Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 9 Among the younger generation in Xianyang King City, none of the son-in-laws surprised me.

Chapter 9 Among the younger generation in Xianyang King City, none of the son-in-laws surprised me.

An hour later, a brand new Quyuanli was born in the hands of skilled craftsmen in Daqin Shangfang.

Looking at Qu Yuanli who was similar to the one on the blueprint, Qin Ge felt the fear of Shangfang's handicraft for the first time. Such precision was too frightening.


Seeing that Quyuanli was built, Gongshuchou laughed out loud, excited, and said: "I want to be the first to try this Quyuanli, whether it is as good as Mr. Qin said."

The three of them went out, followed by several officials of Shangfang, carrying Qu Yuanli and leading the cattle.

When he came to the field outside the city, Zheng Guo pointed to a field and said to the public, "Old man, that area is the test site of the Zhili Nei Historian's Office."

"I have ordered one of the experienced old farmers to wait in the field and let him test the effect of the Quyuanli—!"

"it is good!"

Gongshuqiu is also clear that he is still far from enough compared to farmers. Whether Quyuanli is feasible or not is related to a lot of wealth, and their Shangfang research will have continuous funding.

Naturally, he attached great importance to Qu Yuanli.

"Zhang Wu, come here!"

Zheng Guo waved his hand, and the old farmer named Zhang Wu hurried over: "Master Zhili Naishi, tell the little old man to come over, what's your order?"

"Try this new plow and tell me how it compares to your old straight plow!"


Zhang Wu skillfully led the ox and tied it to everything, and then held the Quyuanli. At this moment, Zhang Wu, who had been proficient in farming all his life, knew that the Quyuanli was far better than the straight plow.

This is the intuition of a professional farmer.


After plowing the ground for a while, about a quarter of an hour, Zhang Wu stopped. He knew in his heart that Zheng Guo and the others were just asking him to experiment, not to watch him plow the ground.

"Zhang Wu, how do you feel?"

Hearing this, Zhang Wuyi looked at Zheng Guo with joy, and said, "Master Zhili Neishi, this curved plow is much easier to use than the straight plow. It is not only easy to turn around and turn, it is flexible to operate, and saves manpower and livestock."

"Moreover, the little old man also observed that the depth of the Quyuanli's penetration into the soil can be determined by itself. For me, Daqin farmers, this is a magic weapon."

At this moment, Zheng Guo and Gongshu Qiu were overjoyed. Zhang Wu's words meant that Qu Yuanli was feasible, and the matter discussed by the three of them could improve the agenda.

Thinking of this, the two of them became even happier. They seemed to have seen the white money rolling in (the Daqin coin is Qin Banliang, and the silver is used here for the sake of impression.)
Aside from the joy, from the corner of the eye of Zheng Guo, seeing Qin Ge's indifferent face, he couldn't help it, and said, "My lord, it seems that this has been expected for a long time?"


With a chuckle, Qin Ge turned to Zheng Guo and said, "Of course, otherwise, I wouldn't dare to take a blueprint and go to the government office to seek cooperation from Zhili Neishi!"


At this moment, Zheng Guo also laughed out loud, and said to Qin Ge, "Before this, it was Zheng Guo who underestimated you, and hope you don't care about it."

Under the bondage of interests, the more the three of them looked at each other, the more they felt that the other was very handsome, and that he was a dragon and a phoenix among men.

"It's just son, husband loses, who will report Qu Yuanli to the king?"

Hearing this, Qin Ge and her husband lost a look at each other, and her husband lost, saying: "This is the invention of Mr. Qin, so Mr. Qin will tell the king himself."

They are all old owls above the Great Qin Dynasty Hall, they are naturally aware of Qin Ge's embarrassing status, and this Qu Yuanli will turn Qin Ge's unfavorable situation around.

After all, in the Great Qin, besides military exploits, agriculture is very important.

"That's fine too!"

At this moment, it was obvious that Zheng Guo had thought of this, so he said to Qin Ge, "Let the young master report this matter to the king!"

"do not!"

After hearing the words, Qin Ge shook his head again and again.

"What's wrong, son?"

At this moment, Zheng Guo and her husband were puzzled and couldn't help but said to Qin Ge.

In their opinion, this is the most suitable way. Firstly, it can improve Qin Ge's status, and secondly, it can also be kind to Qin Ge. After this incident, the two old owls naturally saw that Qin Ge was definitely not what the rumors said It's so unbearable.

But with great talent, the pearl is covered with dust.

To make friends with such a person at a humble time will naturally gain a lot.

It is said in the book: Giving charcoal in the snow is always better than icing on the cake.

"If the two of you want to share the money, don't tell the government and the public that I invented this Quyuanli, just say it was invented by an expert!"

Speaking of this, Qin Ge smiled slightly, and said: "As for the father, I can tell. After all, I don't need to pay [-]% for nothing. Presumably, the father will not object."

"After all, once my identity is revealed, this Quyuanli will probably be taken back to Daqin, and the income will also go into the Daqin treasury. It has nothing to do with the two of you or me."

At this moment, when Zheng Guo and Gong Shuchou thought of Qin Ge's identity, they felt a toothache.


What is a son-in-law, even you are not yours.


With a long sigh, Zheng Guo lost his hatred with the public, and said: "It's okay, but, are you willing to do this and join the merchants?"

"Who can decide what will happen in the future!"

Qin Ge smiled wryly, and said: "Take a step and look at it. I also want to wake up and take over the power of the world, and lie drunk on the lap of a beautiful woman, but this is just a fantasy."

"Since you can't hold the power of the world in your hands, it's not bad to be drunk and lie on the lap of a beautiful woman."

"Zhi Li Neishi, such a cunning boy, it seems that everyone except the king has been deceived by Qin Ge!" Gong Shuchou's eyes flashed, and he could naturally smell the meaning of Qin Ge's words just now.


With a sigh, Zheng Guoyou said: "These words seem to be rebellious, but they reveal their own thoughts, so that some people can feel at ease. At the age of weak crowns, it is really terrifying to have such scheming."

For the younger generation in Xianyang, including the eldest son Fusu, Wang Li and others, they have met them before, and they are very good, but they are not as amazing as this son-in-law.

Xianyang Palace, study room.

Unlike Qin Ge who was thinking hard about how to make money, Ying Zheng was sitting on the throne at this moment, his eyes were full of excitement and enthusiasm.

He annexed the six countries and unified the country, today is to determine the name and title of the country.

"My dear friends, you have merged the six kingdoms alone, unified the sea, and destroyed the Great Zhou. Now, it should be different from before, just like Shang destroyed Xia and changed the latter to be emperor. Demonstrate the dignity of the solitary, the uniqueness of the Great Qin!"

Yingzheng's eyes were dark, looking at his confidant ministers, he said: "As for the honorary title, what do you Daqin think, today is also a small court meeting, you can discuss it a little bit!"

Taking a look at the vacant seat, Ying Zheng narrowed his eyes: "By the way, Zhao Gao, is that Aiqing not here?"

"Your Majesty, it is Lord Jikuriuchi!"

(End of this chapter)

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