Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 10 Facing humiliation for the first time!

Chapter 10 Facing humiliation for the first time!
"Zheng Guo?"

Ying Zheng frowned. The Great Court Conference is very important in the Great Qin Dynasty, but the Small Court Conference is often the most important occasion to decide the affairs of a country.

But this time when discussing honorary titles, and the state affairs of the Great Qin and Zheng Guo, one of the nine ministers, was not there, a thought flashed in Ying Zheng's mind, and he immediately looked at Zhao Gao who was aside.

"Zhao Gao, what is Zhili Naishi busy with?"

Hearing this, Zhao Gao quickly bowed and said, "Your Majesty, according to the news I just received, the son-in-law went to the Zhili Nei History Office, and then Shangfang's husband Shu rushed over, and finally the three of them left the office."

"Go to Shangfang."

"Qin Ge?"

With deep eyes, Ying Zheng knew clearly that Qin Ge had never had any contact with the courtiers of the Great Qin Dynasty, and Zheng Guo and others were all talented people, so such people were often full of arrogance.

Even Fusu didn't give face, let alone Qin Ge, who was an embarrassing status, known as Da Qin's first son-in-law.

After thinking up to this point, Ying Zheng waved his hand and said, "Go and invite the three of you over here!"


Zhao Gao turned and left. Ying Zheng smiled at the officials and said, "It's all right, dear friends, continue. Today we must discuss this title and the policy of establishing the country. This matter should not be delayed."


Chun Yuyue came out and faced Ying Zheng, saying: "Your Majesty, in ancient times there were emperors of heaven, emperors of land, and emperors of Thailand. Among them, emperors of Thailand are the most expensive. The honorable title is the emperor of Thailand, and the king is the emperor of Thailand!"

As for the Emperor Tai, Yingzheng also heard from Li Si and others that the Emperor Tai is the Emperor of Man. This statement is too illusory, and the Emperor Tai has already appeared. An unprecedented name.

"Your Majesty, it's better to take the name of the king as the co-lord." Li Xin's eyes flashed, he didn't think his name was so good, but he understood that Ying Zheng didn't like the Thai emperor.

As a subject, he should share the worries of the king!

"Zhi Li Neishi, Mr. Gongshu, son-in-law, please let the three of you go to the study!" Zhao Gao appeared in Shangfang, with a respectful look on his face.


Surprised for a moment, Zheng Guo suddenly remembered something, his face changed drastically, and he said, "Go quickly!"

Without talking all the way, the four of them returned to Xianyang Palace by car and came to Yingzheng's study room. Before that, he always went directly to the study room from the palace. This was the first time he walked in from outside Xianyang Palace.

"I have seen the king!"

Zheng Guo and Gong Shuchou bowed solemnly, their expressions extremely respectful.

"My son pays homage to my father, my father is ten thousand years old, and my father is ten thousand years old—!" When it comes to flattery, Qin Ge, as a big boss who is often understood by later generations, naturally has many tricks.

What's more, Qin Ge knew that in this Great Qin, if he wanted to live well, it was necessary to hug Ying Zheng's thigh.

"Get up and take your seats!"

Ying Zheng glanced at Qin Ge, turned to Zhao Gao, and said, "Give Qin Ge a seat!"


After a while, Zhao Gao directed the servants to bring the small case and the seats. At this moment, all three of them took their seats.

Seeing the three people seated, Ying Zheng just set his eyes on Zheng Guo's face and said, "Zheng Guo, you lost with your son-in-law husband, what are you busy in Shangfang?"

Hearing this, Zheng Guo hurriedly got up and bowed to Ying Zheng, saying: "It is very important for Great Qin to carry out an experiment. After a while, Rong Chen will personally report this matter to the king!"


With a light 'oh', Ying Zheng took a deep look at Zheng Guo. Seeing Zheng Guo, it was inconvenient to say anything, and he was not just asking Qin Ge and Gong Shuhou, "In that case, let's continue the discussion!"

"Father, my minister has not yet become an official, and is still a white man. Today's court meeting involves the affairs of the Great Qin State!" Qin Ge stood up, bowed solemnly to Ying Zheng, and said, "My minister is not talented and learned, so I should step down." Better!"

"That's right, how can a son-in-law talk about the country's major affairs—!" At this moment, before Ying Zheng could speak, an old man with gray beard suddenly spoke, his tone full of sarcasm.

"Dr. Zhou's words are justified, the king should expel the son-in-law." Another voice sounded, adding insult to injury.

At this moment, Qin Ge was stunned.

He didn't expect that he didn't want to be contaminated by the government, and he would provoke criticism from everyone, and he didn't even give Yingzheng face. After all, he was the son-in-law of Daqin.

Even if it is a son-in-law, it is not a simple son-in-law.

Qin Ge took a look, and sure enough, Ying Zheng's face turned ugly when he said these words, and among the officials, only Zheng Guo and her husband lost their faces.

These old guys are too deceitful.

At this moment, Ying Zheng remained silent, while Fu Su stood up, glanced at Qin Ge coldly, and said, "Father, my son thinks Dr. Zhou's words are justified, please ask Father to expel Qin Ge."

As soon as Fu Su's words came out, the whole study room fell silent. Fu Su's words were basically slapping Qin Ge and Ying Zheng in the face. Qin Ge's peripheral vision flashed, and as expected, Ying Zheng's face darkened even more.

At this moment, Yingzheng really has a saying in his heart that MMB doesn't know whether to say it or not!
He naturally knew that Fusu targeted Qin Ge. Apart from Qin Ge's identity, it was partly because of Princess Liyang. As his eldest daughter and eldest son, the relationship was naturally very close.

Originally, Ying Zheng planned to follow Qin Ge's wishes and make Qin Ge step down, but at this moment, Ying Zheng hesitated.

He knew in his heart that if Qin Ge was allowed to retreat today, Qin Ge would never be able to hold his head up again in the Great Qin.

"Your Majesty, I think that what Dr. Zhou and others said about Da Miao, Qin Ge is the son-in-law of the Great Qin, a member of the royal family of the Great Qin, and is qualified to exist on the land of the Great Qin."

Zheng Guo's eyes were deep: "What's more, the study where the son-in-law went is the king's edict!"

At this moment, the study room was silent.

No one expected that Zheng Guo would open his mouth and stand by Qin Ge's side.

This is no longer Qin Ge's confrontation with Dr. Zhou and others. Now that the eldest son is coming out, it is equivalent to the eldest son's confrontation with Qin Ge. Thinking of a hundred years later, all the officials were shocked.

"The veteran also thinks what Zhi Li Neishi said is very true!"

Husband stood up, he knew in his heart that Qin Ge was not simple, and Qin Ge could bring him tens of thousands of income, which no one could give him.

Sharp eyes glanced over everyone, Qin Ge nodded his thanks to her husband and Zheng Guo. In his opinion, Fusu's performance at the moment is too poor.

At this time, he jumped out.

At this moment, Qin Ge stood up with a smile on his face: "Qin Ge, I have something I want to ask Dr. Zhou and the eldest son: who is the king and who is the king of this Great Qin?"

As soon as Qin Ge finished speaking, the faces of the officials in the study suddenly changed.

This remark is heartbreaking.

"Of course it's the king!" Dr. Zhou's complexion changed, and he said hastily.

Qin Ge's eyes turned cold, and the smile on the corner of his mouth disappeared, replaced by a touch of coldness, as sharp as a blade: "Then the father has not yet spoken, but you are all anxious, do you want to make decisions for the father, do you want to replace him? "

 The contract has been issued, please recommend, please collect


(End of this chapter)

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