Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 102 The Heart of the First Emperor. 【1】

Chapter 102 The Heart of the First Emperor. 【1】


Regarding what Qin Ge said, Ying Zheng also felt that it was very necessary. After all, the quality of this group of officials varied from level to level, and some were even survivors of the Six Kingdoms.

Although the avoidance system for officials was implemented in the Great Qin Empire, which could reduce some of the chaos, but the court knew too little about these officials.

There are still factors of instability!
At this time, a three-month training becomes necessary.

With this in mind, Ying Zheng said to Qin Ge, "Make a regulation for this matter and submit it to me."


Yingzheng is an emperor, and he doesn't feel at ease with his subjects, not to mention the officials of the 41st county, except for the mainland of Daqin, most of the officials are not from the old Qin.

As a result, this trust is valid.

Qin Ge's words completely made Ying Zheng think a lot.


"Everyone go back to rest, the court will continue tomorrow!" Seeing that it was getting late, Ying Zheng waved his hand and said.



"Zhao Gao, send someone to send Qin Ge off..."



Back in the mansion, Qin Ge ate some food and lay down on the grand master's chair, thinking about what happened next, the scene in the hall.

He knew in his heart that Emperor Shi Huang was too aggressive.

Whether it is the implementation of the official system of the Great Qin Empire or other things, it is too fast and rushed.As if to finish everything in one breath.

In Qin Ge's view, the Great Qin Empire has a long time, and these things should be done one by one, so as not to abuse the power of the people.

With this in mind, Qin Ge stood up and walked into the study.

In the study room, the wind lamp was burning, and the breeze swept in. The lights swayed in the study room, making Qin Ge's mood gradually relax.

He found that he had changed recently!

Especially after the First Emperor asked him to participate in the seizure of the heir apparent, Qin Ge's actions tended to be more about gains and losses than to change this era.

Thoughts flickered in his mind, Qin Ge leaned over the long case, his eyes were full of solemnity, it can be said that the most important time has come for the majestic Qin to reach this step.

Every turn will affect the overall situation of the government and affect the future direction of the Central Plains.

At such a time, Qin Ge's heart did not feel a little excited, but at this moment, he became more dignified, even a little apprehensive.

Today's Lishan Mausoleum has already started construction, and if there are no accidents, Chidao, Zhidao, Lingqu, and the Great Wall will all be on the agenda.

There is also an Abang Palace that has been built in sevens and eights. If you count the majestic project in the north of the city, it can be said that the Great Qin Empire is under construction almost anywhere.

In this way, there will inevitably be no farmers to cultivate the land, and the Great Qin Empire will not last long.

"I hope that Father will not be too aggressive, otherwise..."


On the second day, Qin Ge got up early.

After practicing the martial arts for a while, Qin Ge boarded the car and headed to Xianyang Palace. Now that the hour has passed, all the officials have arrived.

"Your Majesty is coming, and all the officials are congratulating you!" Zhao Gao's voice came, and at this moment, all the cultural relic officials walked into Xianyang Palace.

"I will pay my respects to Your Majesty, Your Majesty Wannian, Great Qin Wannian—!"

"Everyone who loves you, take your seat flat." On the throne, Ying Zheng was wearing an imperial robe, looking like a dragon.



"Today is the first court meeting since the new dynasty, and you can speak freely!" Looking at the respectful civil and military officials, Ying Zheng opened his mouth and set the benchmark.

"Today's court will advocate the establishment of civilization and rule, and under the whole day, it will regenerate our Chinese ethnic group so that it will be full of vitality!"



The first emperor's words immediately made the court hall, which had not much voice, become extremely quiet. They all knew in their hearts that it would be even more difficult to unify the Central Plains.

Consolidating China and rebuilding the mountains and rivers are extremely difficult things.

Because of this, for a while, the Sangong Jiuqing and the cultural relics officials were silent.

Qin Ge thought a lot at this moment. He was shocked by Emperor Shi Huang's ambition, but he also knew that this matter was imperative and he had to do it.

The most fundamental intention of the first emperor's words today is to turn the world into China with one hand and build the cornerstone of Chinese civilization with one hand.

As a traveler, Qin Ge naturally understood the importance of Emperor Shihuang's consolidation of China. The reason why China in later generations was able to unify no matter how chaotic it was was because of Emperor Shihuang's consolidation of China.

Thoughts flickered in his mind, Qin Ge stood up and said: "I agree with my father's words. Now that the world is in chaos, it's time to set the pan all day long to bring all the wilderness back to my heart."

"Since Jijiu has a good opinion, you might as well say it bluntly, I'll be all ears!" Feng Quji said with a flash of eyes and a half-yin and half-yang tone.

Showing your sharpness means that you are a bird in the first place.

At this time, not only Feng Quji looked at Qin Ge, but also Fu Su and the others, especially after what happened yesterday in the Xianyang Palace study, Fu Su and the others were even more afraid of Qin Ge.

Regarding the consolidation of Huaxia, not to mention Feng Quji's lack of confidence, even Li Si didn't know about it, this was just what Yingzheng had in mind.

The officials, who couldn't think of a way for a while, were silent and did not dare to speak. At this moment, Qin Ge stood out from the crowd, it was very obvious.

"Qin Ge has something to say, on top of Xianyang Palace, don't hide it, even if you say something wrong, it doesn't matter!"

Seeing Qin Ge's insight into his thoughts at once, Ying Zheng was also a little excited. Now he feels that reforms are needed everywhere, and he is afraid that all civil and military officials will not understand.


Nodding in agreement, Qin Ge stood up, glanced at the civil and military officials, then turned to Yingzheng, and said, "When the Shang Dynasty reformed, Qin was poor and weak, and was almost destroyed by the six kingdoms of Shandong."

"Duke Xiao and Lord Shang worked together to reform the law and thoroughly consolidated the Qin State for more than [-] years. The old Qin people seemed to be rebuilt, from a poor and weak state in the west, which was bullied, to a powerful country in the west in one fell swoop."

"From then on, the era when the world belittled Qin came to an end, and entered an era when the world's great powers feared Qin."

"I believe that when the world is like Shang Jun today, he should follow the example of filial public and Shang Jun, reform the civilization of the Central Plains, consolidate the great rivers and mountains, and rebuild China!"


At this moment, everyone above the main hall of Xianyang Palace was shocked. They did not expect that Ying Zheng and Qin Ge would want to completely transform the world.

Regarding what Shang Jun did during the reform, the officials present knew well, and they naturally knew the difficulty of doing so, as well as the huge pressure on the Great Qin court.

"Rectifying Huaxia is just like Shangjun Xiaogong transforming Daqin, how difficult it is!"

At this moment, Yao Jia said: "The mighty Great Qin has just been established, and there are constant turmoil and undercurrents in the world. I think it is not allowed to go to war."

Someone who opposed it stood up. Even if it was proposed by Emperor Shihuang, there were still people who opposed it.


(End of this chapter)

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