Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 8 Qin Ge said to share, the husband loses is an old comparison!

Chapter 8 Qin Ge said to share, the husband loses is an old comparison!
Qu Yuanli!
For a big country based on agriculture, it can be called a big killer.

Zheng Guo is not only an expert in water conservancy, but also an internal history of the Qin Dynasty. He is equivalent to the Minister of Agriculture of later generations, and he knows the farming affairs in the world in detail.

When Qu Yuanli's blueprint was in front of him, he knew that what Qin Ge said was exactly the same.

The only doubt was not Qu Yuanli himself, but Qin Ge himself, and Qin Ge's identity did not seem like a person who could reform farm tools.

But often things happen so suddenly.

Thoughts flickered in his mind, although Zheng Guo looked down on Qin Ge's identity, but he was curious about Qu Yuanli, his eyes flashed, and he said to Qin Ge.

"Could you please explain in detail?"

Hearing this, Qin Ge smiled lightly, and said, "Zhi Li Neishi, I invited Shangfang's husband to lose one, and after my husband wins, how about introducing it together?"


At this moment, an old voice sounded: "What kind of magic weapon is the son-in-law, I let the old man miss it, regret it?"

At this moment, Gong Shuchou approached and set his eyes on Zheng Guo. He believed in Zheng Guo more than Qin Ge.

Hearing this, Zheng Guo handed over the parchment in his hand: "This is Qu Yuanli transformed by the son-in-law. You have a look, how feasible is it?"

At this moment, Zheng Guo was also overjoyed, he was only in charge of the farming affairs, and the old man was the owner of Shangfang, and he was also the queen of Gongshu, so he had more say in this matter.


After receiving the parchment, Gongshu Qiu was startled. They were all old owls who were up and down in the court. He naturally knew that the meaning of Zheng Guo's move was to recognize what was in Qin Ge's hands.

"Quyuanli, change straight to curved?"

With a murmur, a gleam of light burst out from Gong Shuchou's cloudy eyes: "This matter may be feasible, why don't you let the son-in-law explain it in detail before we talk about it?"

"it is good!"

Nodding his head, Qin Ge didn't give in at all.

Some things can only be shown to others in order to let the world know its value.

If you want to cooperate with the Zhili Nei Historian Office and Shangfang, you must get the approval of these two, a thought flashed in your mind, Qin Ge talked eloquently, and said.

"Quyuanli, its Yuanqu, is different from Zhiyuanli because of its name."

"The two adults are clear that my Great Qin rose through farming and warfare. With one hand, it cultivated the land, and with the other hand, it fought with both hands. Only then did the Great Qin merge the six countries."

"Great Qin's soldiers are mighty, and the Great Qin's elite soldiers are the best in the world. However, natural disasters are frequent in the Great Qin. To become more prosperous, agriculture needs to be extremely developed."

At this moment, Qin Ge pointed to the picture on the parchment and said, "Take a look, both of you: Compared with the previous plow, Quyuanli has several major improvements."

"The Quyuan plow is composed of eleven parts. That is, the plow share, the plow wall, the plow bottom, the plow, the forehead, the plow arrow, the plow shaft, the plow tip, the plow comment, the plow construction and the plow plate."

"The first is to change the straight shaft and long shaft to curved shaft and short shaft, and install a freely rotating plow disc on the shaft head, which not only makes the plow frame smaller and lighter, but also facilitates turning and turning, flexible operation, and saves manpower. and livestock."

"Long straight shaft plows are difficult to turn and laborious to plow the land. These shortcomings are all eliminated on curved shaft plows."

After all, Qin Ge handed another page of parchment to Zheng Guo, and said: "This is the data I inferred, but the specific data needs to be constantly tested by Shangfang!"

"I don't know if Ji Kuriuchi thinks it is necessary to cooperate with me?"

At this moment, Qin Ge smiled brightly and confidently.

Suddenly, Zheng Guo's heart was shocked. He seemed to see that Li Si was so confident and believed in his talents.

With this in mind, the contempt in Zheng Guo's heart gradually dissipated, and for the first time, seriousness appeared in his eyes.

He knew in his heart that if what Qin Ge said was true, it would be nothing more than a major change in the cultivation of Daqin, and even promote the rapid development of Daqin.

Such a great talent deserves any attention.

Although Zheng Guo already believed what Qin Ge said in his heart, he was so mature and prudent that he still wanted to hear the opinion of Gong Shu Qiu. After all, when it comes to equipment, Husband Shu is the expert.

"Husband loses, what do you think?"

Hearing this, Gongshuchou took a deep look at Qin Ge, then turned to Zheng Guo, and said, "If it's as the son-in-law said, the effect of Qu Yuanli on Great Qin is unimaginable."

"It's just Qu Yuanli, what does the son-in-law plan to do with it?"

Glancing at her husband, Qin Ge pondered for a moment. Regarding how to deal with it, he already had a plan in mind: "I thought Qu Yuanli was forged in Shangfang first, and then implemented in the name of the imperial court in all counties and counties of the Great Qin Dynasty."

"Quyuanli is beneficial to the country. In order not to compete with the people for profit, the price can be controlled above a certain amount. If it is sold by Zhili Neishifu, the profit will be [-]%."

Among them, [-]% belong to me, [-]% belong to Shangfang, [-]% belong to Li Nei History Office, and [-]% belong to father. "

"Twenty percent?"

Husband lost his eyes, and said to Qin Ge, "My son-in-law, is [-]% too much?"

With a chuckle, Qin Ge naturally knew that Husband Loser was talking about him, not Shangfang, his heart moved, and then he looked directly at Husband Loser, and said: "Not much, after all, in Shangfang, craftsmen cannot be allowed to work for nothing. "

"If my husband thinks that [-]% is too much, then [-]% is fine, and how about the remaining [-]% going to the Zhili Nai Historian Office?"

As soon as Qin Ge's voice fell, her husband's face turned black when he lost. It was really a steal. As the official offices of Daqin, everyone was short of money, especially Shangfang.

Quyuanli swept the entire Great Qin, even if it is a small profit, but given the terrifying amount, half a percent is still a huge number, thinking of this, my husband loses in a hurry, said.

"Based on what the son-in-law said, I, Shangfang, account for [-]%!"

Seeing her husband lose with a bad nose, Zheng Guo glanced at Qin Ge in surprise, then smiled slightly, and said, "Just as you say, I occupy [-]% of Li Nei's official history office."

Zheng Guo knew in his heart that this division was just right.

It is reasonable for Qin Ge to produce Quyuanli's design drawings, [-]% for Quyuanli, Shangfang's production of Quyuanli, and [-]% for Li Nei History Office.

As for the [-]% of Qin Wangzheng, it is also reasonable, after all, he is the king of Daqin.

What's more, he has learned from Qin Ge's eloquence, and he doesn't want to repeat the same mistakes. At this point, Zheng Guo said to the public, "Old man, how long will it take for Shangfang to build a Quyuanli?"

"The first one takes half an hour, wait until the technique is thoroughly grasped, the second one for a quarter of an hour, and it will get faster and faster in the future-!" At this moment, the face of my husband loses, with confidence flourishing.

"it is good!"

Nodding his head, Zheng Guo said, "Then let Shangfang build Quyuanli, and test the effect first!"

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(End of this chapter)

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