Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 112 Paper money and the first bank of the Great Qin Empire.

Chapter 112: On Paper Money and the First Bank of the Great Qin Empire.

Zheng Guo is in charge of the ten economic departments.

Not only is it in charge of farming, but it is also in charge of the economic lifeline of the Great Qin Empire. Coupled with Zheng Guo's contribution to the construction of the Zheng Guo Canal, Yingzheng attaches great importance to Zheng Guo.

For a long time, even Li Si was not as important as Zheng Guo in Ying Zheng's heart. In Ying Zheng's view, people like Zheng Guo could do practical things, and a powerful empire needed such people.

Hearing this, Zheng Guo smiled indifferently, bowed solemnly to Ying Zheng, and said, "Your Majesty, I have already used it, just have herbal tea to quench my thirst!"

Zheng Guo, on the other hand, has long been used to Ying Zheng's favor, but he is still extremely low-key.


Nodding his head, Ying Zheng set his eyes on Jiang Lu and said, "How about you, General Lu?"

Jiang Lu naturally didn't eat, but at this time, Zheng Guo didn't eat it, and Ying Zheng and others didn't. Naturally, he was embarrassed to eat it, so he could only shake his head and said: "Father, my son has already eaten, so I can't!"

Seeing that Qin Ge had already used it up, Ying Zheng waved his hand and said, "Zhao Gao, remove all the food and leave the herbal tea—!"


Zhao Gao's work efficiency was very high, he removed all the food in an instant, cleaned the long table, and then exited the study, guarding under the porch.

Ying Zheng glanced at Jiang Lu, turned to Zheng Guo, and said, "How is the unification of currency that you and Jiang Lu are in charge of, Zheng Guo?"

"Your Majesty, according to the plan of the minister and the prince, it is planned to abolish the coins of the six countries all over the country, and then implement the Qin Banliang, so as to complete the unified currency."

Zheng Guo didn't hide anything. After all, this was their idea. Although it wasn't very clever, and it didn't have the momentum between the Education Department and Li Si, there was nothing wrong with doing so.

Moreover, Zheng Guo knew in his heart that Li Si was a great talent, and Qin Ge was not an ordinary person. Naturally, he was very successful in promoting Shu Tongwen.

As the saying goes, a strong alliance is naturally extraordinary.

"Qin Banliang, although it is the currency of Daqin, but the production cost is high, it is not easy to carry and transport, and it will be worn out during the coinage process!"

Qin Ge was silent for a long time, and under Ying Zheng's gaze, he spoke slowly and said.

Facing Ying Zheng's gaze, he couldn't refuse at all, not to mention that if he didn't speak at this moment, Ying Zheng would naturally appoint him to speak after a moment.

What's more, he ate Yingzheng's meal and didn't speak, which was a bit dishonest.

"All the currencies in the world are worn out when they are minted. I wonder if there is a good way to sacrifice wine?" Zheng Guo looked very expectant, and he valued Qin Ge's words very much.

After all, Qin Ge is the most talented among the princes of the Great Qin Dynasty.

"Push for paper money!"

"A kind of paper has been researched in the workshop of Tianxing Capital. It is different from parchment. It is expensive to manufacture. Except for Tianxing Capital, it cannot be produced anywhere else!"

Speaking of this, Qin Ge said to Ying Zheng, "And in the Great Qin Shang Workshop, there are the most powerful craftsmen in the world, so they can naturally create anti-counterfeiting methods."

"Qin Ge's suggestion is to establish the No. [-] Bank of the Great Qin Empire, collect all the gold from the world in the bank, and then issue banknotes to enforce the Qin law. However, the issuance of banknotes should not be made in excess."

"At the same time, establish the iron law of the Qin Dynasty. Once the coins are found to be counterfeit, the three clans will be wiped out—!"

"For the coins of the six countries in the world, no matter what their value is, they will be exchanged according to the price of Qin Banliang, and then taken back to Xianyang. After the issuance of banknotes, the circulation of old coins is prohibited in the world."

"Old coins do not have the ability to circulate, and the empire does not recognize purchasing power."

"On the banknotes, the Dharma Beast and Xianyang Palace are engraved on the back and side, symbolizing the orthodox status of the world. On the front, the father's head is engraved, and on both sides, the emperor does not violate the law, and the law is not noble."

"The most important thing is that for the number of banknotes, in this way, the country can also know the number of banknotes sent and received!"

"Paper money?"

Ying Zheng was silent for a long time, looked at Li Si and the others, and said, "Leaving aside the banknotes, what do you mean by banks?"

Seeing everyone's gazes, Qin Ge smiled and said, "Banks, my minister's understanding of them are institutions established according to law to operate money and credit business."

"It has almost all the functions of a bank. It can borrow money and save money, but as the first bank of the empire, it can have the supreme power to issue currency."

"The First Bank of the Empire, also known as the Imperial Central Bank, its role is to implement monetary policy, conduct macro-control of the national economy, and supervise and manage chambers of commerce and even merchants throughout the country."

"Father, my son suggested suspending the establishment of banks and currency issuance first, and instead established the Great Qin Empire Bank Law, which clarified that the First Bank of the Great Qin Empire independently implemented monetary policy, performed its duties, and carried out business in accordance with the law under the leadership of the imperial court. Intervention by governments, social groups and individuals."

"In this way, the biggest advantage is that to a certain extent, the empire can use the money stored in the bank by all the people in the world. It only needs to have money when the people are withdrawing money."

"At the same time, the law makes it clear that depositing money in the bank has certain interest. In this way, it can absorb idle funds from the people and use them to deal with some of the most important things of the empire, such as military expenses and so on."

"Wait for imperial fiscal easing, then put the money in the banks"

After Qin Ge finished speaking, he fell silent.

He knew in his heart that whether it was a bank or the promotion of banknotes, it was a shocking thing in this era. Although Ying Zheng was an emperor through the ages, he also needed to think about his credibility.

At first, Qin Ge only wanted to roll out gold coins, just like Yuan Datou, putting the portrait of the First Emperor on it.

However, in the end he changed his mind.

After all, he is a businessman, and he understands the power of capital better than anyone now. When the world is stable, he can hold the capital in his hand and invade the surrounding countries of Great Qin.

His move is also to elevate the status of merchants, break the class of scholars, farmers, businessmen, and let the Great Qin Empire fall into a more benign development.

After all, once the business is prosperous and the business tax is formulated at that time, the treasury of the Great Qin Empire will be filled in an instant, and in this way, wars can be launched.

All in all, what Qin Ge did was to start a war.

The promotion of banknotes was born of Qin Ge's idea just now, and the appearance of the bank is indeed a reminder from "The Complete Book of Heaven" that the Great Qin Empire is in the creation stage, and it is okay to have something advanced.

It was precisely because of this that Qin Ge would do this, and even offended his son and general, and even ruled Li Neishi Zheng Guo.

From Qin Ge's point of view, the emergence of banks was originally following the trend. He just banned the banks and replaced them with banks!
(End of this chapter)

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