Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 115 On behalf of the sky patrolling the entire Great Qin Empire!

Chapter 115 On behalf of the sky patrolling the entire Great Qin Empire!

Walking into the Education Department, Qin Ge went straight into the hall.

At this time Xiao He and Zhang Cang had already arrived at the official office, officials at all levels were busy, they could be said to be in a hurry, coming in and out.

"This subordinate has seen the sacrificial wine!"

Waving his hand, Qin Ge said, "You guys are busy with your work, I'll just take a look..."

Qin Ge also felt a little embarrassed that the officials kept saluting to him. After all, if he had nothing to do all day, it would disturb other people's work efficiency.

Although among the Education Department, Qin Ge is the biggest.However, I still feel embarrassed.


"Sacrifice wine!"

Leaving Zhang Cang aside, Qin Ge smiled: "Zhang Cang, have you properly taught Qin Yan and Xiao Zhuan to all the officials in Xianyang City?"

"Introduction to Jijiu, due to the existence of Xiaozhuan pinyin, the speed of implementation is extremely fast, and now Qinyan has become the only language in the entire Xianyang officialdom."

"Similarly Xiaozhuan has replaced Dazhuan..."

Nodding his head, Qin Ge expressed his approval of Zhang Cang's achievements: "Good job, how is Xiao He?"

"Regarding Jijiu, Xiao He's training has continued for more than half, but according to our requirements, the number of people is still less than half."

"Han Tan, ask Xiao He to hand over the training to his deputy, and come over immediately." Turning his head to give orders to Han Tan, Qin Ge said to Zhang Cang, "Walk with me!"


Nodding in agreement, Han Tan left, and Zhang Cang followed Qin Ge to the Education Department.

"Jijiu, do you have something to order from your subordinates?" After walking a few steps, Zhang Cang asked Qin Ge in surprise.

Zhang Cang knew in his heart that if Qin Ge was fine, he wouldn't let him accompany him for a walk, but had a small banquet, or went to the Jiaofang Division.

"It's probably there!"

Nodding his head slightly, Qin Ge's smile deepened. Although there were only a few people in the Education Department, both Zhang Cang and Xiao He were top talents in the Great Qin Empire.

Xiao He, the talent of the prime minister.

And Zhang Cang was the president of the First Bank of the Great Qin Empire prepared by Qin Ge.

As thoughts turned in his mind, Qin Ge paused: "Zhang Cang, where do you think should be the priority for the implementation of Qin Yan and Xiao Zhuan in various states and counties?"

"Regarding Jijiu, now that the implementation of Xiaozhuan and Qinyan has just completed Xianyang City, my subordinates think that we should start with internal history first, and then radiate to Guanzhong."


Nodding his head, Qin Ge said, "Your idea is roughly the same as mine. If that's the case, you should lead a group of people, no more than two thousand, to promote Qin Yan and Xiaozhuan within the internal history."

"Remember, no matter where you are, you must start from above the officials, and you must ensure that the first to learn Xiaozhuan and Qin Yan is the Daqin official."



"Jijiu, are you looking for me?"

At this time, Xiao He also rushed over. Seeing Qin Ge and Zhang Cang talking, he hurried over and said.


With a chuckle, Qin Ge said, "I just confirmed something with Zhang Cang, and Zhang Cang will implement Xiaozhuan and Qin Yan in the internal history."

"Leave the training of talents to your deputy. You will lead 2000 people and go north to Beidi County to promote Xiaozhuan and Qinyan."

"Start from the government and gradually implement..."

Speaking of this, Qin Ge glanced at Zhang Cang and Xiao He, paused every word, and said: "I will leave the places in the middle of the pass to you. As for the places outside the pass, I will go by myself."

"Wait until you have completed the promotion of all parts of Guanzhong, wait for me to open the situation, and then wait for my order. Once the order comes, immediately leave the customs and join me."

"Jijiu, now that you have shown your sharpness, you can be said to be radiant. The land outside the customs is too dangerous, so let's go!" Xiao He said to Qin Ge with bright eyes.

Xiao He was very grateful to Qin Ge. He knew in his heart that if it wasn't for Qin Ge's order, he would still be a small official in Pei County right now, with no future in sight.

He knew in his heart that Qin Ge's special status was almost equivalent to being the son of the Great Qin, which would inevitably lead to a crazy counterattack from the survivors of the six countries and the old family.

These days, Xiao He also had a general understanding of Qin Ge's grand plan for the Great Qin Empire. At this time, he was willing to take Qin Ge's risk.

At this time, just as Qin Ge was about to speak, Zhang Cang also nodded and said, "If you go outside the pass for sacrificial wine, you will definitely be counterattacked by ambitious people."

"If something happens to Jijiu, the great cause Jijiu envisioned will be wiped out from now on!"


With a chuckle, Qin Ge shook his head: "Don't worry, you two, I have guards by my side, they are Qi Mo's people. There are also great Qin Tieying warriors, safety is not a problem."

"In this way, we can only celebrate the victory of the sacrificial wine flag, and return home with brilliance!" Xiao He, Zhang Cang and Qin Ge have worked together for a while, so they are naturally clear about Qin Ge's character, and they typically say what they say.


Nodding slightly, Qin Ge smiled leisurely: "This is also the first time that the Education Department has appeared in the whole of Daqin. Not only do I want to return with glory, but the two of you must not lose."

"Promoting Xiaozhuan and Qinyan can be regarded as rectifying the name of the Education Department!"

"Please don't worry about offering wine, we will definitely complete the work of promoting Xiaozhuan and Qin Yan this time." Hearing what Qin Ge said, Zhang Cang and Xiao He looked at each other and said.

"Go down and get ready. Among the Education Department, don't stop training low-level scholars on Qin Yan and Xiaozhuan. I'm of great use to these people."


After finishing speaking, Qin Ge left.

He knew in his heart that Xiao He would definitely send the 3000 people he needed to bring to his house, and these people must be the most outstanding ones trained in the entire Education Department.

"Young master, shall we go to the residence?"

Seeing Qin Ge walking out of the Education Department, Han Tan hurriedly stepped forward and said.

Hearing this, Qin Ge paused, and ordered, "Don't go to the mansion first, go to Tianxing Capital!"



Since Tianxing Capital and the Education Department were far away, a group of people went there by car, and the car rumbled, speeding past on the avenue.

"Xiangfujian, get ready. The next stop is Yingchuan County. You can contact Tie Ying to find out the current situation in Yingchuan County."

On the car, Qin Ge thought a lot. He knew in his heart that if he stepped out of the customs, he would lose the protection of the first emperor.

He not only wants to fight with the officials of the Great Qin Dynasty, but also needs to fight with the aristocratic families, various schools of thought and even various classes in various places. There are many dangers, even the danger of life and death.


Nodding in agreement, Xiangfujian made a note. Although he is only a subordinate, as Qi Mo's young master, he naturally knows the current situation in Shandong.

Naturally, it was clear what Qin Ge would face if he stepped out of Xianyang City.

But as a subordinate, he will not try to persuade Qin Ge, he only needs to finish what Qin Ge ordered, and then check for omissions and make up for vacancies to protect Qin Ge's safety.

As for other things, that's not what he should consider!

(End of this chapter)

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