Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 114 Daqin is only stable, let's relax one by one.

Chapter 114 Daqin Weiwei is stable, let's relax.

Zheng Guo naturally understood Qin Ge's intentions, but he didn't intend to tell his son, Jiang Lu.

First of all, he has a good relationship with Qin Ge, and his sense of Qin Ge is higher than that of the young master Jianglu. Secondly, Zheng Guo also feels that Qin's laws are strict and too strict.

He had Qin Ge's heart for a long time, but he didn't have Qin Ge's ability. He had been in a state of silence. At this moment, seeing that Qin Ge had no hesitation, he naturally wanted to protect it.

In his opinion, Qin Ge is the frank person. He only wants to make Daqin eternal. For such a person, he doesn't mind helping him within his ability.

After all, the first emperor is now in his prime, so there is no need for him to rush to stand in line, as long as he is on the side of Yingzheng, he will not lose.


Zheng Guo and the others left, but Qin Ge and Shi Huangdi remained in Xianyang Palace.

The father and son sat opposite each other, silent for a long time.

The two of them had their own thoughts, but they didn't know where to start. After all, this matter was very sensitive, and it could even be said that it could affect the whole body.

After cup after cup of herbal tea was drunk, Qin Ge remained silent. He didn't want to break the silence between the two of them. Obviously, Ying Zheng had already sensed his thoughts.

At the same time, he also sensed what Ying Zheng was thinking, so at this moment, Qin Ge had no choice but to remain silent.

He knew in his heart that at this time, the bank matter could only be postponed indefinitely, which made Qin Ge feel constrained.

"Qin Ge, I know a thing or two about your thoughts, but in Daqin today, all kinds of creations have just begun, and there is a saying that you can't become fat with one bite."

Putting down the teacup in his hand, Ying Zheng pondered for a moment, and said: "In the Great Qin Empire, all kinds of changes will be carried out. As long as it can make Great Qin stronger, I will support it."

"However, to do anything, you need to do it step by step. Once you go fast, the steps are too big, and it's easy to mess up!"

"The current Great Qin should only be stable. Only in this way can the Great Qin Empire undergo a complete change and the imperial court's consolidation plan can be realized."

"It will take a long time for the Great Qin court to digest these matters just now."


"The Qin law is not static, but according to my observation of the current situation, it is not yet time for reform. The Great Qin Empire has just been established, and the background is insufficient."

When Ying Zheng said this, a strange look flashed across his eyes, he looked directly at Qin Ge, and said, "Maybe I will never encounter the reform in my lifetime."

"It will be something for your next generation—!"

"When the people of the whole world are surrounded by severe punishments and laws, surrounded by powerful projects, labor is everywhere, and complaints are everywhere!"

"Whether it is you or Fusu who inherits the throne and becomes the second emperor of Great Qin, as long as the corvee is reduced and the laws of Qin are revised, they will definitely be recognized and supported by the whole world."

"Only in this way can we sit firmly on the Great Qin River..."

"I know your thoughts and want to build a prosperous Great Qin Dynasty, but I am not you. I need to ensure that the Great Qin Empire can be successfully handed over to the next emperor..."



At this moment, Qin Ge was shocked. He didn't expect Ying Zheng's thoughts to be so far-reaching. He would rather be infamous as a tyrant than to allow the Great Qin Empire to take over smoothly.

Thoughts flickered in his mind, Qin Ge shook his head. Although he was shocked by Ying Zheng's feelings for the Great Qin Empire, he did not agree with such thoughts.

"Royal father, if the Great Prosperity of the Great Qin Dynasty is completed in your hands and a peerless prosperous world is created, then the succession of the next emperor will be a breeze."

Now that the first emperor had already said this, at this moment, Qin Ge didn't bother to talk about him, and said straightforwardly: "As long as the people of the Great Qin return to their hearts, the survivors of the six countries are just a bunch of mobs."

"My Great Qin can even unify the six kingdoms, let alone a group of surviving people!"


Qin Ge's eyes were burning, and there was a trace of heat in the depths of his eyes. He said to Ying Zheng, "Father, why do you want to ruin your reputation so much?"

"As long as you advance step by step, you can achieve the prosperity of the Great Qin Dynasty, and then not only the Great Qin Empire can last forever, but the father can also become a unique emperor."

"Even if it is called an emperor through the ages, it is appropriate—!"

At this moment, Qin Ge's eyes were burning hot, as if he saw an idol, a god.


He let out a long breath, and Ying Zheng also became excited because of Qin Ge's words, but at this moment, with his strong reason, he forcibly suppressed this excitement.

He knew in his heart that Qin Ge's ideas were good, so he had always supported him with all his heart, and this support even surpassed anyone else's.

However, the same Ying Zheng had deduced Qin Ge's blueprint more than once.

It is precisely because he knows that Ying Zheng will be entangled at this moment. He knows better than anyone how big Qin Ge's blueprint is.

Similarly, he knows better than anyone how difficult it is to realize this blueprint. That's why Ying Zheng is not afraid of his reputation becoming bad, and even gave Qin Ge the right to inherit at any cost.

That blueprint is too attractive.

"Qin Ge, you have to eat every bite!"

Ying Zheng stood up and walked to Qin Ge's side, patted Qin Ge's shoulder, smiled, and said, "If you have established the Education Department, you will complete the plan to evangelize Daqin."

"The same thing about Shu Tongwen has been completed, maybe the things you want can be successful!"

"Remember, we must be cautious. The creation of the Great Qin Empire is a brand-new model, and there is no experience to learn from. Therefore, you, my father and son, you and my monarchs need to be cautious."

"Any steps can be slowed down, but there must be no mistakes..."

"My son understands!"

Ying Zheng said a lot, which seemed complicated, but it was actually very simple. Qin Ge was not a fool, so he naturally understood Ying Zheng's intentions.

At this point, he also temporarily gave up.

Because of this matter, without Ying Zheng's nod, there is no operability at all.


After leaving Xianyang Palace, Qin Ge kept himself in the study and thought about it all night.

After a night of hard thinking, Qin Ge also had to admit that to a certain extent, he was a little impatient because the wind was too smooth.

Now that the Great Qin Empire has just been established, or even less than a year old, proposing to reform the Qin Law is undoubtedly a major earthquake, not to mention that Ying Zheng does not support it, I am afraid that the entire Great Qin government and opposition will not support it.


After stretching his muscles and bones, Qin Ge walked out of the study room. After eating, he and Han Tan arrived at the Education Department.

Now that the Department of Education has opened, Qin Ge, as the sacrificial wine of the Department of Education, has to go to work, and it is no longer advisable to continue to hide in the mansion and control it.


(End of this chapter)

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