Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 113 A group of old foxes!

Chapter 113 A group of old foxes!
Although the advent of the bank was on Qin Ge's whim, it was something he had been thinking about for a long time.

However, because of Ying Zheng's actions today, this matter has been brought forward indefinitely.

Qin Ge made a change in the study today because he saw an opportunity to change one thing in this series of things.

At that moment, Qin Ge thought a lot.

Although he was aware of the difficulty and trouble of launching a bank at this time, especially since Daqin's financial system was not perfect, Qin Ge still decided to take the risk for the one in ten thousand possibility.

Because he knows that changing that matter is the foundation of maintaining Great Qin Wanshi.

Therefore, he was not afraid of offending his son, general, or Li Neishi, Zheng Guo. What Qin Ge wanted was for the Great Qin Empire to embark on a relatively regular path, instead of making mistakes again and again.

"The bank matter may be feasible, but this has never happened in the history of Daqin!"

After a while, Ying Zheng took the lead in letting out a sigh of relief, and said to Qin Ge, "You sort this matter out, then write a letter to me, and then make a decision after discussing it."

"As for the promotion of banknotes, we will also discuss with Shanggongfang and come up with a charter—!"

At this moment, Ying Zheng stopped the two things at once.

As the Great Qin Emperor, Ying Zheng has a wide range of knowledge. He almost immediately noticed the purpose of Qin Ge's move, so he interrupted it at the most critical moment.

He knew in his heart that no matter what Qin Ge's thoughts were, he couldn't open his head at the moment.

The Great Qin Empire unified the land of the Central Plains, and this moment is the critical moment of creation. Severe punishment and strict laws are the kingly way, which is the same as using heavy codes in troubled times.

Therefore, Ying Zheng's heart was obviously moved at this moment, but he had to suppress the joy in his heart, at least in his opinion, now was not the time to touch Qin Fa.


Nodding his head, Qin Ge fell silent.

Everyone is a smart person. It is obvious that Ying Zheng has sensed his intentions. At this moment, he stopped all of Qin Ge's ideas, and today's discussion can only be abandoned halfway.

Thoughts flickered in his mind, Ying Zheng changed the subject: "Qin Ge, the Department of Education has made repeated moves during this period of time. How is the promotion of Shutongwen going?"

Anyway, he was busy during this period of time, and he didn't know much about the affairs of the Education Department. Now that Qin Ge happened to be here, he could ask a few questions so that he knew what he knew.

Hearing this, Qin Ge smiled slightly.

Both Ying Zheng and Qin Ge belonged to foxes. At this moment, the two of them probably understood each other's thoughts. Qin Ge's eyes moved, and he said, "My father, the teaching of the same text in Xianyang is coming to an end. .”

"The rest is to go to the forty counties of the Great Qin Dynasty to spread Qin Yan and Xiaozhuan. It will take several years in this world. After all, it is extremely fast to spread among the government, but it can be said that it is difficult to spread among the people of the country. Make it harder."

"Besides, in today's world, all major forces are extremely repulsive to me, Great Qin. At this time, it is even more difficult to spread Qin Yan and Xiaozhuan!"

Qin Ge didn't hide what Yingzheng wanted to know, but told Yingzheng in every detail. Although Emperor Shihuang rejected him on the matter of establishing a bank and banknotes, but they were concerned about other matters. The tacit understanding is still there.

"Three years!"

Ying Zheng stretched out three fingers, paused every word at Qin Ge, and said, "Three years, this is your deadline, the Great Qin Empire doesn't have much time to waste, you have to keep this in mind!"

"Youdao is a heavy code used in troubled times. At critical moments, I can authorize you to have the right to kill first and then play. Especially when the Emperor Sword is in your hands, you don't need to worry too much!"

Murderous intent was rampant in Ying Zheng's eyes. Obviously, he would not let anyone who dared to block the future of the Great Qin Empire be spared, and even Ying Zheng did not hesitate to bear the name of a tyrant.

"My son understands!"

Nodding his head, Qin Ge smiled lightly at Ying Zheng, and said, "Don't worry, father, when the time comes to kill people, the servants will naturally kill them, I'm afraid that when the time comes, the heads will roll and father will bear the name of a tyrant. "

"For the sake of Great Qin, so what if I am a tyrant!"

At this moment, Yingzheng's expression was natural. Obviously, he didn't care about becoming a tyrant at all: "What's more, since the rise of the Great Qin Dynasty, the previous kings of all dynasties have never given up the title of king of tigers and wolves."

"There is a way to be proud of the old Qin, and go to the country's disaster together. I am the Emperor of the Great Qin, so why not—!"

"Father Emperor Shengming!"

At this moment, other than these four words, Qin Ge didn't know how to describe his mood. This is a great emperor, peerless.

At this moment, Qin Ge felt the strong personal charm of Ying Zheng.

"Zheng Guo and Jiang Lu are preparing to unify the currency first, but don't mint coins for the time being, everything will wait until the court makes a decision—!"


Nodding, Zheng Guo and Young Master Jiang Lu walked out of the Xianyang Palace study.

Walking out of the study, Jiang Lu frowned, and said, "Zhi Li Nei Shi, what is Father Emperor planning to do? Why did Qin Ge get involved?"

Glancing at the exasperated general, Zheng Guo didn't answer, but waited until the two of them walked out of Xianyang Palace, Zheng Guo said: "Qin Ge's purpose is not to unify the currency, so His Majesty will flatly refuse."

"Also, what Qin Ge said is a very good way. It would be much more convenient if the banknotes were rolled out—!"

Hearing this, Jiang Lu's eyes were deep, and he couldn't help looking at Zheng Guo, and said: "Zhi Li Nei Shi, you said that Qin Ge's purpose is not to unify the currency, so why did he propose to promote paper money, but to establish the so-called Bank, how do you explain this?"

"Young master, Qin Ge's so-called bank also existed in the Great Qin Empire. It was a bank, but the bank was obviously clearly divided by Qin Ge. Compared with the bank, the bank has clearer responsibilities and is more powerful."

"Especially in this way, the financial power of the world is in the hands of the empire. Although His Majesty refuses, he will definitely not let it go easily!"

"As for Qin Ge's purpose!"

Having said this, Zheng Guo paused for a moment, and said: "The old man has been in charge of Li Neishi for many years, and he has been in charge of the tenth economic department. He also has a certain understanding of things above the economy."

"Intuition tells me that it's not the best time to introduce banknotes and banks, but Qin Ge still did it!"

"With Qin Ge's current status, to put it bluntly, there is no one among you brothers other than the eldest son Fusu. There is no need for him to take risks."

"However, Qin Ge still left. This shows that Qin Ge doesn't care about unifying the currency at all, but for other things. The old man has not thought through this point. You need to figure it out yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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