Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 101 The Great Qin Empire should focus on stability at present.

Chapter 101 The Great Qin Empire should focus on stability at present.

Qin Ge's words were not just to keep himself alive, but more to consider the future of the Great Qin Empire.

He naturally knew that the Sangong Jiuqing system was just a cosmetic project, and it was just assigning official positions, but the powers and responsibilities were not clear, and the imperial court was in the process of dividing the counties in the world.

Dividing the world into prefectures and counties did not happen overnight.

Although the 41 counties in the world have been roughly divided, the determination of the boundaries has not been completed until today, and the assessment of the county magistrate of Daqin County has been only approximate.

Under such circumstances, the new internal system of the Great Qin is rising, and the survivors of the six external countries are dormant. Under such circumstances, the Great Qin Empire, which looks like a towering mountain, is actually very dangerous.

It was precisely because of this that Qin Ge felt that canonizing the crown prince was a way.

"The crown prince is the foundation of the country, and it is not appropriate to be canonized arbitrarily. The reason why I don't stand up is for the sake of the prince of the Great Qin. As long as you can stand out among your brothers, I will put the burden of the Great Qin Wanli on you."

Ying Zheng shook his head, and did not change his decision: "Today's imperial court is over. The reason why I called you here is not only to tell you what I just said, but also to ask your opinion on one more thing."

"This is the memorial of Li Si, a lieutenant of the court. It explains the strengthening of the Sangong Jiuqing system and the original intention. Take a look, and then share your views."


With a nod in agreement, Qin Ge sat down again. He was relieved that Ying Zheng didn't take advantage of the trend to confer the crown prince.

He knew in his heart that it was difficult to canonize a prince, and it was even more difficult to abolish a prince.

In front of a domineering king like the first emperor, he thought that he had a problem with his vision when he abolished the prince, and he would never abolish the prince unless it was a last resort.

What's more, Qin Ge knew very well that Daqin hadn't identified the crown prince, and he still had a chance. Once the crown prince was named, his hopes would disappear completely.

With this in mind, Qin Ge sat quietly behind the long table, waiting for the parchment to be passed to him.

When the parchment was passed to Qin Ge's hands, and after he read it word by word, he was even more moved by Li Si's talent. It was really not easy to be able to make a breakthrough with the First Emperor.

On the parchment, it is written: Based on the governance of counties and counties, the purpose is to centralize power to seek governance, the focus is to implement politics and the people, and the axis is to centralize governance power.

Moreover, this governance system is divided into a four-level system, with layers of governance, from the emperor's palace to the villages and countryside, integrated into the governance.

First, the central decision-making system, also known as the emperor system.

In the Great Qin Empire, the emperor has the highest power, but the emperor is a person, not a god. The governance of the great empire is not only implemented by the emperor alone, but by a government system built around the emperor.

At the same time, it is the central government affairs system: the system of Sangong and Jiuqing with the prime minister as the axis.

The three princes of the empire are each a system.

Comprehensive system of prime ministers: the opening of the government governs the state affairs, and there are left and right prime ministers, also known as prime ministers, and most of them have subordinate affairs bureaus.

Taiwei Military and Political System: Kaifu General Commander involved in military and government affairs, based on the expansion of the old Qin Guowei Mansion.

The censor doctor's supervision system: opened the government, supervised all officials and counties all over the country, and expanded the original censor office and the original Guozheng prison.

Third, the county governance system: the local system with the county magistrate as the axis.Fourth, the township government system: the most basic three-level people's governance - township, pavilion, and li.

Qin Ge had to admit that the talents of Li Si and others were peerless, but the Sangong Jiuqing system had an extremely powerful flaw, that is, the power of the Sangong was too great.

The three princes opened the government independently, but the emperor was actually more inclined to be a puppet.

Thoughts flickered in his mind, Qin Ge passed the parchment in his hand to the people behind him, but he was moved by it. He knew in his heart that the Great Qin Empire was finally buried for the Sangong Jiuqing system.

"Father, my son thinks this strategy is like a mighty torrent, unique and feasible—!" Fusu and the others spoke, feeling awe of this system. They knew that since it was proposed by the First Emperor, it must have been discussed long ago. .

At this moment, asking them is just to point them out.

"Qin Ge, if you have something to say, you don't have to be afraid."

Hearing this, Qin Ge's eyes flickered, he looked at Ying Zheng, and said, "Father, this system is more detailed than the previous one, which can be said to be a good thing, but Father doesn't think that the three princes have too much power to open their own houses. some?"

"Since the centralization of power, this power should be concentrated in the hands of the father, not the hands of the three princes!"


Nodding his head, at this moment, after Qin Ge's reminder, he also noticed the shortcomings, his eyes narrowed, and he said, "For this matter, what countermeasures do you have?"

"The Sangong Jiuqing system can be used for transition, but after the Great Qin Empire is stabilized, changes must be made, otherwise powerful officials will easily appear."

Qin Ge looked straight at Yingzheng, and said, "Father, my son thinks that the major government offices, especially the three government offices, should check each other. Otherwise, the overall situation of the world will easily be out of the emperor's control."

"Father is extremely powerful, so naturally he is not afraid, but the next emperor may not be as powerful as Father, able to suppress the three lords and nine ministers without trouble."


Heaving a sigh of relief, Ying Zheng pondered for a moment, and said, "I entrust this matter to you, and this matter must be resolved within ten years. At present, the Great Qin Empire needs stability, and this is the only way to go."

"My son knows."

Sitting down again, Qin Ge took a sip of herbal tea, with a lot of thoughts in his mind.

He knew in his heart that a more reasonable system than Sangong Jiuqing was the system of three provinces and six ministries, but he only remembered the outline of the system of three provinces and six ministries, and there was no reminder in "Tian Dao Quan Shu", so Qin Ge could only wait.

"Now that the sheriffs and magistrates of all the counties are gathered in Xianyang, will Qin Ge conduct a unified assessment?" At this moment, Ying Zheng brought up this matter again.

The previous time, the Great Qin court only implemented the avoidance system for officials, and did not assess the true talents and knowledge of officials. Now that there is enough time, Yingzheng is very motivated.

"Father, the Great Qin should focus on stability at the moment, and even if we move the officials all over the world, the Great Qin court does not have so many officials to supplement. All in all, our talent reserve is insufficient, so we can only watch helplessly."

Qin Ge's eyes were shining brightly, and he bowed solemnly to Ying Zheng, and said, "There will be no assessment, but he will also undergo short-term training, starting with Guanzhong and gradually expanding."

"There is a three-month training for officials at all levels by the Prime Minister's Office of the Education Department and the Father's Emperor, and then we will take it step by step to ensure that the Great Qin Empire will not have civil strife before our talent reserves are sufficient."

(End of this chapter)

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