Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 120 Xingyang!

Chapter 120 Xingyang!

Ying Zheng is not Zhao Gao. He stands tall, so he can see farther. He knows in his heart that if he doesn't suppress this force, it will explode in a short period of time, and even become one of the best dark forces in the world.

After all, Qin Ge was different from others.

Qin Ge accepted some of Qi Mo's people, and Qi Mo was originally the base camp of rangers, so he was no stranger to doing such a thing.

What's more, the master of winning holds Tianxing's capital and has plenty of money. When a large amount of money comes to clear the way, he is naturally invincible.

With a thought in his mind, Ying Zheng turned to Zhao Gao and asked, "Apart from this force, are there other dark forces appearing, especially Fusu and others?"

Hearing this, Zhao Gao glanced at Ying Zheng in surprise.After hesitating for a while, he said: "Your Majesty, so far no dark power has been discovered in the hands of the young masters. Your Majesty, are you here?"

"Forget it, that's it!"

Seeing that Ying Zheng gave up, Zhao Gao breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that people like Cha Fusu and Qin Ge were in too much trouble.

Although Da Qin didn't set up a crown prince, he had followed the first emperor for so long, and he could probably guess one or two that the position of crown prince was probably between Fusu and Qin Ge.

If these people are investigated, the accounts will inevitably be settled in the future. Once the first emperor dies, it will be the time of liquidation.

And he relied on the emperor to exist and gain authority.

"Warning, don't let them go too far!"


For Ying Zheng, he didn't care about the development of dark forces.Even though Qin Ge is sitting on Tianxing Capital, almost has a steady stream of financial support, but he knows that Qin Ge knows it well.

Moreover, as a businessman, it is extremely normal to have a dark force in his hands. After all, the essence of business is whether the news is fast or not.

Watching Zhao Gao leave, Ying Zheng smiled. He knew in his heart that this force was said to be secret, but in essence it was a force on the surface. He believed that Qin Ge would not be so stupid.

The dark force Qin Ge set up was not something Luo Wang could detect within a day.

"Zhao Gao, send an edict to the world, use Qin Ge as the emperor's envoy, and patrol thousands of miles of rivers and mountains outside the pass on my behalf. Under the county guard, he has the right to kill first and then play." Turning his thoughts, Ying Zheng turned to Zhao Gao and said.



Sanchuan County.

Sanchuan County is the county-level administrative region of Daqin.It was first set up by King Xuan of Han in the Warring States Period, and it was named after the river, Luo, and Yi Sanchuan in the territory.

In the first year of King Zhuangxiang of Qin Dynasty, it was restored, and the county government was in Luoyang.

"Historical Records Qinshihuang Benji" contains: "...At the age of 13, King Zhuang Xiang died, and the government was established as the King of Qin. At that time, the land of Qin had merged with Ba, Shu, and Hanzhong, and Yuewan had Ying, which was set up in Nanjun; To the east of Shangjun in the north, there are Hedong, Taiyuan, and Shangdang counties; as far as Xingyang in the east, after two weeks, Sanchuan county was established."

And Qin Ge's biggest influence on Sanchuan County is Luoyang and Xingyang, especially the latter's important geographical location, which is known as an important place for cover and control, Honggou, Guangwu, Aocang, and Suoshui are all in it.

This is the gateway to the east of the Great Qin Dynasty, and it is also the foundation of the land outside the Great Qin Economic Strategy. This time, Qin Ge's first stop is Sanchuan County.

Part of Sanchuan County used to be the land of Er Zhou, and part of it belonged to San Jin. Because of this, the people here are complicated, which can be said to be rare in the whole country.

The biggest reason why Sanchuan County is important to Daqin is that as long as it sits in Sanchuan County, it can guarantee that the foundation of Guanzhong will not be lost.

This is also the biggest reason why all the governors of Sanchuan County were the confidants of King Qin at that time. As long as Sanchuan County is in hand, Daqin will be invincible.

Advance to attack, retreat to defend!


After thinking up to this point, Qin Ge couldn't help but said, "Tie Ying, who is the governor of Sanchuan County?"

Hearing this, Tie Ying chuckled: "The sheriff of Sanchuan County has a deep relationship with the young master. He is Li You, who served as the commander of the guards for a period of time, and is also the son of Tingwei."

"Li You?"

Qin Ge was naturally aware of Li You's name. After all, Prime Minister Da Qin's son was a general, which naturally aroused people's curiosity.

What is really curious is that, as the eldest son of Prime Minister Li Si, Prince Consort of the Qin Dynasty, Li You was appointed as the governor of Sanchuan County and stationed in Luoyang.

In the last years of Qin II, the world was in great chaos and anti-Qin rebels continued all over the country. Wu Guang led the rebels and won many battles. He was going to conquer Sanchuan County and go straight to Xianyang.

However, when the rebel army attacked Xingyang, they encountered stubborn resistance from the Qin army under Li You.

Later, when the Xiang family rose, Liu Xiang's army moved to Yongqiu to fight against the Qin army under Li You. The Chu army won a big victory, and Cao Shen beheaded Li You.

Compared to Li Si, Li You was more respected, and Li You had served as the commander of his guards, Qin Ge naturally knew the talent of this young man.

If conditions permit, Li You may not be able to become a world-renowned marshal like Wang Jian, but becoming an excellent general is naturally not a problem.

"Then go to Luoyang!"

Hearing this, Tie Ying shook his head: "Master, if you want to find Li You, I'm afraid he's going to Xingyang. Li You will live in Xingyang as long as he becomes the governor of the county."

"Good eyesight!"

Nodding his head, Qin Ge said, "Go straight to Xingyang!"




During the Warring States Period, South Korea built a city on the north bank of the Yingshui River, named Xingyang, and it got its name from then on.

Since then, this name has been active in the history of China, never disappearing, and never dimming.

Xingyang is located at the boundary of the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River, facing Luoyang in the west, Songshan Mountain in the south, and Jiuqu Yellow River in the north.

This place has been a battleground for military strategists since ancient times. In history, Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, and Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu, had repeatedly confronted each other here.

"My lord, is this Xingyang very special?" Tie Ying's eyes flickered, and he couldn't help but asked Qin Ge.

Following Qin Ge for so long, this was the first time he saw Qin Ge praise someone so much because of a decision, and when he thought about it, he knew that the problem might be Xingyang.

"Tie Ying, you have been with me for a long time, and I advise you to read more when you have time, so that you can go further."

After saying a word, Qin Ge said in a quiet tone: "In the 17th year of the first emperor, after our army destroyed Korea, in order to strengthen the control of the Central Plains, we built a storehouse at the foot of Guangwu Mountain in Xingyang, stored a large amount of grain and stationed heavy troops, which made Xingyang leap forward. Become a famous military center."

"Xingyang is also a water transportation hub, with waterways extending in all directions, and it is also a storage center. Dayu once divided the big river in Xingze into a gutter, leading to the southeast."

"King Hui of Wei opened the gap, opened Xingkou in the north of Xingyang, and diverted the water from the big river to Daliang through the garden field. Since then, Daliang has become extremely prosperous and once became the center of civilization in the Central Plains."

"Father also ordered that the gap be dredged to connect the Huai River and Surabaya River, and to transport the grain from the north and the north of the Huaihe River to the Ao Cang in Xingyang."


(End of this chapter)

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