Ge didn't care about this. As long as the things in his hands were of sufficient value, he believed that driven by interests, even Zheng Guo and the public who disdain his status would cooperate with him.

The prosperity of the world is all for profit.

The world is full of hustle and bustle, all for profit!
It has been so since ancient times!
Melo, who was cleaning the study, rubbed the ink lightly, and then handed the pen to Qin Ge. Qin Ge nodded and said, "Melo, Han Tan is in charge of the men in the mansion, and you are in charge of the rest. Go down and tell the driver to prepare the car." .”


At this time, they were not familiar with each other, so Melo agreed and lowered his head, not daring to speak.

They had heard about Qin Ge, but they didn't know much about it. Because of their identities, they acted with caution.

Picking up a pen to draw the pattern in his mind, and then copying the precautions on another piece of parchment, Qin Ge walked out of the study, and he was going to the official office where Li Neishi was governed.

"Go to the Kurunai Historian's Office!"


The car rumbled slowly on the broad Xianyang Street. This was the first time Qin Ge saw the most simple old Qin people of this era.

Xianyang is extremely prosperous, but the streets are neat and tidy, and there is almost no garbage.

This kind of Xianyang is one of the best metropolises even in later generations. Qin Ge couldn't help but sigh quietly as he looked at the clean streets: "The quality of Chinese people is that the more they live, the more they return."

Compared with some cities in later generations where garbage is flying all over the sky, Xianyang more than 2000 years ago seems to be more civilized.

"Shut up!"

A quarter of an hour later, the driver reined in the horse and said softly, "My lord, the Zhili Nei History Office has arrived——!"


Nodding his head, Qin Ge got out of the car and said to the driver, "Wait for me here!"


Looking at the eight-entry government office in front of him, Qin Ge smiled. Like the past dynasties, the official office of Daqin is second only to Xianyang Palace, eight-entry. Only the Daqin official office is qualified for such a specification.

"Stop, this is the Zhili Nei Historian's Office, no one else is allowed to come near—!" Qin Ge was stopped by the Daqin soldiers at the door before he got close to three feet away.

"Report, I want to see Zhi Li Nai Shi——!"

Naturally, the guards saw that Qin Ge was well-dressed, so they took a look at him and said, "I don't know your name?"

"The surname is Ying, Qin Ge!"

"Consort please!"


Although many people scoffed at Qin Ge's status in the ruling and opposition circles, the guards knew that looking down on him meant looking down on him, and there was still something to be done to save face.

They couldn't afford to provoke Qin Ge in front of them.

What's more, Qin Ge was also polite to them, there was no look of contempt in his eyes, no arrogance at all, and the two of them didn't want to offend them.

Walking into Zhili Neishi, Qin Ge's eyes were fixed, he sized up the layout, and walked forward slowly.

"This boy is"

Glancing at the middle-aged butler, Qin Ge smiled slightly, and said, "I have an appointment with Zhi Li Neishi, please lead the way!"

"this way please!"

"Wang Wu, what is the son-in-law going to do? Could it be that he wants to join the Li Nei Historian's Office?"

"What are you thinking!"

Another guard: "The son-in-law has the backing of the king, that's not someone we can offend, you and my brothers just need to guard the official office."

The soldiers of Daqin were simple and honest, and they didn't make much mockery of Qin Ge's identity.

Qin Ge, who walked into the official office, was naturally unaware of the guarded thoughts. He followed the middle-aged butler into the core of the official office, and met the famous Zheng Guo.

"Zheng Guo has seen the son-in-law—!"

As for Qin Ge, Zheng Guo, who is an important minister of the Great Qin, has naturally seen Qin Ge before, and he was very surprised to see Qin Ge in the official office at this moment.

There has never been an intersection between them, and there will never be any in the future.

Ignoring Zheng Guo's surprise, Qin Ge chuckled and said: "Qin Ge has seen Zhi Li Nei Shi, I came here today with the intention of cooperating with Zhi Li Nei Shi, I don't know if Zhi Li Nei Shi is interested ?”

Hearing this, Zheng Guo was surprised. He took a deep look at Qin Ge, and the corner of his mouth moved slightly: "I don't know what the son-in-law plans to cooperate with this old man?"

Taking out the parchment in his sleeve, and handing the page of the blueprint to Zheng Guo, Qin Ge chuckled, "You can take a look at Zhili Neishi before deciding whether to cooperate or not. Don't worry, this is not what my father meant."

"Even if you don't cooperate, it's okay—!"

"it is good!"

Glancing at Qin Ge, Zheng Guo set his gaze on the parchment, and after just one glance, the contempt in his heart eased a lot, and he raised his head to look at Qin Ge: "Is this a plow?"


Nodding his head, Qin Ge explained, "This is my improved plow. I call it Quyuan plow. It can increase the yield per mu of land and reduce manpower."

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(End of this chapter)

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