Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 119 takes Qin Ge as the emperor's envoy to patrol the rivers and mountains outside the

Chapter 119 takes Qin Ge as the emperor's envoy to patrol the rivers and mountains outside the pass on my behalf.

Shi Huangdi was a wise man.

He put all the problems on the table. Qin Ge is not a fool. Sometimes he pushes all the time, but it shows his ambition even more.

At this moment, Ying Zheng was not afraid. He asked Qin Ge to intervene in the fight for the crown prince because of the need of the situation and because he was not confident about his body.

As a unparalleled emperor, he naturally managed to seek eternal life. He knew in his heart that the current Daqin needed a strong prince and a strong emperor.

If the Great Qin II dies, the line of the Ying surname will surely disappear from now on, and if Qin Ge comes to power, at least the line of the surname Ying will surely die with the country.

It can be said that the seemingly simple deployment, the unimaginable operation, and the planning behind it, ordinary people can't understand at all.

Yingzheng had a certain understanding of his body in his heart, and he knew in his heart that the reason why King Zhaoxiang lived a long life had something to do with his leisure and lack of hard work.

After all, there were Wei Ran and Empress Dowager Mi in the early stage, and Wu Anjun, the unrivaled war god, was in charge, but he was different. The majestic empire rested on his shoulders alone.


Seeing that Qin Ge didn't want to talk about it, Ying Zheng also smiled slightly, and said: "As for the promotion of Guanzhong Xiaozhuan and Qin Yan, I will issue an order to give Xiao He and Zhang Cang the right to act cheaply!"

"As for you going east, you hold my emperor's sword, and I will issue an edict: You will be the emperor's envoy, and go to places outside the customs to promote Xiaozhuan and Qinyan."

"The places in Shandong are in great chaos. The survivors of the six kingdoms are hiding in secret, and hundreds of schools may hinder you. This time, you will go to the places in Shandong to patrol and hunt on my behalf."

"Under the county guard, I will give you the privilege of killing first and playing later, and strive to implement Qin Yan and Xiaozhuan as soon as possible..."



Walking out of Xianyang Palace, Qin Ge looked at the sun above his head, a gleam flashed in his eyes, and he became interested in the land outside the pass.

He knew in his heart that countless heroes and talents were dormant in the counties and counties outside the pass at this moment. The last time they went east, it was the great Qin elite who went east, sweeping the six countries and annexing Qin.

This time, Qin Ge's eastward departure will represent the great Qin culture, and it will also allow the world's culture to merge with Qin.

"Han Tan, go home!"




The cars rumbled along, and the scenery on the street kept passing by. At the very beginning, Qin Ge liked to watch the people of the country in Xianyang City, and he also liked to watch the traffic.

It's just that there are too many roads to walk now, and there are not many changes every day, and the surprise in my heart has long since passed.


Back in the mansion, looking at the lifeless home, Qin Ge sighed. Ever since Mei Luo and the others left, the place has become a little less angry.

As a result, Qin Ge seldom came here. He had to admit that a place with women was his home.

When Qin Ge came to this world, he didn't see any of his clansmen, only the first emperor. Although the first emperor gave him fatherly love, he was destined not to be able to give him the family he wanted.

In this mansion, his wife in name lived, but there was no affection between the two of them, and he had no sense of belonging here.

At this moment, he wanted to get married.


"My lord, Xiangfu Sword and everyone are ready, should we leave now or tomorrow?" After a while, Han Tan walked over.

"Han Tan prepares a banquet, and calls Tie Ying and others. Today we will get drunk, and tomorrow we will go to Shandong to gain fame!"


Nodding his head, Han Tan turned and left.

Looking at the back of Han Tan leaving, Qin Ge looked solemn. He knew in his heart that the place outside the pass was different from the middle of the pass, because Daqin praised Han Feizi.

Confucianism uses literature to disrupt the law, and chivalry uses martial arts to ban crimes as the highest law. The land of Guanzhong, the rivers and lakes on the homeland of the Great Qin Dynasty, have already withered.

But the land outside the pass is different!
It used to be the land of the six kingdoms of Shandong, and the imperial court had insufficient control over it. Naturally, the forces of the rivers and lakes still existed, and even stirred up the situation.

He knew in his heart that in the Great Qin Empire, this trip was full of dangers, fighting in the rivers and lakes. This time, he would most likely face other major forces.

Let Tie Yingruishi, Xiangfu Jian and others go all out and have a big meal, which can be regarded as doing their best.


That night.

There were people everywhere, and everyone was seated in the entire mansion, whether it was Xiangfu Jian and others or the soldiers of Tie Ying Rui Shi, they were all among them.

Qin Ge glanced at the crowd, then stood up, held up the wine cup, and said: "Everyone, tomorrow the Japanese son will go on behalf of the emperor, holding the emperor's sword, and patrolling outside the pass."

"The situation outside the pass is complicated, and there are various forces. It is far less safe than in the middle of the pass. Today, Mr. Ben is hosting a banquet to express his thanks for your protection."

"Secondly, as long as you don't want to go east, you can stand up, and I won't blame you!"

Speaking of this, Qin Ge's eyes were bright, and he said loudly: "If you don't give up, you are willing to follow me to the east. If there are casualties, my parents, wives and children will be borne by me."

"Parents are old enough to rely on, and those whose wives are willing to remarry are not counted. The children will enter the Daqin Schools until they are crowned."

"Today's cup of wine, I respect you all!"

After finishing speaking, Qin Ge drank it down in one gulp.

"Young Master Gao Yi, let's go east. With me waiting, you will be safe and sound!" At this moment, a mighty sound came to mind in the courtyard. Their momentum was like a rainbow, and their voices were full of clanking sounds.

"Tonight we won't go home drunk!"

"Don't get drunk, don't go home!"


At the end of the drink, Qin Ge turned to Xiangfujian: "Tomorrow, the guards will go out of customs, and the guards will be done by Tie Yingruishi!"


After one night, there was a strong morning breeze.

In the end, Qin Ge left Xianyang with Tie Ying and others, while Xiangfu Jian left ahead of time, and secretly arranged in Sanchuan County, waiting for Qin Ge's arrival.


The car is rumbling, the momentum is like a rainbow.

The moment Qin Ge left, news spread to Xianyang Palace.

"Your Majesty, Young Master Song has left Xianyang..."

He raised his head and glanced at Zhao Gao, Ying Zheng's eyes were dark: "Leaving Xianyang, the purpose of going here is Sanchuan County, by the way, have you checked Zhao Gao's forces clearly?"


Zhao Gao's expression changed, and he turned to Ying Zheng and said, "However, Your Majesty, according to Luo Wang's secret investigation, this force comes from the north of the city..."

"And there are more women in this force, and the training is not tough, it is not enough to be compared with the net!"

"Are you from Qin Ge?"

It is impossible to hide any turmoil in Xianyang City from Yingzheng. Of course, he has been aware of the emergence of this force for a long time.

"Luowang was cultivated by me with great effort. It has been established for a long time and has continuous resources. This force has just begun, so it is naturally not as good as Luowang."

"Don't underestimate this force. If it belongs to Qin Ge, it might not be that simple..."


(End of this chapter)

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